The Trouble with Words

“He’ll never catch up!” the Sicilian cried. “Inconceivable!” “You keep using that word!” the Spaniard snapped. “I don’t think it means what you think it does.” That line from Inigo Montoya in William Goldman’s The Princess Bride has become quite famous over the years. And no wonder: most of us, at some point or another, …

Twitter 101: How to Use Twitter Effectively

What the heck is Twitter, anyway? Do I *really* need it? How can I use it in a way that will be helpful for me? Is it going to take hours upon hours of my time? These are some of the most common questions I hear from non-Twitter-users and from people new to Twitter. Let’s …

Product Review: Business Cards

I recently had the opportunity to try out products from – specifically, business cards. It was good timing since I’ve been running low on business cards lately. You can always use more! In the past, I have purchased mine from UPS. They did the lovely design work as well. Since I had a PDF …

Three Ways to Improve Inter-Office Communication

I might not work in an office anymore – but I certainly learned a lot while I did! And now that I’m working from home, and Mr Science also spends much of his time working from home, these tips are useful to apply in the home office space, too. Whether you’re working in a workplace …

How changing your books changes your way of thinking

Until recently, the books lined up neatly on my massive standup working desk – just behind and to the side of my laptop, and just below eye level (for me) – were all related to nutrition. They included textbooks that I had purchased when I was getting my diploma in holistic nutrition, raw food books, …

Five (Readable) Works of Literature to Make You Think

Sometimes we don’t pick up a novel because it seems too intimidating. The novel is written by a great author that our society celebrates, yet which few people (when you ask them outright) have actually read. Sometimes those novels actually are tough to get though and, to be honest, rather tedious (I’m looking at you, …

Day in the Life of a Freelance Editor / Writer

Now that I’m working from home, I want to be very mindful of what I do during my day and how I spend my time. I’ve created a draft of a schedule / routine for me to follow, which I’m sure I will be adapting and playing around with over the coming weeks and months …

Communicating Effectively in the Workplace

When a colleague recently emailed me to ask about a list I was putting together for her, I explained that I hadn’t had a chance to get it done yet, but I would find some time to do it in the next couple of days. As I hit the “send” button, I realized that my …

Five Tips for Writing a Resume

Over the past couple of years, I have had the great opportunity to review close to (or perhaps more than) 100 resumes and cover letters. When you receive 40 resumes and you have to narrow it down to interview just four of the people who submitted resumes, things get very interesting indeed. Here are five …

Book Review of Contact by Carl Sagan

Since Carl and I share the same name (the Sagan part, not the Carl part, that is), I’ve felt for many years that I ought to actually know something about the guy and his work. When the mother dear and father dear were reducing clutter in their home and getting rid of books*, and Carl …

Four Reasons to Love The Muppets

Over the holidays, I saw A Muppet Family Christmas for the first time. And it is now hands-down my favourite Christmas movie. After watching A Muppet Family Christmas, I also had the opportunity to see the first episode of Fraggle Rock, as well as Lady Gaga & The Muppets’ Holiday Spectacular. I remember that as …

Three Ways to Write a Novel

I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember – I think I was 10 years old when I wrote my first full-length novel. One of the things that I enjoy the most about writing novels is that there are so many ways to do it. Having written eight or 10 novels over …

Why Editing & Proofreading Are Important

I use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because coming up with new ideas makes all of us better writers! Writing is, of course, a crucial part of creating content – whether it’s an email, a resume, a report, an essay, or other documentation – but by no means is it the only part of creating content! Editing …