business assessment - 6 questions

Self Honesty Assessment in Business (so you can make better progress on your solopreneur goals)

A lack of self honesty is one of the BIGGEST downfalls for solopreneurs (at ALL levels of business)! That’s where doing a self honesty assessment in business AND in life can come in handy.

What’s that? You’ve never done a self honesty assessment in business? That’s okay — most solopreneurs don’t realize how helpful this can be! And in fact, most solopreneurs don’t even realize how much a lack of self honesty is costing them in achieving their solopreneur goals.

Here are a few examples of what a lack of self honesty in business can look like (you tell me if it sounds familiar)...

  • Neglecting to do audits or assessments of your business (e.g. Checking back on your solopreneur business goals, identifying what solopreneur mistakes you’re making and what can be done to fix those business mistakes, admitting it to yourself when you’re stuck, etc).
  • Difficulties in differentiating between different parts of yourself (e.g. Not knowing whether to trust negative self-talk, struggling to know whether you’re making a business decision based out of fear vs intuition, etc).
  • Murky perspective and scattered approach (e.g. Challenges with getting clarity on where you are going and/or how you intend to achieve your solopreneur goals, getting distracted by shiny objects, etc).

A lack of self honesty is costing you from achieving your business goals quote

This is a BIG problem in your solopreneur business because a) you aren’t being true to yourself (which will detract from your fulfillment and satisfaction, b) it’ll dramatically affect the strategies you choose and the tasks you work on (by overworking on the wrong things), and c) it hinders your self leadership, motivation, accountability, drive, flexibility, freedom… the list goes on.

…But we don’t always KNOW when we aren’t being honest with ourselves, do we?

You might be thinking, “I’m totally honest with myself. This doesn’t pertain to me.”

I believe you when you say that you think you are being honest with yourself — AND ALSO: There is ALWAYS room for more depth and fine-tuning. 

Self honesty is a skill and a practice. Self honesty is multi-layered. There’s often more work to be done with it, and more ways in which we can help ourselves by being more honest with ourselves.

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  • 12+ transformative thought exercises
  • Perspective-shifting, high-level concepts
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  • The HOW, WHY, and WHAT of building a better relationship with yourself & navigating conflicting identities

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    If you feel like you’re already pretty honest with yourself, then take this as a beautiful challenge to work on being even MORE honest with yourself…

    …And if you feel like you have a big gap here, that’s okay too! The sooner you start working on it, the easier it’ll get and the faster it’ll have a positive influence on your life and business.

    If you are struggling at all in your business — if you aren’t quite satisfied with your current level of work/life balance, for example, or if you are spinning your wheels without seeing progress happening, or if you are constantly putting out fires — then one of the ways you can start to break free of that cycle is to work on your self honesty with a self honesty assessment in business.

    For our purposes today, let’s apply this to something tangible: Progress on your 2024 goals!

    We’re coming up to the last quarter of the year, so now is a wonderful time to check in on where you’d planned to be by this point with your solopreneur business goals, what went wrong and where there’s room for improvement, your intentions for the rest of the year, and how to make that happen.

    (By the way — if you want to learn more about how to do a full business review and business retreat, click HERE for more on that)

    Checking in on your business progress and plans moving forward STARTS with a self honesty assessment in business 🙂 

    How to do a self honesty assessment to achieve business goals as a freelancer

    Here’s your self honesty assessment in business — so you prevent solopreneur mistakes and actually achieve your solopreneur goals…

    Ask yourself THESE 6 questions for improving self honesty in business:

    1. “Where did I say I wanted to be at THIS point, 6 months ago?” Write that down.
    2. “How much progress did I ACTUALLY make on that solopreneur goal, over the past 6 months?” Write that down.
    3. “What are all the things that GOT IN THE WAY from achieving my solopreneur goal(s), over the past 6 months? (What solopreneur mistakes did I make?)” Write that down.
    4. “Where do I WANT to be, 6 months from now?” Write that down.
    5. “What is my plan to GET there, 6 months from now?” Write that down.
    6. “How am I going to ensure the same obstacles from the LAST 6 months don’t continue tripping me up, as I move forward into the NEXT 6 months?” Write that down.

    What comes up for you when you ask these questions?

    → If you have resistance to answering any of those questions, or if you skipped over those questions and refused to answer them, then that might be a sign that you are also resisting practicing self honesty...

    → ...and if you TRIED to answer those questions but felt stumped, then that likely indicates your self-honesty muscle can use a little strengthening.

    By the way: Productivity Powerhouse is my signature productivity tips e-course to 10x your solopreneur success and work/life balance. It’s designed to overcome those pesky obstacles and ensure you ACTUALLY make progress — AND to strengthen your intrapersonal skills with self honesty tips in business and more!

    So if you are…

    • Not where you WANTED to be by this point in your business,
    • Stumped about WHAT is getting in the way of your goals,
    • Not sure HOW to get past those bottlenecks,
    • Struggling to ACHIEVE your goals,
    • Interested in STRENGTHENING your self honesty and relationship with yourself,
    • Unclear about the best strategies to ACCOMPLISH your goals, and/or
    • Eager to lock in SUCCESS for your upcoming 6-month goal…

    …You’ll benefit from joining the Productivity Powerhouse e-course.

    It’s your BEST resource for getting self honesty tips in business, solopreneur success tips, practical strategies for how to overcome toxic productivity hustle culture, and freelancer productivity tips you can customize to your unique wants and needs:

    Self honesty tips in business infographic - You lack self honesty in business when... 1. You can't remember the last time you checked on your business plans or did an audit in your business. 2. You struggle with which are the best decisions to make, and you can't control negative self-talk. 3. You are easily distracted by shiny objects and feel murky about the best direction to take.