The Practical Guide: Random Rare Word (Stolid)

When the boyfriend first began using this word, I was sure that he was making it up. It seemed like a combination of “stoic” and “solid”, and according to the Canadian Oxford English Dictionary, it actually is rather similar to a cross between those two words! I have been enjoying integrating this word into everyday conversation. It’s surprising how many circumstances offer the opportunity for its usage.

Stolid (adjective)

1. Failing or unlikely to feel or express emotion.

2. Failing or unlikely to excite emotion; dull, uninspired.

See also sto-lid-ity (noun), stol-id-ly (adverb), and stol-id-ness (noun).

Obsolete: French stolide or Latin stolidus.

1 Comment

  1. Understanding stolid leaves me stolid. Sad.

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