Day in the Life of a Freelancer: January 2015 Edition

This is a pretty typical look at my day these days… if I don’t have a networking event to attend, I usually have a class to transcribe or a meeting with a client. Most of my days lately are somewhere in the range of seven to nine hours of work (after taking all of the breaks out) per day, six or seven days each week.

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Here’s what my day looked like on Thursday, January 22, 2015:

6:45am Wake up, brush teeth, dry-brush skin etc. (this was Day 1 of my 30-day challenge of not hitting the snooze button! A success.)

7am Do a gentle hatha yoga (from with Mr Science.

7:30am Make a green smoothie and do a photo shoot with it (breakfasting and photo shooting simultaneously :)).

green smoothie
Morning deliciousness.

8am Drink some smoothie and have a couple cups of tea while going through emails, checking / updating social media, and planning the day.

8:30am Finalize a social media strategy for a client.

9:15am Watch the #wycwyc podcast while taking paper bag strips out of my hair (paper bag curls can take a lot of time to put in and take out, so I always make sure I have something else to do while I’m doing it!) and washing the dishes.

9:45am Grab a snack and read part of  a book.

10am Do some volunteer work (blogging).

10:30am Work on the Elite Blog Academy for my own blogs (having such fun with this course! It’s a fantastic professional development tool).

11:40am Social media updates.

12pm Practice French using the Rosetta Stone.

12:45pm Straighten up around the house.

1pm Do some outreach work and blog management for a client.

1:30pm Break to chat with Mr Science and have lunch together (he generally works at the university in the morning and at home in the afternoon).

2pm Fashion blog photo shoot! This is one of my favorite parts about being a professional blogger.

curly hair
One of the photos we captured during the photo shoot.

3:15pm Write a blog post. Since I had a lot of big photos to upload, this blog post took a while, so I did some social media work while waiting for the pictures to upload. Multitasking!

4:15pm Check and respond to emails, do a little bit of puttering around the house, and read a book chapter.

5:30pm Attend a networking event for creatives.

8:30pm Return home and chat with Mr Science.

9pm Bed time! I read for a bit and fell asleep around 10:30pm.

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What did your day look like? What’s the highlight of your day? Do you do a lot of multitasking? Share in the comments section below!