3 questions about performative productivity | what is performative productivity blog post

What is performative productivity

What is performative productivity as a business owner in the workplace? Have you ever heard of performative productivity? Performative productivity is an example of toxic productivity hustle culture! Let’s get into it — because performative productivity reared its head at me earlier this year… (This article originally appeared as the August 24, 2024 edition of the …

The radical act of time freedom as a solo entrepreneur

Time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is RADICAL

Time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is RADICAL — and yet this is also exactly what many solopreneur struggle with the most. Achieving time freedom can be the most challenging thing to entrepreneurs! Let’s talk about why time freedom as a solo entrepreneur — or, really, time freedom in any aspect of life and business — is …

#1 mistake to avoid in a 4-day workweek — how to do a 4-day workweek when you're self-employed

How to do a 4-day workweek when you’re self employed

You love the idea of transitioning to a 4-day workweek — after all, who doesn’t want a long weekend EVERY weekend? But now you’re wondering how to DO a 4-day workweek when you’re self employed. In this article, let’s go over some key questions to ask to successfully do a 4-day workweek self employed productivity …

Freelance tips - does consistency matter in business success

How important is consistency in business?

How important is consistency in business? Does consistency matter in business success? Especially when you have a solopreneur business, you might find that you struggle with consistency — so does that mean it’s the end of the world? “I’m not consistent.” Have you ever said that? Over the years, I’ve had multiple clients come to …

How to increase productivity in project management

How to increase productivity in project management (case study on productivity improvement WITHOUT hustle)

You’re wondering how to increase productivity in project management — perhaps you’re an established project manager who wants to be a better team leader and to improve productivity for yourself AND your team… or maybe you’re brand-new to project management and you’re wondering how to effectively manage a remote team without harming productivity. Either way, …

#1 mistake six-figure business owners make

The #1 Mistake Multi Six Figure Business Owners Make

What are the mistakes to avoid when starting a business? There are many mistakes small business owners make, and some important mistakes to avoid when starting a business OR sustaining your business years later… and the thing is, just because you’re financially successful or outwardly successful, it doesn’t mean you’re not making business mistakes! In …

Evolution of the freelancer productivity program

Productivity Improvement Training for Small Business Owners (the evolution of my productivity for solopreneurs program)

If you’re searching for a productivity improvement training for small business owners, look no further! Productivity Powerhouse is my signature productivity for solopreneurs program — it’s your #1 way to beat toxic productivity hustle culture in your solopreneur business. I created the Productivity Powerhouse e-course for solo entrepreneurs back in 2019, and since then it …

kill your darlings business tip

Kill Your Darlings Tip for Business Owners

“Kill your darlings” is one of the most well-known pieces of writing advice out there, and — like many things! — it’s easier said than done when it comes to writing… but did you know that you can kill your darlings in BUSINESS, too? I’ve been thinking about that phrase (“Kill your darlings”) a lot …

How to improve efficiency the smart way... Become an Efficiency Expert: How to use personality-based productivity as rocket fuel to accomplish your goals blog post

How to use personality-based productivity to accomplish your freelancer goals & become an efficiency expert

Are you a freelancer or other type of solo entrepreneur who wants to improve productivity, increase efficiency, and make faster progress on your goals? Stop forcing yourself to use traditional productivity hacks! Personality-based productivity uses anti-hustle methodologies fully customized to YOUR unique situation — and it’s going to act as rocket fuel to accomplish your goals… …

How to Overcome Perfectionism: Your 5-Step Guide

How to Overcome Perfectionism: Your 5-Step Guide

How do you fix perfectionism? What is the antidote to perfectionism? It’s one thing to know that “done is better than perfect” …It’s another thing to believe it and act upon it. In this video, let’s talk about how to overcome perfectionism, and what you can do to stop being a perfectionist and start getting …

Are You a Perfectionist? How to Know

Are You a Perfectionist? How to Know

Are you exhibiting perfectionist behaviour? Do you have the characteristics of perfectionism? How do you know if you are a perfectionist? What does it mean to be a perfectionist? We are going to explore these questions — including 3 signs you’re a perfectionist — in this video…  All videos in the How to Overcome Perfectionism …