Freelance tips - does consistency matter in business success

How important is consistency in business?

How important is consistency in business? Does consistency matter in business success? Especially when you have a solopreneur business, you might find that you struggle with consistency — so does that mean it’s the end of the world?

“I’m not consistent.”

Have you ever said that?

Over the years, I’ve had multiple clients come to me with that concern, worried that they won’t be able to be a productive, successful solopreneur if they lack the skill of consistency. 

“I’m not consistent.” → Those 3 words speak VOLUMES ♥

For instance, here are some of the things that may be underlying that sentence…

  • “What does it say about me if I’m not consistent?”
  • “If I’m not consistent in my business, I won’t be able to keep it afloat.”
  • “Inconsistency is synonymous with laziness/failure.”

There is no virtue in being consistent solely for consistency’s sake | how important is consistency in business quote

From the perspective of traditional productivity, “consistency” is the holy grail and the secret to business success: 

How important is consistency in business? “It’s EVERYTHING!”

Does consistency matter in business success? “OF COURSE IT DOES.”

Everyone touts the value and importance of consistency for business success — it’s no wonder that it causes worry for you!

But as with anything in life or business, consistency for consistency’s sake isn’t much use.

There is no point — and no virtue — in being consistent “just because.”

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    Here are a few things that are more useful to consider, if you’re concerned about not being a consistent person:

    • Are you truly, at your core, an inconsistent person… OR are you sometimes inconsistent with the actions you take? The *act* of consistency is different from the *being* of consistency.
      • What meaning are you associating with the concept of “consistency”? (e.g. You may have toxic productivity hustle culture to unpack if you consider inconsistency to be synonymous with being a failure or being lazy.)
    • What do you THINK you need to be consistent about? Why do you think that? This is about looking at the value and usefulness of consistency (and also having PROOF that consistency is important in this particular area).
      • What are alternative ways of viewing consistency? (e.g. Shifting your mentality from a toxic productivity standpoint into a more anti-hustle approach.)
    • If consistency really is important, what would another iteration of consistency look like? In this instance, you are changing how you approach consistency and how you define it.
      • E.g. If you view consistency on social media as the frequency within which you publish new posts, you might want to expand or contract your understanding of time to accommodate for a broader definition of “consistency.” (We dive more into this topic around the 19-minute mark in my free Intuition Activated masterclass.)

    In this case, the answer to “Does consistency matter in business success? How important is consistency in business?” is… it depends ♥

    How important is consistency for business success? Freelance tips

    Another question I like to ask myself is this: “Are my must-do’s things that I can handle on my low energy days?”

    For example: My offers and business structure are designed with my LOWEST energy days at the forefront.

    If I were a naturally high-energy person — or if I wasn’t being strategic with energy management — my solopreneur business structure, services, and products would look VERY different!

    With that in mind…

    1. Do an assessment of your “must-do tasks,” business structure, services, products, systems, and processes: What energy level are they each designed to support?
    2. Explore options for reworking your business structure, services, etc so that it is better suited to supporting you on lower energy days.
    3. Need help with this? Productivity Powerhouse is the best place to learn how to do this (with templates, examples, and step by step guides to make it simple for you to implement).

    Want to save 10 hours/week as a solopreneur?

    Watch the on-demand training:

    • Advanced 3-part system for mastering work/life balance & achieving the success you desire.
    • Productivity self-assessment fillable checklist (based on your unique personality).
    • 9 problems holding you back from personal fulfillment, professional excellence, and true time freedom — plus how to FIX each of those 9 issues (with practical action steps to implement now!)

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      Does consistency matter in business success infographic — If you’re worried you aren’t consistent, freelancer edition… 1. Are you truly, at your core, an inconsistent person… OR are you sometimes inconsistent with the actions you take? 2. What do you THINK you need to be consistent about in your business? Why do you think that? 3. If consistency really is important, what would another iteration of consistency look like?