In the Media: Book Review of “Folk & Fairy Tales”

One of my classes this term is Revolutions in Communication. Essentially it is a course about the history of communication, beginning with oral societies. Oral societies relied on stories to convey lessons, and an important part of these societies were the telling of fairy tales. The book that we are reading is Folk and Fairy …

Forms of Rhetoric: Calendars

You can find calendars everywhere. The iGoogle Homepage, student agendas, the bank, cellphones, and most homes all contain calendars. Many companies give out free calendars to promote their businesses and organizations: I’ve collected these from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, World Vision, and VitaHealth among others. But just because there are a lot …

Analyzing Everyday Rhetoric: Kenneth Burke Quote

“Symbolic action is the dancing of an attitude.” This is possibly my most favorite Kenneth Burke quote. “Symbolic action” includes but is not limited to gesture, images, demonstrations, music, slogans, and tone of voice. Rhetoric isn’t necessarily “twaddle”; it can also be (and most often is) a form of connection and a way to identify …

Lifestyle Editing: Appreciating Art

Last weekend I visited the Winnipeg Art Gallery with the mother dear and Mr Science. It had been years since I last looked at the art there, so it was a lovely experience to wander the big rooms and appreciate the photographs, sculptures, paintings, and other forms of art that graced the walls. Because it …

Lifestyle Editing: New Year’s Resolutions

As we enter into the New Year, people all over the globe are making New Year’s Resolutions. “Resolution” implies a certain degree of resolve (naturally). This in turn implies that a firm decision has been made. What it does not necessarily imply is that these resolutions are actually kept. Not keeping resolutions seems to be …

Forms of Rhetoric: Journaling (Part Five)

Check out the rest of this mini-series if you’ve missed the previous sessions! Part One: Introduction to Journaling Part Two: Nature Writing Part Three: Travel Writing Part Four: The Dream Diary Blogging Blogging has really taken off in the past five years or so. Most people write (or have written) their own blog, know someone …

Forms of Rhetoric: Journaling (Part Four)

Check out the rest of this mini-series if you’ve missed the previous sessions! Part One: Introduction to Journaling Part Two: Nature Writing Part Three: Travel Writing The Dream Journal Dream diaries tend to be a very personal form of journaling. They are a record of the unconscious mind; the idea here is that, upon waking …

Forms of Rhetoric: Journaling (Part Three)

Check out the rest of this mini-series if you missed them last week! Part One: Introduction to Journaling Part Two: Nature Writing Travel Writing Just as Nature Writing implies going out into nature before writing about it, Travel Writing involves embarking on some kind of adventure. It is not necessary to go far, either: this …

Forms of Rhetoric: Journaling (Part Two)

Check out Part One: Introduction to Journaling if you missed it on Tuesday! Nature Writing This form of journaling often involves going out into nature, rather than sitting in the comfort of our homes. Although experiencing nature is essential to nature writing, it is not necessary to do all of your writing outside: even taking …

Forms of Rhetoric: Journaling (Part One)

Introduction to Journaling I very much enjoyed our last mini-series on Giving a Presentation, so I decided that we’d do another one: this time we’re focusing on Journaling. Journaling as a way of writing is excellent for documenting the world around us, to remind ourselves of significant events, and to share our thoughts with other …

Lifestyle Editing: The Photograph

I love taking pictures. Photographs are a wonderful way to capture a moment. We can frame them to suit how we want to remember the occasion, and how we want others to view the subject as well. But photographs can also detract from being “in the moment.” When I was younger, I traveled to the …

In the Media: Terms, Definitions, and Concepts

I recently got into a heated debate over the notion of privilege. My opinion was that I come from a privileged family because we have the opportunity to do so many things and we are aware of everything that is available. My opposition’s opinion was that privilege is something that royalty has because it was …

Lifestyle Editing: Dealing with Awkward Social Situations

Amusingly, the day after this comic was published, the same thing happened to me (I’ll wait while you click on the link and take the ten seconds to be amused by the comic): I bumped into a classmate, we talked for a short while, then said goodbye… and realized we were both going to the …

The Practical Guide: Giving a Presentation (Part Five)

Check out the rest of this mini series if you’ve missed the previous sessions! Part One: Introduction to Public Speaking Part Two: Preparing and Researching the Speech Part Three: How to Design Your Speech Part Four: Tips on Speech Delivery Rhetorical Appeals There are three main rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos refers to …

The Practical Guide: Giving a Presentation (Part Four)

Check out the rest of this mini series if you’ve missed the previous sessions! Part One: Introduction to Public Speaking Part Two: Preparing and Researching the Speech Part Three: Speech Design Speech Delivery Now that your speech has been constructed and you have a solid understanding of your topic, it’s time to think about the …