earn more money as a solopreneur

Do These 3 Things to Earn More Money (What Makes For A Successful Solopreneur series: part 5)

Wondering what makes for a successful solopreneur? In this series, we’ll go over successful solopreneurship! Today’s feature is all about solopreneur business planning in 2022…

This series dispels common misconceptions about solopreneurship—because it can be HARD to go it alone when you’re a solopreneur! If you have any questions or requests for future articles in this What Makes For A Successful Solopreneur series, just email hello@saganmorrow.com

Check out other articles in this series: 

Before we go any further, one more thing: successful solopreneurship begins with identifying your solopreneur archetype 😉 Find out yours in the FREE Solopreneur Archetype training (you’ll be able to easily identify which of the 3 solopreneur archetypes YOU are, plus what to do to overcome your particular hurdles, in this quick 29-minute training)

When I ask solopreneurs what they most want from their business, they inevitably say, "I want to earn more money." earn more money as a solopreneur

Is that you, too?

→ "Earn more money" generally means you need to a) get more clients, or b) increase your rates.

So the question then becomes… Why aren’t you doing either of those things?

The answer: Because even when you KNOW what to do… that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to actually DO it.

Here’s why you might be struggling to earn more money right now...

  • You don’t know how to promote yourself and market your services
  • You don’t have the time—or the bandwidth—to pitch yourself to more clients
  • You’re worried clients won’t hire you if you increase your rates
  • You’re too overwhelmed or burned out to figure out how to earn more money
  • You don’t want to spread yourself too thin by getting more clients
  • You don’t think you’re ready to increase your rates
  • You’re hearing crickets any time you try to market your services

Am I right? One of these might be standing out as your biggest issue… or maybe you’re struggling with all of them!

In order to earn more money, you FIRST need to:

  1. Create a strategic action plan, based in clarity around your business & marketing & skillset upgrades, that helps you get more clients and/or increase rates
  2. Improve your productivity & organization skills, so you have both the time & energy to actively pitch your services in a way that feels GOOD to you (and doesn’t drain you!)... and in a way that makes it EASY for your clients to say YES.
  3. Gain the courage & confidence to put all of this into action.

Once you do those three things, then you’ll be in an ideal position to earn more money.

And I want to help you with all of this! Solopreneur CEO helps you stay more accountable and on track with your goals… while setting up incredible foundations for your business.

"I really appreciated the insight and focus I got from working one-on-one with Sagan… I’m saving all of her recommendations! My business ideas and plans finally feel simplified now."

- Jessica

Solopreneur CEO features 6 months of transformative one-on-one coaching, consulting, and mentorship—it kicks off in January, and the entire program is fluff-free, results-oriented, and built with YOUR success in mind.

It’s valued at more than $17,700—but yours today for a fraction of the price.

Now, I don’t want you to go into debt for this program, and I certainly don’t want you to buy it if it doesn’t resonate with you.

...Here’s what I DO want for you: I want you to invest in Solopreneur CEO if it feels right for you.

"[Before working with Sagan] I literally had no idea where to start with planning my business—my ideas were just spinning in my head. Now, only 2 days after getting Sagan’s help, I'm getting organized and I've already implemented several of her recommendations!

I love the information I've received. Sagan’s programs far exceeded my expectations.”

- Audrey

Look: This IS an investment. This is a commitment. I want you and your business to succeed, to transform into the best you can be…

Solopreneur CEO is how we do it. Together.

Psst... Space is LIMITED.

I want to make sure everyone gets all the attention they want and need throughout our time together, so that's why I’m only opening up Solopreneur CEO for a handful of spots.

“Sagan enabled me to set concrete income and time goals to begin my freelance career, rather than spend more weeks researching, reading and feeling inspired but unable to take action.

She walks us through schedules and helps us make daily plans so that we feel prepared, organized and ready to go—no panic needed! Thanks to Sagan's coaching, I'm ready to do as well as to dream!"

- Lauren