You'll never need to work evenings or weekends again!

Save 10 hours/week (without burnout), create a true lifestyle business, and enjoy awesome work/life balance... get access to EXCLUSIVE weekly live Q&A accountability calls!

The Productivity Powerhouse e-course is your #1 resource to personal fulfillment and professional excellence, in which you will:

✔️ Finally get true time freedom (free up 10 hours/week AND increase your energy).

✔️ Gain clarity & focus on your ideas (no matter how scattered, lost, or overwhelmed you might feel right now).

✔️ Build a business that supports all of the dreamy goals you have for your personal life.

✔️ Create systems, processes, and strategies that are PERFECT for your unique situation (using personality-based productivity & anti-hustle methods).

✔️ Make it super-easy to organize your tasks, project management, to-do list, and calendar.

✔️ Navigate work life balance with ease (and eliminate burnout & overwhelm).

✔️ 10x your productivity — without working ridiculous hours.

✔️ Accelerate the process of taking ACTION on those pie-in-the-sky goals of yours — and have FUN with it.

✔️ Experience a joyful business that serves your lifestyle and aligns with your personal values, so you can live life and do business on your own terms (and do what you love for a living!).

⭐️ PERFECT FOR: Solopreneurs & multi-passionate creatives who are sick and tired of feeling exhausted and never having the time or energy to pursue their big-picture goals — and who want to create a business that supports their personal lifestyle desires ⭐️


"Any time I sign up for an e-course, I worry it'll be the same basic advice you can get for free anywhere—that wasn't the case here. Productivity Powerhouse dives deep into meaningful topics and provides actual, useful information for making real change. I 100% recommend it!

Before this program, I was spending way too much time stuck in indecision about how I wanted to run my business, what I wanted to focus on, and what my goals should be. I was losing time that I could have spent securing more clients, improving my skills, and completing projects for my existing clients.

Now, I have a better sense of what my business goals are—and all the goals I'm working towards are clearly defined and within my control. That means any time a new opportunity arises, it's easy for me to see whether or not it fits with my long-term plans (and whether or not I should jump on it or pass it on to another writer or editor in my network—something I'm doing frequently these days as my client list grows!).

Going through the program got me to clarify my business values and desires in a way that is helping me make more focused decisions for both the short- and long-term. This is saving me a ton of time (and headaches). I'm more confident in how I help my clients and I'm doing better work even faster than before.

Sagan is accessible, encouraging, and effective—the videos feel like a conversation with a business friend (rather than a lecture). I really enjoyed Productivity Powerhouse and look forward to using and revisiting the strategies I learned over the long-term!"

- Bailey, writer & editor


Are you ready to save 10 hours/week without burnout - productivity tips for solo entrepreneurs

Productivity Powerhouse is the ANTI-HUSTLE method that takes you from *overwhelmed & exhausted* to *productive & energized* as a solopreneur — WITHOUT burning out or working ridiculous hours...

...Even if you have ZERO free time, deal with chronic anxiety, juggle your side business with a 9 to 5 job, raise small kids at home, feel too tired to even think about doing just one more thing, or worry that maybe you "aren't a productive person."


productivity powerhouse framework


"I cannot tell you how amazing it is to actually 'shut off' from my workday and focus entirely on my family in the evenings. Before taking Productivity Powerhouse, I would walk past my office door and be reminded of the 1001 tasks still waiting for me to complete. Now, I walk past my office door without another thought because I already know I'll be ready to work the next day!

I joined Productivity Powerhouse because I wanted to achieve a better work/life balance so I can close the door to my office and walk into the living room knowing I can fully devote my attention to my little girl without worrying about piles of work on my desk. I wanted to show my daughters that you can have a career and a healthy family relationship.

Productivity Powerhouse has enabled me to actually complete my task list more often than not. I now have a better understanding of what my 'struggle areas' actually are and have tips on how to push through those areas. It's only been a few weeks since I joined Productivity Powerhouse, and I can say with complete confidence that the skills I learned in this course have saved me at least 6 hours every week... Not to mention the emotional benefit of closing out my work computer at the end of the day with full satisfaction of everything I had accomplished that day.

Another tangible benefit is I am more 'proactive' rather than reactive. Previously, I spent the majority of my day putting out fires because I was behind on my tasks or I didn't have the time to see where my team was at on their tasks... only to realize they were behind as well. Then the client reached out wondering where their project was at and I had to tell them the bad news.

Now, the majority of tasks are either ahead of schedule or right on time. It's so awesome to now get 'Thank you for reminding me' emails from clients, rather than 'Where's my stuff' emails from clients!

My team is even working more efficiently, now that I have a more productive plan that has us moving forward rather than in circles. Productivity Powerhouse has absolutely started me and my team down a better, more productive path!

It has definitely been a huge help in taking my overwhelm away. I'm able to knock out a lot more tasks than I had previously. When I close out for the day, I don't walk away frustrated that I still have a huge task list. Now I'm happy to shut down the computer and walk away from my office to spend time completely focused on my family. I can say the benefits of being able to 'shut down' at the end of the day makes my family happy as well. I'm actually focused on them rather than my massive to-do list every day!

I highly recommend Productivity Powerhouse for learning the 'why' beyind your 'productivity insufficiencies' to finally gain control of your time management. The relief you feel from actually managing your time well, rather than it managing you, is something you simply cannot put a price on!"

- Anabeth, project manager


productivity powerhouse


Productivity Powerhouse uses personality-based, anti-hustle methodologies to skyrocket your productivity on YOUR terms. It's not a bunch of generic "productivity hacks," and you will not be forced into a box.

PLUS, this framework is applicable to a wide range of different aspects for both your business and your personal life — you can use it again and again to your heart's content.

All lessons feature deep inner mindset work AND practical action steps that you can fully customize to your own unique situation...

...So you can get both immediate results AND experience long-lasting success!

Pre-recorded lessons will be released on a weekly basis from Sept - Dec 2024, and we'll do weekly accountability live Q&A calls to keep you inspired, motivated, and on track from start to finish:

Step 1: Identify Your Desires

You’ll learn how to figure out exactly what you REALLY want from your life & business—so that you can make the most of your strengths & productivity style, without spinning your wheels or wasting time/energy.

✔️ Get clarity on your lifestyle goals & personal values (so your business supports your life!)

✔️ Understand your learning style & unique productivity style—and how to use them to your advantage

✔️ Strengths & weaknesses assessment (plus how to apply this knowledge to your business)

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Learning Patterns 

Step 2: Prioritize Your Goals

You’ll learn which goals to focus on first (and how to connect all of your dreamy ideas together)—so that you can fully embrace your multi-passionate interests, without feeling completely scattered.

✔️ Grounding those dreamy goals in reality so you can actually achieve them

✔️ Business planning (the fun & useful way)

✔️ Get clear & focused on what you’re working toward (plus a motivation boost!)

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Business Plan Breakdown

Step 3: Manage Your Energy

You’ll learn how to boost your own creativity & design a schedule based on your energy levels—so that you can enjoy real work/life balance (and love the work you do!), without burning out.

✔️ Discover your unique energy boosters & detractors—and make incredible use of them in everyday life

✔️ How to deal with creative blocks & sticky situations (so they stop holding you back)

✔️ Burnout assessment & prevention techniques

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Burnout Management & Prevention

Step 4: Create Your Strategies

You’ll learn how to customize EVERYTHING in your business—so that you can get clear, focused, and organized, without using cookie cutter models that don’t feel quite *right* for you.

✔️ Explore & expand on all those awesome ideas you have so that they're simple & easy to navigate

✔️ Set your milestone (and midway!) goals for maximum success

✔️ Discover your PERFECT time management technique, for your unique situation & personality

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Take Back Your Time

Step 5: Organize Your Tasks

You’ll learn how to manage your tasks & systems based on your learning style & personality—so that you can save time & make real progress, without feeling like you’re being pulled in a million directions.

✔️ Task list assessment—no more unnecessary "busy work"!

✔️ Design your dreamy calendar & schedule (fully customized to YOU)

✔️ Choose your best task management methods

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Practical Productivity

Step 6: Simplify Your Processes

You’ll learn how to become a Solopreneur CEO—so that you gain confidence (and your business starts to manage itself!), without over-complicating your business structure or filling up your schedule with unnecessary "busy work."

✔️ Get my easy-breezy decision-making matrix (so you never have to waffle over a decision, ever again)

✔️ Structure your solopreneur business like a CEO—this is unlike anything you've seen before

✔️ Create your essential documentation manual (my clients RAVE about this... and I know you will, too!)

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Business Structure Blueprint

Step 7: Walk Your Talk

You’ll learn how to take real ACTION on your ideas & strategies—so that you can achieve your dreamy goals & become truly prolific!—without perfectionism, procrastination, imposter syndrome, or comparisonitis getting in your way.

✔️ Gain real momentum & get stuff DONE... with ease, AND while having fun at the same time!

✔️ Unlock the recalibration matrix (so you'll never have to twiddle your thumbs, wondering what to do next)

✔️ Overcome those tricky perfectionism & procrastination tendencies of yours

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Overcome Overwhelm

Step 8: Fire Up Your Systems

You’ll learn how to streamline & gamify your systems—so that you can make your business more self-sufficient, without needing to force yourself to do tasks you hate, and without constantly reinventing the wheel.

✔️ Gamification exercise—you'll start having fun in every aspect of your business!

✔️ Identify what to delegate & automate in your business (psst... you don't need to hire a team to do this)

✔️ The magic of reframing (this is pure gold)

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Productivity Magic Audit

Step 9: Celebrate Your Progress

You’ll learn how to assess & audit what’s working (and what isn’t)—so that you anticipate & prevent mistakes before they even happen, without spending months working on the “wrong” tasks.

✔️ Learn to do weekly audits (such a beautiful & transformative practice!)

✔️ Guided questions for conducting performance reviews (yes, even as a solopreneur)

✔️ How to "see the future" before it happens—and prevent yourself from making big mistakes in your business

⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Success Strategies

Live Q&A Accountability Calls

Stay motivated and on track throughout the ENTIRE Productivity Powerhouse curriculum with our weekly group calls, Sept 2nd - Dec 3rd, 2024!

✔️ We will all share our progress from the previous week. (I’ll be going through the Productivity Powerhouse framework alongside you)

✔️ I’ll answer any questions you have related to that week’s lesson (and provide you with guidance and tips if you’re struggling at any point along the way).

✔️ You’ll prep and plan for the upcoming week to stay on track (so you walk away from the call feeling confident and prepared for the week ahead).

⭐️  PLUS built-in buffer weeks for catch up so you don't fall behind!

“[I’m only on Step 2 of 9, and] I have already gained more from Productivity Powerhouse than any program I have tried. I have tried so many before this… I have wasted so much over the years, and never actually accomplished anything.

I was always drawn in by the over-hyper people — but their teachings always fell short. Sagan doesn’t need to be all hyper like a sales person, because what she is teaching me “sells” itself. Productivity Powerhouse has [already] exceeded my expectations.

I am truly impressed with how Productivity Powerhouse has helped/ caused me to really think about what I hope to accomplish. It’s not just “write this and do it.” This program made me really deep dive into my motivations and goals. Thought provoking — that’s how I describe Productivity Powerhouse.

I am getting to know myself on a whole new level that I may have never understood without Sagan’s help. Thank you! I feel inspired in a way that I hadn’t before. [Productivity Powerhouse] is game changing and helping me understand myself in a whole new way.”

- Shelly, aspiring VA


August 31 deadline

PLUS, you also get...

BONUS: Comprehensive Checklist & Accountability Resources
You'll get a fillable Comprehensive Checklist to track everything you do in the program (and so that you know what order to do it all, plus WHEN to do it!), Curriculum Overview (so you can easily search sub-topics at a glance), flow charts to keep you on track, 3 months of weekly live Q&A accountability calls, and traffic light self-assessment check ins for every module.

...You’ll also learn how to save upwards of 17 hours/week with the Quick Wins resource — so that you can get your time back, without waiting months to see results. (PLUS additional supplementary resources to get quick & easy ideas for applying the framework to your unique situation, including a pre-work Self-Leadership BONUS spotlight training & post-program Scale Up Your Success BONUS spotlight training)



productivity powerhouseBONUS: Companion Guide

You’ll learn how to structure your solopreneur business like a CEO — so that you can have a self-sustaining business (without you needing to be in the office 24/7 for it to flourish) — in this "book version" of the program.
(You will receive your e-copy upon completion of the program.)




productivity powerhouseBONUS: Workbooks with Guided Questions

You’ll learn how to identify your personal productivity style, create your business plan, and keep taking action despite the fear—so that you can implement everything you learn in this program, without worrying about missing a step.
(Features 24 assessments with transformative questions, business structure template, energy tracker template, calendar templates, and more — divided into each step of the framework for easy access)




BONUS: Productivity Mastery Exam & Certificate

You’ll get the opportunity to write an open-book exam and receive your Productivity Powerhouse: Mastery Level designation, badge, and certificate of completion.

This demonstrates your proven skills at efficiency & time management, so clients & prospects are reassured & confident in knowing they can depend on you to produce high-quality work in a timely fashion (Yes, you can use this as a tool when you're marketing your business!)



"What excites me about Productivity Powerhouse is that it is not saying that one size fits all. It looks at me as a person and considers my learning style, personality traits, lifestyle, and allows me to create a program that will work just for me.

[Now that I've started Productivity Powerhouse] I feel that my business is really coming together... I have never before had as much clarity as I do now. I feel so much more confident in what I need to do. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction!

What I am really impressed with is that I am using the process that I am learning in this e-course not only for my own business but also for a temporary day job that I have. That is real progress!"

- Vicki, CPR/First Aid trainer



Overwhelm Management Toolkit

EXPIRES Sat. August 31st at midnight PT

Your guidebook for overcoming the exhaustion and drain of overwhelm: 

✔️ Practical ways to combat overwhelming thoughts and feelings.

✔️ Sample questions for overwhelm assessment and task list review.

✔️ Simple mindset shifts and reframes to approach overwhelm with a new perspective.

✔️ What to include in your Overwhelm Prevention & Breakthrough Plan.

✔️ How to take back power over your own mind and day-to-day business and life.

*** HURRY! This bonus expires at midnight PT on Sat. August 31st ***

Curious to know what TYPICAL RESULTS you can expect from this program? Watch this video to find out:

In this video, we address 5 questions:

  • What are TYPICAL results (not just "cream of the crop" results) people get from Productivity Powerhouse?
  • What if I'm an outlier, and don't get the typical results? What are my options if Productivity Powerhouse doesn't work for me?
  • Has anyone ever been unhappy with Productivity Powerhouse? What happened?
  • What opportunities are there to share my experience and constructive feedback for future improvements to Productivity Powerhouse?
  • What are people who have taken this program ACTUALLY saying about Productivity Powerhouse?

Hope this fully answers your questions!


"I joined Productivity Powerhouse because I wanted to create a consistent schedule that still had flexibility for me to achieve the work/life balance I wanted. As a sole proprietor, my goal with Productivity Powerhouse was to add to the time management skills I already had, but reignite my motivation to implement those competencies.

Productivity Powerhouse is excellent! It enabled me to create a schedule that works for me and my family. I have 3 children who are in school, so being able to productively use my time when they are in school is critical for me. I also feel motivated to adhere to a schedule again, which is particularly important because I completed the program during the pandemic.

Now, I feel less overwhelmed with the tasks I have to complete to run my business successfully, which helps me spend more time with my family while still putting in productive days at work. I loved that I was able to complete the program at my own pace—Sagan’s lessons were very motivating, and I found myself looking forward to each module. I found the way Productivity Powerhouse was structured was quite useful for my business/life because it encouraged me to look at aspects of my personality that I ordinarily wouldn't have when diving into productivity.

Productivity Powerhouse change my business for the better—I'm very glad I found it at this stage of being a sole proprietor! I noticed that this program helped me figure out what boundaries I need to set with clients (and myself!) in order to have a successful work/life balance.

Productivity Powerhouse has helped me realize my business can be successful on my own terms, and doesn't have to be structured the same way someone else's is in order for me to feel fulfilled. It is wonderful and highly motivating. I recommend it for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and wants to be more purposeful in the direction they are taking their business. Dive in, you'll feel empowered to find what works best for you and motivated to implement it!

I’ve been able to save 10 hours/week as a result of the tools I’ve gained from this program!"

- Alicia, freelance editor


What will you actually DO in Productivity Powerhouse?

These are your tangible actions and outcomes: 

Save up to 10 hours/week, EVERY week — without burnout or overwhelm — in your business and/or life.

Become the boss of *you* and improve your self leadership abilities and self-honesty/self-trust — plus learn how to STOP letting perfectionism hold you back.

Get clear & focused on EXACTLY what you (really) want for your life and business — rather than choosing goals based on what OTHER people what for you, or what you think you “should” want.

Create an epic business plan that actually works for you (so it’s USEFUL, rather than gathering dust in a drawer) — plus a documentation manual and standardized process for easy decision-making.

Create burnout management and prevention plans, identify your energy boosters and detractors, adopt an anti-hustle mindset, and increase your energy (so you can use your newfound time freedom however you please).

Map out strategic action plans that connect back to your bigger goals — using realistic timeframes and tasks that light you up (so you don’t have to worry about procrastinating on your goals).

Organize your tasks using the best-for-you methods and become a BOSS at project management (no more unnecessary “busy work” cluttering up your schedule).

Reconstruct the design, organization, and structure of your business so it fully supports your personal life (using the Business Structure Blueprint).

Take ACTION on all of your ideas, goals, and plans — and overcome overwhelm or other internal mindset hurdles that are tripping you up and preventing you from achieving your goals — so you make REAL progress (many people in Productivity Powerhouse are able to make more progress in a single month than they had in the 6 months prior to joining this program).

10x your productivity by streamlining your systems and processes, “gamifying” your approach to business, and doing a transformative productivity audit.

Improve your professional excellence and performance, become kinder and more compassionate toward yourself (treating yourself the way you treat others), make progress despite fear, set (and keep!) healthy boundaries, and learn how to simultaneously critique yourself for improvement while also celebrating your incredible accomplishments.

Learn how to apply the Productivity Powerhouse framework and anti-hustle methods to just about ANYTHING in your business or life (so you can reap the benefits of these concepts again and again in the future) — e.g. to quit your day job, write a book, scale your business, start a podcast, take a full week off work each month, and more.

Get your Productivity Mastery designation when you take the open-book exam — it tests your comprehension and showcases your proven skills and real-world application of these concepts!

…and you will do ALL of this in less than 90 days — setting you up for your most productive and confident start to the new year ever!

Let's do this:



Hi! I'm Sagan Morrow (she/her), your anti-hustle Productivity Strategist, internationally board-certified Success & Life Coach, internationally board-certified Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), the creator of Productivity Powerhouse, and your instructor for this program.

As someone with chronic anxiety, chronic nightmare disorder, and chronic insomnia, I have first-hand experience that traditional "productivity hacks" are NOT a good fit for the vast majority of us. I designed the personality-based anti-hustle methods you get inside Productivity Powerhouse so that you can improve productivity while working WITH your unique brain and lifestyle needs.

(I'm highly multipassionate, too, and hobbies and family are just as important to me as they are to you — alongside making my business more enjoyable and easier to manage, the Productivity Powerhouse methods also enable me to write romantic comedy novels, perform as a hobbyist burlesque dancer, enjoy kayaking and long walks, and routinely travel across the country to visit family.)

I have 14 years of experience in business — including working as a communications specialist, freelance writer/editor, blogger, and consultant before I began teaching online courses and coaching other entrepreneurs — so I have a lot of experience in understanding what does and doesn't work for building a business... especially for solopreneurs. I've been teaching and coaching other solo entrepreneurs to get powerful results since 2016. 

Beyond that, I also have a background of professional experience in public relations, community leadership, fundraising & development, and coordinating & managing teams. I'm an alumnus of the Anti-Racism Leadership School and I'm committed to doing lifelong work for a more equitable, diverse, inclusive world. 

(And because I have that experience of being a solopreneur for 12+ years AND coaching dozens of other solopreneurs in building their own businesses... plus working in a business partnership, 9 to 5 jobs, contractor for other companies, and in the non-profit sector... you KNOW you are getting the real deal with informed, well-rounded expertise!)

→ I'm on a mission to make solopreneurship easy and enjoyable, for every solopreneur who comes across my path.

This is why I created Productivity Powerhouse for you!

productivity powerhouse

"Before joining Productivity Powerhouse, I had too much to do with not a lot of time to do it. I was also regularly exhausted and wasn't taking care of myself well or giving myself the space I needed to be effective in my two businesses. I had burned out severely, requiring a 3-day hospital stay in the intensive care unit. So I wanted to be more productive and have better time management and energy management skills before I burned out again, thus leading me to find Productivity Powerhouse.

I joined Productivity Powerhouse because I wanted to be able to cut down on my to-do list and give myself the systems I needed to manage my energy, get my tasks done, and have the time I need to do everything and then have time left for a life that I love.

Productivity Powerhouse was very helpful! I now have a few key systems and strategies in place that I regularly use from this system, and I’ve saved about 5 - 8 hours/week thanks to Productivity Powerhouse. Now I have more energy and free time to spend more time on my hobbies and interests, while knowing that my business is constantly evolving and getting better. It also has given me what I need to know exactly what to do each week, month, and year. Productivity Powerhouse is a great course that helped me put the systems I needed in place.

Productivity Powerhouse helped give me the confidence to know I won't burn out again—or I'll at least catch it before it happens. I can now be the CEO I want to be and know that my business is growing and that it will last because I'm making the right decisions at the right time and with the right guidance."

- CJ, pet photographer and freelance writer/editor

"Things will be less busy after next week."


If you’ve been saying that every week for the last 2 years… you are in the right place!

Do you feel completely overwhelmed with all of the things you *should* do in your business, that you don’t get around to doing any of it?

Are you exhausted at the end of the day... even though you never seem to make headway on your endless to-do list?

Is your entire day is so busy with menial tasks that you never get around to doing the #1 most important thing?

IMAGINE what you will be able to accomplish when you save yourself 5 - 10 hours, each and every week... and when you have the ENERGY to make incredible use of that time... and when you know the right STRATEGIES to take for finally making the kind of progress you've been dreaming about!

"My concerns with productivity and time management before this program was finding the right balance and priorities to accomplish everything I wanted and needed to do. I wanted to learn how to work on my business with consistency, how to create time and a schedule to compliment that consistency, and how to work with myself and my current obligations (work and family) while also making progress on my goals and business.

Before joining Productivity Powerhouse, my time was very limited with a full time job and 2 little kids (both of which on their own are energy draining). I tend to try to tackle everything at once, instead of picking off one thing at a time, and it usually leaves me unproductive and frustrated.

Productivity Powerhouse enabled me to dedicate time to my side business on a consistent basis even as a mom with a full-time job. After only implementing a few concepts in the first 3 weeks, so far I've already found about 5 hours in a given week to dedicate to my business!

I’m definitely making progress. There are a lot of great ideas that I’m just scratching the surface as implementing, but I have been more productive in my side business in the last month than I have in the 6 months prior to that. I’m also adapting it to areas outside my business, so that I can streamline everyday tasks to have more time for my business without sacrificing family time.

This e-course is easy and quick, and it's possible to start implementing techniques immediately to see change! Sagan’s done a really fantastic job with Productivity Powerhouse, because I think you can apply it to a lot of different people, in a lot of different circumstances. She really takes the effort to make Productivity Powerhouse adaptable to any personality and business. Sagan helped me work with myself to be efficient, rather than against myself."

- Michele, lifestyle blogger

IMPORTANT: The Productivity Powerhouse IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE kicks off September 1st!

You’ll get access to each pre-recorded lesson in the curriculum on a weekly basis for 3 months — and in between each lesson drop, we’ll do LIVE accountability calls!

(Our schedule for the live calls will be based on when the majority of people are available — upon enrolling, you'll submit a brief survey with your preferred days/times so we can find what works best for most of the group)

Here’s what happens on these live accountability calls: 

We will all share our progress from the previous week (I’ll be going through the Productivity Powerhouse framework alongside you — so you’ll get insider access to what I’m working on in real time!)

You’ll have a chance to connect with fellow Productivity Powerhouses in the chatbox (a nice way to connect with other solopreneurs).

I’ll answer any questions you have related to that week’s lesson (and provide you with recommendations and support if you’re struggling at any point along the way).

You’ll prep and plan for the upcoming week to stay on track (so you walk away from the call feeling confident and prepared for the week ahead).

Shortly after we log off the call, you’ll get access to the next pre-recorded lesson (so you’ll get a full week to watch the lesson and start implementing what you learn before our NEXT live accountability call).

We’ll have a few built-in “buffer weeks” where we’ll take breaks from doing accountability calls and you won’t get access to any new pre-recorded lessons (this gives you extra time to work on anything — or just take a break! — so you don’t have to worry about “falling behind”).

The Immersive Experience is designed to ensure you do NOT fall off the curriculum partway through…

The Immersive Experience empowers you to stay motivated, on track, and accountable, so that you hold steady with that same invigorating spark from start to finish throughout the entire Productivity Powerhouse framework.

Join us inside Productivity Powerhouse now...


⭐️ 9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work.

⭐️ Step-by step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn.

⭐️ 9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action.

⭐️ Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next.

⭐️ 24 workbook assessments featuring guided questions & fillable templates to make it easy to take action.

⭐️ Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)

⭐️ Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, and word-for-word transcripts available to accommodate for all learning needs.

⭐️ 3 months of weekly support in the form of live Q&A accountability calls (plus recordings).

⭐️ BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week).

⭐️ BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn.

⭐️ BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward. 

⭐️ Lifetime access to all materials.

⭐️ Productivity Mastery exam & certificate of completion to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional).

⭐️ Ambassador opportunity available.

"I want to tell you how much I am appreciating the Companion Guide [e-book version of Productivity Powerhouse]. I've been reading a few pages every morning and yesterday started the Step One assessment in the Workbook. I'm imagining repeating this process often for different projects. The thought process questions were all very insightful [and] I have some new clarity on how knowing my values is so essential and powerful.

I can't tell you my joy (and I've done many assessments over the years) in seeing all of this so clearly, and being able to make connections to how this knowledge can support me in achieving my gaols.

The process has been breathtaking... I am soaking up Productivity Powerhouse with a full heart and much delight. Good things are happening here, just for even having dipped my toes into the waters."

- Kara, registered psychotherapist

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