Does coaching really work

Does coaching really work?

Does coaching really work? If you’re skeptical about coaching, or if you’re wondering, “Can coaching REALLY get me tangible results?”, then this blog post is for you. We’re going to break it all down as to whether coaching actually works!

Be sure to read all the way to the end of this article, because I’ve included a REALLY important question to ask yourself in life/business when you’re deciding whether coaching is right for you!

I’ve been sharing a lot lately about Solopreneur CEO, my 6-month 1:1 coaching program to help you create a LIFESTYLE business so that… 

  • Your business fully supports your personal life goals, values, and ideal lifestyle.
  • You make great progress on your goals *while also* taking back control of your time and energy.
  • You get to prioritize your family, hobbies, etc — WITHOUT “dropping the ball” on client work or excellent customer service.
  • You “get out of your own way” and overcome the struggles, frustrations, and obstacles that have been tripping you up.
  • You enjoy every aspect of your life and business (and they’re integrated in a way that feels really delightful for you) 

(If you’ve been meaning to sign up, you can enroll now here!)

Now, maybe you’d love to join the program, but you have some hesitations…

Let’s address one of the BIG ones today!

Keep reading this if you feel like…

You’re skeptical of this whole “coaching” thing: 

Maybe you’re wary of coaching because you’ve had a bad experience in the past, or you think, “That’s not for me,” or you’re not sure how exactly coaching can help *you*.

I get that. If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know that I actually avoided using the term “coach” to describe myself for many years! It can seem vague or fluffy, right? 

And the thing is, you don’t want vague or fluffy. You want RESULTS. So hiring a coach is something you might be cynical about! 

Can coaching REALLY help you get tangible results?

Many of my clients have the EXACT same concerns when they first join Solopreneur CEO. They’re a little apprehensive about getting coaching, but they join this program because they know that SOMETHING needs to change in their life and business — and they’re willing to admit that they need a little help.

Some of my clients tell me that they never thought they’d hire a coach…

They tell me that their whole life, they’ve struggled with the concept of “asking for help”...

They feel nervous (and even a little scared or intimidated) about what might happen on a coaching call...

…And then we start working together, and all of those concerns melt away ♥

“I'm not sure what I expected [from our first session], maybe judgment? (for all the things that I haven't gotten done). I was a bit nervous about joining coaching and how it would all work; I was not really sure what to expect. But instead, coaching feels very safe, and I left coaching feeling energized, and in "idea generation" mode.

Coaching is not scary! Feeling so relieved and excited… Coaching is great and really helped me see where my hangups are; the panic [I used to have] has really gone away.

I have made more progress in 4 sessions with Sagan than I have in a year on my own.

Sagan sees what's really behind the things that you are struggling with and always knows the best ways to get you unstuck and moving forward. I highly recommend Solopreneur CEO. It's the best investment in your business and your future that you can make.”

- Michelle, sonographer & YouTuber

If you’re wondering whether coaching is right for you, ask yourself this simple question:

“In what ways am I my own bottleneck?”

In other words… “Which aspects of my life and business am I getting in my own way? How am I holding myself back? What can I do to make everything easier and smoother on myself?” Does coaching really work

There are SO MANY external obstacles (in life and business) that can get in your way… so when you start identifying those specific areas where YOU are getting in your own way, that’s actually a good thing!

It means that *those* are obstacles you can actively DO something about.

This is the work you and I can do together, 1:1, for a full SIX MONTHS, when you join Solopreneur CEO.

Your internal obstacles that are holding you back can feel impossible to overcome (and you might not even be able to *see* them right now, for the very reason that they’ve been getting in your way for so long — you’re so used to them that they’re almost invisible to you)...

…and yet, it’s those internal obstacles that, once we effectively address and work through them and remove them from your path, can make ALL the difference for your ability to finally make progress with ease (and feel great about it!).

Examples of what my clients have accomplished as a DIRECT RESULT of them hiring me as their coach: 

  • Overcoming procrastination, overwhelm, perfectionism, information-gathering, tech frustrations, imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, shiny object distractions, and insecurities.
  • Building self-honesty, self-trust, confidence, courage, self-kindness, and motivation.
  • Creating business plans, marketing strategies, business goals that align with their personal values and ideal lifestyle, new products and services that light them up, daily and weekly plans/schedules that feel fantastic, and content they’re proud of and excited to share with the world.
  • Restructuring their business so that they genuinely enjoy every aspect of it and so that it fully supports their unique lifestyle wants/needs (and creates space for other factors they’re experiencing, such as ADHD or anxiety).
  • Able to dramatically improve their focus and clarity, get back their time and energy, and move forward on the goals that used to seem as though they’d only exist in the distant future.
  • …and more.

>> Click HERE for a full behind-the-scenes overview of exactly what happens during a coaching session, PLUS real-life examples of *specifically* what I worked with a couple clients on during separate single sessions <<

Here’s the thing about coaching: We do deep inner mindset work to uncover your hidden “blocks,” and from there, we can identify the best (practical!) strategies, so that when you take action, it feels GOOD (and even easy!) — and you can finally stay motivated and on track!

It’s totally okay if you’ve had some reservations about hiring a coach in the past. It’s really good to weigh all of your options carefully so that you make the right decision for *you*. 

…And also, I hope that this article has helped clear up any cynicism or skepticism you might have about coaching!

So now I really want to know...

Have you had a similar concern about Solopreneur CEO? What’s holding YOU back from joining the program?

Email hello[at]saganmorrow[dot]com to share your concerns and ask your questions! 

(Yes, I’ll help you out if I can! Again, I REALLY want you to make the best decision *for you*, regardless of what that decision may be. So please do reach out and ask me any questions you have about Solopreneur CEO and coaching in general!)

Don’t let the fear hold you back from taking steps towards your goal!

If you’re ready to step up and start the journey, you can enroll now hereI’ll be with you every step of the way to support you!

Limited spots available.