3 Steps to 10x Your Productivity 
How to get control of your time, design your dream lifestyle, and finally get moving on your dreamy business goals...
...WITHOUT working longer hours, waking up at 5am, or getting burned out.
Monday, June 7
10:00 am PT | 1:00 pm ET
You’ll discover...
✔️ How to take back control of your time & energy—and build a business that supports your lifestyle—using my signature 9-part framework.
✔️ The secret to finally gaining momentum around your big-picture goals—so that you can stop waiting for “someday” and start living your dreams right now!
✔️ The easiest way to get ahead of your busy schedule, enjoy 3-day weekends every week, and get more done in fewer hours—so that you can spend more time with your kids, cuddle your pet, or go on lunch dates... WITHOUT feeling guilty about it!
✔️ How my solopreneur clients are gaining confidence & becoming more focused than ever before—by following a simple roadmap to maximize productivity based on their personality.
✔️ What you can do to free up 10+ hours on your calendar every single week (without hurting your productivity)—and how you can get started with it right NOW!
✔️ PLUS, we'll do a quick & easy self-assessment together to figure out exactly which areas of productivity YOU can get the best results focusing on!
This workshop is perfect for:
Solopreneurs who are tired, overwhelmed, and frustrated —but who want to achieve TIME FREEDOM—without falling into the trap of working ridiculous hours or getting burned out
Monday, June 7
10:00 am PT | 1:00 pm ET
About the instructor...
Sagan Morrow (she/her)
Productivity Strategist
Sagan Morrow is a former freelance writer—and currently the creator of Productivity Powerhouse.
Over the last 5 years, Sagan has worked with dozens of solopreneurs—helping them accomplish time freedom, build businesses that support their lifestyle, and create RESULT-ORIENTED action plans that help them accomplish all their audacious goals (even when they're multi-passionate).