137. how to do a 4-day workweek when you’re self employed_quote

how to do a 4 day work week when you’re self employed quote: “If you can’t take unplanned time away from your business, you don’t have time freedom.”

Want home based business owner time freedom? You need to know common mistakes when home based business owners switch to 4 day work week (so YOU don’t make these big mistakes, too!)… and you need to learn how to do a 4-day workweek when you’re self employed — the RIGHT way! (Yes, there’s a “wrong” way to do a 4 day work week self employed schedule) Check out this article for a full rundown on how to do a 4 day work week as a freelancer, plus freelancer productivity tips and solopreneur success tips for making the most of your newfound home based business owner time freedom… Time freedom quotes ~ home based business owner time management ~ freelance time management tips ~ solopreneur time management quote