151. Reconnecting with the purpose of your creative projects_infographic

Reconnecting with the purpose of your creative projects infographic: 1. How am I feeling, and what am I experiencing, about this project right now? 2. What is the original reason for WHY I decided to do this project? 3. Am I genuinely enjoying this, OR does it feel like just another task on the to-do list? 4. Does what I’m currently doing match up with my original reason for the project? 5. What can I do differently to reconnect with my purpose?

Creative slumps are NOT fun! If you’re struggling with motivation, experiencing a creative block, or self sabotaging your creativity, it’s time to reconnect with the purpose of your creative blocks. Use this Reconnecting With The Purpose Of Your Creative Projects assessment as your starting point! What comes up for you when you ask yourself these questions? Learn more about how to reconnect with your purpose in the blog post…