In the Media: Political Perspectives

George Lakoff is an interesting character. As an expert in cognitive linguistics with strong political views, his work makes for a fascinating read. I’ve been reading his book Don’t think of an elephant! Know your values and frame the debate: the essential guide for progressives and he certainly makes his readers re-think the rhetorical strategies of politicians.

george lakoff

One paragraph towards the end of the book especially jumped out at me:

Conservatives who are “pro-life” are mostly, as we have seen, against prenatal care, postnatal care, and health care for children, all of which have major causal effects on the life of a child. Thus they are not really pro-life in any broad sense.

I had never quite thought of it in that way before. I like reading authors who give a new perspective on a concept. Lakoff is a controversial fellow, but he is unafraid to express his beliefs and to explain the logic behind his values, even as he analyzes in detail the beliefs and values of his opposition.