Showing 82 Result(s)

Lifestyle Editing: The Educational System

In university, we tend to gravitate towards others within our department of study. It’s only natural that we identify with others who share our passions for the subject matter that we engage in daily, so it can be a nice shift of perspective when we spend more time with people from other departments. My major …

Analyzing Everyday Rhetoric: The True Costs of a Restaurant Menu

A recent Globe and Mail article demonstrated how the set-up of a restaurant menu can make a big difference in what the consumer chooses to order. This has consequences on our health, our pocketbook, and the success of the restaurant. Food descriptions and placement on the menu can greatly benefit a restaurant’s reputation, or it …

The Practical Guide: Beginning a piece of fiction

When it comes to Creative Writing, the opening can be what makes or breaks the story. While the opening scene should intrigue the reader and invite them to read more, the first paragraph and even the first sentence should be carefully thought out so as to be the most appealing for the audience. It is …

In the Media: Book Review of “Folk & Fairy Tales”

One of my classes this term is Revolutions in Communication. Essentially it is a course about the history of communication, beginning with oral societies. Oral societies relied on stories to convey lessons, and an important part of these societies were the telling of fairy tales. The book that we are reading is Folk and Fairy …

Forms of Rhetoric: Calendars

You can find calendars everywhere. The iGoogle Homepage, student agendas, the bank, cellphones, and most homes all contain calendars. Many companies give out free calendars to promote their businesses and organizations: I’ve collected these from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, World Vision, and VitaHealth among others. But just because there are a lot …

Analyzing Everyday Rhetoric: Kenneth Burke Quote

“Symbolic action is the dancing of an attitude.” This is possibly my most favorite Kenneth Burke quote. “Symbolic action” includes but is not limited to gesture, images, demonstrations, music, slogans, and tone of voice. Rhetoric isn’t necessarily “twaddle”; it can also be (and most often is) a form of connection and a way to identify …

Lifestyle Editing: Appreciating Art

Last weekend I visited the Winnipeg Art Gallery with the mother dear and Mr Science. It had been years since I last looked at the art there, so it was a lovely experience to wander the big rooms and appreciate the photographs, sculptures, paintings, and other forms of art that graced the walls. Because it …