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Take the self fulfillment questionnaire: 1. Do you dread the workday more often than not? 2. Do you ruminate over a major regret in life? 3. Do you often feel dissatisfied with how your day went? 4. Does your life revolve around work and obligations (AKA no hobbies)? 5. Do you connect your worth to what you can do for other people? 6. Is your identity tied entirely to external factors? 7. Is there a negative voice on repeat in your head? 8. Do you “follow the rules” so much that you don’t know what you WANT? 9. Is it difficult to make decisions without putting others before you? Learn more on the self improvement tips blog at SaganMorrow.com

If you are on a personal growth and self improvement journey, with the goal of self actualization… make sure you are prioritizing personal fulfillment along the way! Take this self fulfillment questionnaire to assess how much you’re living life for YOU and for the process, rather than for the destination. These are 15 quick statements to answer so that you can accurately determine your current levels of self fulfillment and what to do to improve upon it.