Lifestyle Editing: Books I read in June 2011

Books that I both began and finished reading in June 2011:

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. I started this book a couple months ago, but finally finished it – and a truly fantastic book it was. I loved it. There were tears in my eyes at the end when she describes holding the turkey hen’s egg in her hand and it’s starting to hatch. Kingsolver makes me want to be a better person. I’m so excited to go to the farmer market this week 🙂

Nonprofit Kit for Dummies. I’m a big fan of the “for Dummies” books, and this one is right up there with the others I’ve read. I was really impressed with the vast amount of easy-to-understand, important information that was provided. Granted, it was for American nonprofits, but I still got a lot of valuable information from it. It also led me to know what types of questions to ask and what I should be preparing for/actively doing with The Food Label Movement to attain nonprofit status and how to really make it go places.

nonprofit book

Unsinkable by Sonia Ricotti. Ehhhh. I got this book as a product review and I’m not really into the self-esteem books when they’re not related to food issues 😉 But I have to say that Ricotti does a decent job of this book – I read the entire thing, and normally I stop reading after the first couple chapters of these kinds of books. Sometimes I might skim the rest, but that’s about it. She actually had my interest peaked right until the end. The entire book is a string of stories, which keeps things interesting, so even though the book wasn’t really applicable to me, I think it would be really useful for anyone who’s going through a tough time in their life and need the inspiration to keep on going.

Books that I started reading in June (or a couple months ago) and have yet to finish:

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Marathon Training by David A. Levine and Paula Petrella. This book makes me want to run a marathon. Seriously. And I’m no runner! I’ve taken up a little bit of running because the boyfriend loves it and we’d like to be able to take part in the same activities. I still have a long way to go in terms of endurance, speed and enjoyment, but I find that as long as I run semi-regularly, at a slower pace and not for too long, I really do enjoy running and I start to (little bit by little bit) improve. Reading this book is helping a lot with keeping me motivated, and it has great advice for proper running technique and such. I’m looking forward to, at some point in the (probably distant?) future, running a marathon myself.

How to Start a Home-based Business by Bert Holtje and Susan Shelly. I like this book. Practical info for anyone starting up their own business! It has lots of things to think about and also advises who you need to talk to in order to being your own business.


  1. I’ll have to borrow the marathon book from you when I get will get me motivated!!

    1. For sure! It’s a great book. And it also talks about all the things you should do when you’re running like interval types of things and stretching and all that. I think you’d really enjoy it.

      Oh, and I just got a book called Chi Running (based on Tai Chi) to review… haven’t taken a look at it yet but I bet you’d like it too! I’ll set them both aside for you to take a look at in September.

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