Books I read in January 2012

classic novel

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Such a classic!

Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko. I really love this book. There is so much great information here about the value of leafy greens and of drinking green smoothies. It’s also good inspiration for keeping going with drinking green smoothies daily 🙂

Nutrition for Health, Fitness, & Sport by Melvin H. Williams. I’m not finished this one yet, but it’s my final textbook to read for my nutrition course. Interesting information but it’s a TOUGH read!

The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis. Another wonderful classic. I forgot how short the books in the Narnia series are, though – I read this one in about an hour.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Yes, I’m reading the whole series. Whee!

Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out! by J J Smith. Some pretty good basic information here, focusing on whole foods and relieving the body of toxins and such. But it’s kind of just like any other book of this genre.

What books have you read recently?


  1. Hi there Sagan!

    It’s ages since I commented on your blog – my apologies!

    I also love the hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings. When my sister and I were little our mother read them all out loud to us. What stamina! I still hear Gandalf talk in the voice she gave him, and automatically start singing “far over the misty mountains cold…” to her tune. We used to ‘play’ being characters from the books the whole time and I can still rile my sister by just giving her a look that she knows means I’m thinking that she looks like Gollum 😉

    I loved the Narnia books too, and while the character I liked best was Jill, the one I most admired was Puddleglum, for his bravery and determination.

    Right now I’m reading “all hell let loose” by Max Hastings, which is a one-volume history od the seond World War. My father recommended it and that is usually a good guide for me! The tile is if anything an understatement. We are so, so lucky to be living in a time of peace, in the UK and Canada at least.

    I also have a much lighter book here for when WWII gets a bit much, “My Favourite Goodbye” by Sheila O’Flanaghan. It’s fun and well-written. One thing I like about her novels is that her main characters have much more rounded lives than is usual in chick-lit: they are usually developing their own business or tackling a promotion or what have you.

    I have a whole stack of books lined up for when I get home from the hospital, hopefully tomorrow, and have 2 week’s compulsory sofa time. One of them is “the Help” – will let you know what I think of that!

    Enjoy your February reading!


    1. Aww that’s so sweet that your mum read them to you! My mum read the Narnia series to my sister and I, so they have a special place in my heart 🙂 (Reepicheep has always been my favourite. Probably because I like the idea of a little creature being so fearsome, ha).

      Thanks for the recommendations! The Help is fantastic; I expect you’ll love it. And you’re coming home from the hospital?! Hope you’re okay. Feel better, Liz!

  2. Recently, I have trade my books over magazines as I have harvested more practical thoughts and have applied in my work stuffs. I’m a J.R.R. Tolkien follower too.

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