Analyzing everyday rhetoric: disposition of a raw foodist

Something that I like to do, when I feel my motivation to eat healthy and lose weight waning, is to skip on over to YouTube and look up videos created by raw foodists. For some reason, raw foodists are one of the most cheerful, motivational, inspiring groups of people out there. I always feel better (and rejuvenated to continue on with my weight loss goals) after watching a few videos of raw foodists speaking energetically and animatedly about how to keep yourself on track and how great life is.

fresh fruit

There’s no doubt about it: as a general rule, raw foodists have high amounts of energy and are often very happy with their lot in life.

The question is, do people with a specific personality and set of characteristics (such as over-exuberance and excitement for life) gravitate towards raw food diets, or is it the food itself that leads to these changes in a person, or is it the corresponding lifestyle of most raw foodists (such as meditation, yoga, and a strong support group) that often accompanies the diet? In essence… which comes first?

fresh fruitWe can ask this of any group of peoples. And it’s highly unlikely that we’ll ever get to the bottom of it. Perhaps it is a combination of all three options, or something else entirely. It’s something to think about, anyways!