Are you personally fulfilled? How can you even KNOW if you are personally fulfilled? Let’s explore these questions in this blog post…
Are you personally fulfilled?
In a previous blog post, we explored “What is personal fulfillment?” (Click on that link to read the article!)
So if personal fulfillment is about living your truth and experiencing deep satisfaction and presence… the next question becomes a 4-part variation, in which you'll want to explore the question with emphasis on a different word in that question as you answer it:
Are you personally FULFILLED? Are you PERSONALLY fulfilled? Are YOU personally fulfilled? ARE you personally fulfilled?
In other words: Knowing what you do about what personal fulfillment *is*...
- Are you living your life for you?
- Do you know what that concept of personal fulfillment means to you?
- Is it something you experience on a personal, individual level?
- Do you feel that genuine contentment deep within you?
These can be loaded questions! It’s okay if you feel a bit overwhelmed by the idea of answering these questions — that’s why you’re going to start to break this down into 3 ways to assess your personal fulfillment…
3 steps for how to assess your personal fulfillment
There are many ways to assess your personal fulfillment (stay tuned for a checklist, self fulfillment questionnaire, and self discovery questions in future blog posts!), but this is a great 3-step starting point…
Step 1: Self fulfillment subconscious assessment
At a subconscious level, how satisfied and fulfilled are you with the choices that you make and the life that you have chosen for yourself?
This is easier than you might expect to assess! For example:
- What are your typical thoughts/feelings when you wake up in the morning? (E.g. When you’re still slowly waking up: Do you have a sense of dread about the day to come, or are you closer to the little-kid-on-Christmas-morning end of the spectrum?)
- How much resentment and/or bitterness lingers under the surface? (E.g. When something doesn’t go according to plans: Does it derail your entire mood, or are you able to typically coast through it?)
- What degree of sincere joy do you have for other people’s successes and happiness? (E.g. When someone wins an award or has good luck or is recognized for their accomplishments: Are you filled with jealousy and irritation that they got that, or are you happy for them? This is also known as compersion!)
It’s important to note here that these are all about your typical thoughts, feelings, and reactions.
You can be a very personally fulfilled individual, and still sometimes wake up “on the wrong side of the bed,” for example!
So in this case, you’ll want to assess the frequency with which it happens: Are you hanging by a thread and snapping at people the second your plans go wrong, 90% of the time? Or is it more like 10% of the time? Those are wildly different experiences.
Are you feeling a bit stumped when it comes to the question of, “Are you personally fulfilled?”
I think you’ll like my Intuition Activated masterclass
It teaches you how to connect more deeply with the intuitive voice within you, so that you are more easily able to answer that exact question:
Step 2: Self fulfillment conscious assessment
When you slow down and allow yourself to simply *be* in the moment — without needing to take action or deal with errands etc — and you think about where you're at in life and how you're feeling in that moment, do you have a “This is the life!” reaction?
…or do you have quite a bit of disappointment in your life, and more of a “This is it?” or “I should be farther along by now” reaction?
There is no shame or judgment in any of this! It’s important to know where you’re at *now* so that you know how to best move forward.
Step 3: Self fulfillment decisions assessment
When you look at the decisions and choices you make in your life, what percentage of them are made BY you and FOR you?
One way to assess your decisions is to take your top 3 biggest decisions you’ve made in life. These could be your career, whether you have kids, where you live, etc:
- Who made that decision? (E.g. Did your parents raise you with the expectation that you’d always be a doctor, and lo and behold, you became a doctor?)
- What assumptions went into making this decision? (e.g. Did you always simply assume that you’d have kids, but never really thought about the concept of NOT having them?)
- How did fear factor into the decision? (e.g. Did you stop yourself from moving to a different city because there were too many unknowns — even though you don’t REALLY care much about the city you currently live in?)
These can be very uncomfortable to explore — especially if you realize that you’ve been living “someone else’s life” this whole time — but it’s essential if you want to be truly personally fulfilled!
Another way to assess your decisions is the LITTLE choices you make in your life.
Think back to every choice you’ve made today, and write a list of them (what you’re wearing, what you ate, your morning routine, etc):
- How many things on that list are you doing because you WANT to do them, as opposed to because you feel like you SHOULD do them? (e.g. Are you avoiding a certain outfit because you think you “can’t pull it off”?)
- Which items on that list are you doing out of habit, rather than because it fills your cup? (e.g. Are you eating the same breakfast every day “just because,” or do you enjoy eating it?)
- How many things on your list did you actively choose to do for yourself? (e.g. Are you constantly putting other people before yourself, to the point where you’re now getting burned out?)
The little choices add up and accumulate over time — don’t discount the small daily choices! They can be easier to start changing and then can create little pockets of personal fulfillment throughout the day.
Plus, the more that you make small shifts, the easier it’ll then become to start making the bigger shifts, too.
Your next step to attain personal fulfillment…
Now that you know the general overview for how to assess your personal fulfillment…
Are you personally fulfilled?
As a Personal Fulfillment Coach, I’m here to help you take your personal fulfillment to the next level!
You deserve to:
- Live your best life…
- Be the best version of yourself…
- Appreciate and respect your CURRENT self…
- Trust yourself…
- Be kinder and more compassionate toward yourself…
…and we can make ALL of that (and more!) happen, together, when you get personal fulfillment coaching:
Can’t wait to work with you! We’ll do deep inner mindset work, self improvement, personal development, and more to increase your personal fulfillment in life.
Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts, where you’ll get the Personal Fulfillment Checklist AND a Self Fulfillment Questionnaire for more on how to assess your personal fulfillment!
[…] (Check out our previous article to determine whether you are personally fulfilled) […]