Do you have regrets? How to change your future of solopreneurship and ELIMINATE business regret

Do you have solopreneur regrets? How to change your future of solopreneurship and ELIMINATE business regret

Do you WISH you’d done things differently in the past? Are there certain things in your solopreneur business that you’re kinda kicking yourself that you didn’t do several years ago? Do you have solopreneur regrets? In today’s video, we’re going to handle those regrets and change the future of your solopreneur business and your life.

Because you can't change the past, but you CAN change the future. Everything you are doing (or not doing), right now, affects your Future Self. You've got this! Use the knowledge of your Past Self and the power of your Present Self to fully honour your Future Self by being and doing the things that will make your Future Self so grateful and happy that you did TODAY. It's time to eliminate business regret and change the future of your solopreneur business!

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Quick overview of what's in this video:

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 0:40 Handling solopreneur business regrets (and preventing them from happening in the future) — how looking to the past can be helpful AND how it can be highly problematic in your business and life!
  • 2:05 Five-part solopreneur thought exercise — questions #1 & #2 (reflecting on your Past Self)
  • 3:30 Five-part solopreneur thought exercise — questions #3 & #4 (envisioning your Future Self)
  • 4:55 Five-part solopreneur thought exercise — question #5 (wrapping it all up and tying together the previous 4 sections of this solopreneur thought experiment)
  • 5:45 Pep talk to help you out! Plus, the importance of unpacking your own fears and internal bottlenecks and mindset blocks with all of this work
  • 7:05 Where to go from here and how you can get support and guidance with working through all of this in your own life and business — success and life coaching (/coaching) and Solopreneur CEO 6-month one-on-one coaching program (/ceo)
  • 10:35 Wrap up


Hey there! Do you WISH you’d done things differently in the past? Are there certain things in your solopreneur business that you’re kinda kicking yourself that you didn’t do several years ago? In today’s video, we’re going to handle those regrets and change the future of your solopreneur business and your life.

My name is Sagan Morrow and I'm an anti hustle Productivity Strategist and internationally board certified Success and Life Coach who specializes in working with solopreneurs. Be sure to grab my free training, Anti Hustle Secrets to Solopreneur Success

Now let's get into today's video: Handling business regrets and preventing them from happening again in the future. Do you have regrets? How to change your future of solopreneurship and ELIMINATE business regret

Looking to the past can be very helpful for learning lessons and for using that information to be able to shape our future. But looking to the past can become problematic when we just get caught up in focusing on the regrets.

So this is where you might be thinking to yourself, “Oh, I wish I did that differently. Why didn't I do this instead of that? If only I had known then what I know now. I'm so annoyed that my past self did or didn't do this or that.” 

None of those thoughts are helpful. They just leave you ruminating. They're not helping you at all. You can't do anything with those types of thoughts. They're just keeping you in that negative thought pattern, that negative spiral, and it's not actually useful to just go down that route. 

So instead, what we want to do is transform those thoughts into making them more useful for yourself and being able to use them for your future self. 

With that in mind, I have for you today a five part thought exercise. If you are experiencing regrets in your business or your life, then definitely make use of this thought experiment. It's going to change everything for you. 

To begin with, when you think back, let's say five or 10 years ago, thinking back to your past self…

Question number one, what do you wish that you would have done, but you didn't do? 

So this can be related to your work, this can be related to your life, maybe this is about moving homes or changing jobs or taking a particular training or really anything. Absolutely anything. Looking back now, five or 10 years ago, what is something that you really wish you would have done, but you didn't do at the time (for whatever reason that might have been)? 

That is question number one. 

Question number two, what are you grateful that your past self did do? 

So looking back again, five or 10 years ago, what are you looking back and thinking, “Ah, I am so happy that my past self did that. That is just a fantastic thing that my past self did!” 

So those are your first two questions. What do you wish that you would have done? And what are you grateful that you did do? 

Now for the next couple of questions, I want you to envision yourself five or 10 years into the future. 

Question number three, what will you be grateful to your present self for doing? 

So this is a list of things that you're already in the process of doing: What are you doing right now that you know that your future self five or 10 years down the line is going to be so happy that you did? 

Maybe that's starting you're starting your business, or creating a new product or new service in your business, being better at work life balance, all of those different types of things. And this can again be work or life, right? This can be business stuff. This can be your personal life. Either or! 

So that's question number three. 

Now question number four, again, looking five or 10 years into the future: What will your future self wish that you had done at this point? 

So this will likely be anything that you want to do right now that you've been kind of thinking about doing, but you keep postponing it you keep on procrastinating on it — so maybe that is something like writing a book or hiring a coach, right? Or pivoting in your business, embracing your multi passionate tendencies, all kinds of different things again in life and or business. What will your future self really wish that you had been doing already at this point? 

Okay, now we want to wrap all of this up with this final question…

Question number five: Now that you have all of this information, what will you do differently now to reduce regret, and increase gratitude, appreciation and delight in your future self? 

What are some things that you can do now, if you know that your future self five or 10 years down the line is going to be really happy that you did this and are going to be really, you know, frustrated that you didn't do this thing over here? What are you going to change about what you are doing right now in your life and your business to make your future self really happy and satisfied and really appreciative of you and to eliminate all possible regret? 

You cannot change the past, but you can change the future. Everything that you are doing or are not doing right now affects your future self.

You've got this. So use the knowledge of your past self and the power of your present self to fully honour your future self by being and doing the things that will make your future self so grateful and happy that you did today. 

And of course a lot of this also comes back to really unpacking why you did or didn't do certain things five or 10 years ago — what were the things that were holding you back? What were the obstacles and the external obstacles as well as the internal bottlenecks? Were there certain fears that are holding you back from doing things? Did you lack clarity and focus and a vision for what you wanted for the future and that's why you didn't do certain things? 

All of those sorts of pieces are really important to analyze, when you are looking back to the past and envisioning the future so that you can, again, really reduce and ideally eliminate that future regret and greatly enhance your future appreciation and gratitude, and joy and delight and satisfaction. 

If you want help figuring all of this stuff out, if you want to gain confidence and courage in your life and your business, if you want to eliminate your internal bottlenecks, if you want to create clear and focused goals, and if you want to take action toward making real progress on those dreams of yours, then I am here to help! 

You can book a coaching session today…

So if you want help with your business, Solopreneur CEO is the best place to do that, with my six month one on one coaching program. You can learn more about Solopreneur CEO at

And if you really just want help with your lifestyle type of things, if you are not in business, then one on one sessions are available for you at I will share those links below in the show notes. 

If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my solopreneur YouTube channel, give this video a thumbs up, and also drop a comment on YouTube sharing your favourite takeaway from today's video.

Don't forget to attend my free on-demand training, Anti-hustle Secrets to Solopreneur Success. It teaches you a whole lot more about how to fix your solopreneur problems so that you can skyrocket your success, PLUS you'll get a little sneak peek of Productivity Powerhouse while you're at it. Enjoy!