Which form of social media is right for you?

Facebook: Best used for connecting with friends and seeing everday photos and status updates. Can get annoying really fast when people don’t know how to use social media properly (which is about 90% of Facebook users). A good intro to social media.

Twitter: Best used for connecting with partner organizations and people or groups you’d like to become more familiar with. It’s okay to connect with total strangers on Twitter, whereas it’s still pretty awkward to do that on Facebook.

LinkedIn: Best used for professional networking. A great opportunity to put yourself out there and let yourself be known to potential future employers.

Blogging: Best used for getting your message out there effectively and writing lengthy, detailed articles on topics of your choice.

Pinterest: Best used for collecting images of things you love. Pro tip: use a platform like BoardBooster* to make your Pinning life SO much easier!

Tumblr: Best used as a combination of blogging and Pinterest – writing on topics important to you with corresponding photos.

There are many, many other forms of social media, but these are some of the main ones to use. Have fun with social media and try all of them! You might wish to remain only with one or two, or maybe you’ll choose to have a profile for each to take advantage of the benefits of each.

Caution when using any form of social media: this information is available to everyone on the Internet. Your family, boss, and potential employers or clients will all be able to find this information on you (and looking you up on Google is one of the FIRST things someone will do when thinking about hiring you! Social media will likely be there right at the top). Be mindful of this and be professional.

*Referral link: I will receive a small credit at no cost to you if you make a purchase through this link.

1 Comment

  1. […] Social media is fantastic. I use social media nearly every day, whether it's blogging, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. But there's also a downside to social media: sentence structure, spelling, and grammar fly out the window. […]

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