Showing 3 Result(s)

How do I ask for testimonials?

Last week we talked about why testimonials are important for freelancers. Now it’s time to discuss how to request testimonials from your clients! Here are some tips for asking for testimonials from clients: Ask for testimonials from clients with whom you have an established relationship and history. I was working part-time as a freelancer for …

Why do freelancers need testimonials?

All freelancers can benefit from having testimonials and recommendations for their work. Just as you wouldn’t hire someone as an employee until you did a few reference checks, you also want to make sure that your freelancer is highly recommended by their past clients. Getting freelance gigs is a little bit different with each client. …

Day in the Life of a Freelance Editor / Writer

Now that I’m working from home, I want to be very mindful of what I do during my day and how I spend my time. I’ve created a draft of a schedule / routine for me to follow, which I’m sure I will be adapting and playing around with over the coming weeks and months …