Introducing... Productivity Powerhouse
The ANTI-HUSTLE method I designed to go from *scattered & overwhelmed* to *focused & motivated* as a multi-passionate solopreneur—WITHOUT burning out or working ridiculous hours—and how YOU can experience the same results to finally achieve your goals...
...Even if you have chronic anxiety, juggle your side business with a 9 to 5 job, are neurodivergent, raise small kids at home, feel too tired to even THINK about doing just one more thing, or worry that maybe you simply "aren't a productive person."
What would it be worth to you, if you could save 10 hours/week (EVERY week)—without burnout or overwhelm—and enjoy your *perfect* work/life balance?
...and what if you could do it starting THIS week?
Productivity Powerhouse is your ticket to get back control of your time and energy.
"I am IN! Take me to checkout, please and thank you."
Love your enthusiasm! Here you go:
...Or keep scrolling for more tiers and full details about the program!
You thought "working harder" was the only way you could be more productive and run a successful business.
You thought that if you just "worked hard enough," you'd achieve it all:
Have total freedom, flexibility, and control over your own schedule.
Hang out with your family every evening and weekend (without worrying about work).
Be a successful, accomplished solopreneur, doing what you love for a living.
Enjoy an incredible, fulfilling life.
And you’d be SO focused and motivated with your business priorities—so that you could prove to the world (your friends, family, peers, clients, and even the competition!) that you are someone who is successful, accomplished, and a total BOSS.
The problem?
You're completely overwhelmed with your business.
Here’s the thing:
Eliminating overwhelm as a solopreneur isn't just about getting organized or creating intricately detailed plans.
Yes, you already have ambition & a drive to succeed working in your favour—and that’s great!
...But you don’t know how to create time management strategies that WORK for you, and goal-hitting plans that you actually WANT to act upon.
You're frustrated with how much you're hustling, without getting the results you want:
👉 You find it super annoying when productivity gurus tell you to "just use time blocking" or "Trello to solve all your problems!"—because you’ve tried that and it DIDN’T WORK for you.
👉 You don’t want to wake up at 5am to start working every day.
👉 You don’t know how to motivate yourself to take ACTION on the plans you create.
You feel like you need to devote all your time and energy to your business if you want to take weekends off... so you force yourself to work harder, only to be completely burned out (and all before the workweek has even ended!)
You spend every spare hour of your week working on your business, but somehow without ever making headway on your to-do list.
The worst part is: This problem is not just costing you time, energy, and success as a solopreneur...
...It’s making you resent your own business—which you used to LOVE.
...In my early days of freelancing, I was a hot mess.
I had no idea how to take consistent, focused action to make progress on my plans.
I spent all my time putting out fires because I had so much on my plate and couldn't keep on top of it all (and to be perfectly honest, I liked that “being busy” made me feel important!). I genuinely enjoyed working—which meant it was all too easy to OVERwork.
I filled every spare hour with work—out of fear that if I took a break, my business would fall apart.
I even took client phone calls during my best friend’s wedding photoshoot (where I was the maid of honour)—because I was so terrified that if I didn’t answer the phone, I’d lose out on business opportunities.
Which meant that I didn’t have time freedom or a flexible schedule at all!
I didn’t have the energy to ENJOY life.
Even though I was planning excessively, filling my to-do list with a million tasks, and committed to my business—I wasn’t making much progress with my business, and I did NOT have control over my own time.
I still couldn’t seem to get ahead of schedule.
I still didn’t feel like I had control over my own business—and I definitely wasn’t taking three-day weekends (let alone ONE-day weekends!)
Are you going through something similar?
Maybe you’ve given up on figuring out how to grow your business without burning out.
Maybe you have a tendency to overwork and you don't how to STOP. (Maybe you're even afraid that you won't WANT to stop... and that just makes you worried about what that'll mean for your wellbeing and your future.)
Maybe you're scared that if you "slow down" or quit toxic hustle culture, your business goals will suffer.
Maybe you have doubts about your capability to stay disciplined and motivated...
Maybe you believe that you don’t have what it takes to become one of *those* solopreneur success stories.
Maybe you’ve even started feeling some pride around the fact that you’re working so much—because you enjoy the feeling of "accomplishment" by working 24/7 (even though it doesn't seem to help you with making headway on your goals).
You console yourself by saying: “Everyone else is just as burned out as I am—that’s just part of being a solopreneur. There’s no such thing as work/life balance, anyway,” and you pretend like you don’t even want extra hours in your week or to increase your energy.
...and you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you’ll always be coasting along, feeling frustrated and disappointed in yourself, struggling with overwhelm, and constantly getting distracted by a million little tasks.
After spending too many months putting out fires, working myself to exhaustion, and thinking that burnout was just part of my reality as a freelancer who has chronic insomnia and anxiety, I almost gave up on my dreams of having true freedom with my schedule—having the time and energy to explore fun hobbies, learn new skills, and spend quality time with my family.
I took a 9 to 5 job (at a tiny non-profit) to pay the bills so that my freelance business would stop suffocating me. I didn’t want to work 9 to 5 as an employee—but I didn’t think I had any choice.
Until one day, when I was sitting at the computer trying to force myself to work through my usual “afternoon slump,” it occurred to me that I could accomplish a hell of a lot more if I were working different hours.
What if I could improve productivity, WITHOUT the toxic hustle culture? What would happen if I didn’t work in the middle of the afternoon? What if I worked in the morning and in the evening, when my energy and creativity levels were at their peak?
The more that I started exploring the concept of working a schedule outside of the norm, the more I realized I could check off SO MANY MORE tasks from my list than I used to… in way less time.
I didn’t need to work ridiculous hours. I didn’t need to force myself to fit into a box.
I was MIND-BLOWN when I discovered that creating systems and strategies based on my unique energy levels enabled me to 10x my productivity—and that’s when I had my breakthrough.
I decided I was DONE pulling myself in a million directions with all that unnecessary busy work.
I was done with "working for the sake of working" and forcing myself to conform to a schedule that never made sense to me in the first place.
I decided to do things differently by paying attention to my energy levels and creativity levels, by using my learning style to create my own customized systems and processes, and by prioritizing FUN and self-care in my professional life.
Within 6 months, I quit my 9 to 5 job, took my solopreneur business full-time with built-in self-care breaks—and I never looked back!
That was back in 2014, and I'm still consistently enjoying all aspects of my business, with tons of time and energy leftover to read (and even write!) novels, watch all the Netflix I want, go for hour-long walks daily, enjoy weekends COMPLETELY off work, take random/impromptu days of work in the middle of the week, and only work about 25 hours/week, without ANY burnout...
(even though I have chronic anxiety, chronic nightmare disorder, and chronic insomnia)
...while still making awesome progress on my business goals, producing high-quality products and services in a timely fashion, AND showing up fully for my clients...
(and all without a team of employees or contractors!)
And I want the same for you.
"Productivity Powerhouse is excellent! It enabled me to create a schedule that works for me and my family. I have 3 children who are in school, so being able to productively use my time when they are in school is critical for me. I also feel motivated to adhere to a schedule again, which is particularly important because I completed the program during the pandemic.
Now, I feel less overwhelmed with the tasks I have to complete to run my business successfully, which helps me spend more time with my family while still putting in productive days at work. I loved that I was able to complete the program at my own pace—Sagan’s lessons were very motivating, and I found myself looking forward to each module.
Productivity Powerhouse is wonderful and highly motivating. I recommend it for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and wants to be more purposeful in the direction they are taking their business.
I’ve been able to save 10 hours/week as a result of the tools I’ve gained from this program!"
- Alicia, freelance editor
Imagine what it would be like to get back your time & energy...
What would it be like to enjoy your business again?
What would it be like to take long weekends or a full week off every month—no questions asked?
How would your lifestyle change if you could grow your business WITHOUT overworking?
What if you could use systems that actually work for you—instead of trying to follow “productivity hacks” that feel more exhausting than helpful?
What would it be worth it to you, to know that you can follow an easy, fun framework to save 10 hours/week—without waking up super early or sacrificing your hobbies?
How would you feel when your peers say: “I don’t know how you find the time to do it all—I want to be just like you when I grow up!”?
How would it feel to create a business model and schedule that’s PERFECT for you… one that supports your personal lifestyle goals, and one that gives you MORE time and energy for your family?
"I cannot tell you how amazing it is to actually 'shut off' from my workday and focus entirely on my family in the evenings. Before taking Productivity Powerhouse, I would walk past my office door and be reminded of the 1001 tasks still waiting for me to complete. Now, I walk past my office door without another thought because I already know I'll be ready to work the next day!
It's only been a few weeks since I joined Productivity Powerhouse, and I can say with complete confidence that the skills I learned in this course have saved me at least 6 hours every week... Not to mention the emotional benefit of closing out my work computer at the end of the day with full satisfaction of everything I had accomplished that day.
My team is even working more efficiently, now that I have a more productive plan that has us moving forward rather than in circles. Productivity Powerhouse has absolutely started me and my team down a better, more productive path!"
- Anabeth, project manager
...Or keep scrolling for more tiered options & bonuses!
Over the years, other solopreneurs started asking me for help so they could achieve true time freedom, too... which is why I decided to create:

Get my simple, effective, and proven process to get back your time and energy, design a business that works FOR you, and take enjoyable action with ease to make awesome progress on your goals—WITHOUT working harder or longer hours.
Perfect for: Solopreneurs who are sick and tired of feeling exhausted and never having the time or energy to pursue your big-picture goals... and who want to create a business that supports your personal lifestyle desires
SNEAK PEEK of the "curriculum inside the Productivity Powerhouse e-course...
What's included in the program...
9 core lessons (plus 9 deep-dive spotlight trainings and bonus trainings) that provide you with transformative mindset shifts AND customizable strategies.
...Features action steps and examples so you know exactly what to do to keep making progress!
Includes framework roadmap and workbook, checklist and curriculum overview, and quick wins to start saving time immediately (THIS week)...
...Plus at-a-glance flow charts and supplementary resources to move forward quickly & easily!
Inside Productivity Powerhouse, you’ll be supported with weekly pep talk/accountability emails delivered to your inbox for 4 months (PLUS ongoing monthly live calls with behind-the-scenes insights)...
...So you get extra motivation directly from Sagan!
"This e-course is easy and quick, and it's possible to start implementing techniques immediately to see change! Sagan really takes the effort to make Productivity Powerhouse adaptable to any personality and business. She helped me work with myself to be efficient, rather than against myself.
Productivity Powerhouse enabled me to dedicate time to my side business on a consistent basis even as a mom with a full-time job. After only implementing a few concepts in the first 3 weeks, so far I've already found about 5 hours in a given week to dedicate to my business!"
- Michele, lifestyle blogger
You’ll learn how to:
✔️ Gain clarity & focus on your ideas (no matter how scattered, lost, or overwhelmed you might feel right now).
✔️ Build a business that supports all of the dreamy goals you have for your personal life.
✔️ Create systems, processes, and strategies that are PERFECT for your unique situation.
✔️ Make it super-easy to organize your tasks & to-do list.
✔️ Navigate work/life balance with ease.
✔️ 10x your productivity—without working ridiculous hours.
✔️ Accelerate the process of taking ACTION on those pie-in-the-sky goals of yours.
✔️ Finally, get real time freedom—and experience a profitable, joyful business that serves you, so you can make a living doing what you love.
Productivity Powerhouse Curriculum
Inside this program, you’ll be learning how to get clear & focused about your priorities, create customized, strategic action plans that light you up, and stay motivated & on track with your goals—along with easy-to-use implementation support.
As a result, you will transform into a productivity powerhouse—so that you can experience true time freedom & dreamy work/life balance.
All lessons include mindset work AND practical action steps that you can fully customize to your own unique situation...
...So you can get both immediate results AND experience long-lasting success!
Step 1: Identify Your Desires
You’ll learn how to figure out exactly what you REALLY want from your life & business—so that you can make the most of your strengths & productivity style, without spinning your wheels or wasting time/energy.
Get clarity on your lifestyle goals & personal values (so your business supports your life!)
Understand your learning style & unique productivity style—and how to use them to your advantage
Strengths & weaknesses assessment (plus how to apply this knowledge to your business)
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Learning Patterns
Step 2: Prioritize Your Goals
You’ll learn which goals to focus on first (and how to connect all of your dreamy ideas together)—so that you can fully embrace your multi-passionate interests, without feeling completely scattered.
Grounding those dreamy goals in reality so you can actually achieve them
Business planning (the fun & useful way)
Get clear & focused on what you’re working toward (plus a motivation boost!)
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Business Plan Breakdown
Step 3: Manage Your Energy
You’ll learn how to boost your own creativity & design a schedule based on your energy levels—so that you can enjoy real work/life balance (and love the work you do!), without burning out.
Discover your unique energy boosters & detractors—and make incredible use of them in everyday life
How to deal with creative blocks & sticky situations (so they stop holding you back)
Burnout assessment & prevention techniques
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Burnout Management & Prevention
Step 4: Create Your Strategies
You’ll learn how to customize EVERYTHING in your business—so that you can get clear, focused, and organized, without using cookie cutter models that don’t feel quite *right* for you.
Explore & expand on all those awesome ideas you have so that they're simple & easy to navigate
Set your milestone (and midway!) goals for maximum success
Discover your PERFECT time management technique, for your unique situation & personality
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Take Back Your Time
Step 5: Organize Your Tasks
You’ll learn how to manage your tasks & systems based on your learning style & personality—so that you can save time & make real progress, without feeling like you’re being pulled in a million directions.
Task list assessment—no more unnecessary "busy work"!
Design your dreamy calendar & schedule (fully customized to YOU)
Choose your best task management methods
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Practical Productivity
Step 6: Simplify Your Processes
You’ll learn how to become a Solopreneur CEO—so that you gain confidence (and your business starts to manage itself!), without over-complicating your business structure or filling up your schedule with unnecessary "busy work."
Get my easy-breezy decision-making matrix (so you never have to waffle over a decision, ever again)
Structure your solopreneur business like a CEO—this is unlike anything you've seen before
Create your essential documentation manual (my clients RAVE about this... and I know you will, too!)
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Business Structure Blueprint
Step 7: Walk Your Talk
You’ll learn how to take real ACTION on your ideas & strategies—so that you can achieve your dreamy goals & become truly prolific!—without perfectionism, procrastination, imposter syndrome, or comparisonitis getting in your way.
Gain real momentum & get stuff DONE... with ease, AND while having fun at the same time!
Unlock the recalibration matrix (so you'll never have to twiddle your thumbs, wondering what to do next)
Overcome those tricky perfectionism & procrastination tendencies of yours
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Overcome Overwhelm
Step 8: Fire Up Your Systems
You’ll learn how to streamline & gamify your systems—so that you can make your business more self-sufficient, without needing to force yourself to do tasks you hate, and without constantly reinventing the wheel.
Gamification exercise—you'll start having fun in every aspect of your business!
Identify what to delegate & automate in your business (psst... you don't need to hire a team to do this)
The magic of reframing (this is pure gold)
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Productivity Magic Audit
Step 9: Celebrate Your Progress
You’ll learn how to assess & audit what’s working (and what isn’t)—so that you anticipate & prevent mistakes before they even happen, without spending months working on the “wrong” tasks.
Learn to do weekly audits (such a beautiful & transformative practice!)
Guided questions for conducting performance reviews (yes, even as a solopreneur)
How to "see the future" before it happens—and prevent yourself from making big mistakes in your business
⭐️ PLUS the spotlight training: Success Strategies
"I want to tell you how much I am appreciating the Companion Guide [e-book version of Productivity Powerhouse]. I've been reading a few pages every morning and yesterday started the Step One assessment in the workbook. I'm imagining repeating this process often for different projects. The thought process questions were all very insightful [and] I have some new clarity on how knowing my values is so essential and powerful.
I can't tell you my joy (and I've done many assessments over the years) in seeing all of this so clearly, and being able to begin to make connections to how this knowledge can support me in achieving my goals.
The process has been breathtaking… I am soaking up Productivity Powerhouse with a full heart and much delight.
Good things are happening here, just for even having dipped my toes into the waters.”
- Kara, registered psychotherapist
PLUS, the bonuses...
BONUS: Comprehensive Checklist & Accountability Resources
You'll get a 10-page fillable Comprehensive Checklist to track everything you do in the program (and so that you know what order to do it all!), 12-page Curriculum Overview (so you can easily search sub-topics at a glance), flow charts to keep you on track, 4 months of weekly accountability emails, and traffic light self-assessment check ins for every module.
...You’ll also learn how to save upwards of 17 hours/week with the Quick Wins resource—so that you can get your time back, without waiting months to see results (PLUS additional supplementary resources to get quick & easy ideas for applying the framework to your unique situation, including a pre-work Self-Leadership BONUS spotlight training & post-program Scale Up Your Success BONUS spotlight training)
BONUS: Companion Guide
You’ll learn how to structure your solopreneur business like a CEO—so that you can have a self-sustaining business (without you needing to be in the office 24/7 for it to flourish)—in this "book version" of the program—in this "book version" of the program. (This 328-page book is available in beautiful pdf, epub, and paperback formats!)
BONUS: Workbook with Guided Questions
You’ll learn how to identify your personal productivity style, create your business plan, and keep taking action despite the fear—so that you can implement everything you learn in this program, without worrying about missing a step. (Features 116 pages of transformative questions, business structure template, energy tracker template, calendar templates, and more—divided into each step of the framework for easy access)
BONUS: Productivity Mastery Exam & Certificate
You’ll get the opportunity to write an open-book exam and receive your Productivity Powerhouse: Mastery Level designation, badge, and certificate of completion—demonstrating your proven skills at efficiency & time management, so clients & prospects are reassured & confident in knowing they can depend on you to produce high-quality work in a timely fashion (Yes, you can use this as a tool when you're marketing your business!)
BONUS: Legacy Programs (Platinum Package)
You'll get lifetime access to our entire product suite of 12 e-courses (organized into Anti-Hustle Mindset, Business Planning Package, and Business Strategy Bundle) to take advantage of even more learning opportunities — the perfect supplement to provide you with additional mindset shift pep talks, practical strategies to quit your 9 to 5 job or improve client relations or choose your perfect rates or host your own solo business planning retreat, and more. ($1,196 value)
PLUS: Solopreneur Diary Entries PREMIUM EDITION
(Diamond & Platinum Packages)
*** $1,200 Value ***
Real-life, real-time examples of what's going on in Sagan's business...
...You get to be a fly on the wall to see how Sagan incorporates Productivity Powerhouse concepts & methodologies on an ongoing basis!
Every month, Sagan shares all about the behind-the-scenes of her business — why she made this decision vs. that decision, her strategies & systems & processes for each aspect of her business, what she does every single day to embody her signature anti-hustle productivity methodologies in her life & business, how she creates content & conducts business planning retreats & does self-coaching, and more!
For example, some of the topics we address during these monthly live calls include...
- How Sagan's business has changed over the past year, what she did differently compared to last year's original business plans (and why), which experiments did & didn't work in her business this past year (and why), and what she's doing to plan ahead in preparation for her upcoming business planning retreat
- Specific actions Sagan takes to prep for (and enjoy) time off work for holidays & vacation (this will be SO helpful for you when planning out your winter/summer holidays, or at any other time of year)
- Sagan's content creation process (for blogging, social media, email marketing, etc)
- What Sagan does to ensure her life & business fully support one another
- CEO thoughts & mindset shifts (get insights into how she does self-coaching for her business)
- Behind-the-scenes of Sagan's business systems & processes, and what goes into her business documentation manual
- Answers to YOUR questions about how her business works
- ...and more!
As soon as you join Productivity Powerhouse, you'll be able to access that month's call (and replay) PLUS all future monthly calls (and replays) — however (and this is important!), you will not be able to access the recordings from previous months.
Productivity Powerhouse is an evergreen e-course, which means you can sign up for it at any time ♥ But the earlier you join, the more monthly calls you can access!
IN OTHER WORDS: If you wait until next month to join Productivity Powerhouse, you will NOT get access to this month's live call or replay.
...However, when you join THIS month, you WILL get access to this month's call (and the replay), plus ALL future monthly live calls and replays!
"I always plan my weeks and days, and it's often hard for me to get started, but the tips in Productivity Powerhouse helped me and really motivated and inspired me.
I haven't implemented all the strategies yet because I went through this course pretty fast because it was so interesting, but it gave me an insane push of motivation! I am implementing one technique after another to help me in saving time and working more productively! I really loved Productivity Powerhouse and thank you so much, Sagan, for creating this!"
- Alessa, blogger
What you get...
3 different options:

Full details about each tier...
All the Bells & Whistles:
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by-step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
Solopreneur Diary Entries PREMIUM EDITION — monthly live calls featuring behind-the-scenes real-time, real-life examples of how Sagan uses Productivity Powerhouse methodologies in her own life and business (you get access to *this* month's live call & recording, plus ALL FUTURE live calls & replays — does not include access to past calls from any months prior to you joining the program) — $1,200 value
Meditations & EFT Tapping Sessions: You'll get access to meditations and Emotional Freedom Techniques (AKA tapping sessions) that accompany each of the core lessons inside Productivity Powerhouse — $99 value
⭐️ Backstage pass to the legacy programs: You'll get lifetime access to our entire product suite of 12 e-courses (organized into Anti-Hustle Mindset, Business Planning Package, and Business Strategy Bundle) to take advantage of even more learning opportunities — $1,196 value
Our Top Recommendation:
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by-step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
Solopreneur Diary Entries PREMIUM EDITION — monthly live calls featuring behind-the-scenes real-time, real-life examples of how Sagan uses Productivity Powerhouse methodologies in her own life and business (you get access to *this* month's live call & recording, plus ALL FUTURE live calls & replays — does not include access to past calls from any months prior to you joining the program) — $1,200 value
Just the Basics (Core Curriculum Only):
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
Get all the bells & whistles
Only $1,997
(payment plans available!)
Best value & top recommendation
Only $1,197
(payment plans available!)
Basics to reclaim time & energy
Only $997
(payment plans available!)
Not sure which one's right for you? You can always start with the Gold or Diamond package and upgrade later!
"I'm now at the point where I am comfortable making my plans each day and week and have a good idea of where to go from here. I'm more confident in myself and my own abilities, and I’m excited for the road ahead. Sagan's encouragement and guidance has led me to a clearer path for my business's future.I 100% recommend Sagan's coaching to anyone who feels lost with their business, needs to regroup, or wants guidance and direction. She teaches you the skills to enhance your understanding and relationship with your business... Sagan truly cares about your success and wants to see you thrive!”
- Richelle, freelance editor
QUESTION: What is your time worth to you?
How about your energy?
How much is it worth it to you to have the capacity and bandwidth to enjoy your hobbies again?
How much is it worth it to you to truly love and enjoy every aspect of your business—yes, even the stuff that seems boring or frustrating or difficult right now?
Productivity Powerhouse gives you more time, more energy, more capacity and bandwidth, more joy… even if all of that seems totally impossible right now.
THIS is the program you've been dreaming about... it has everything you've always WISHED existed in a neat package.
And it's all yours... today.
By the way... Time *IS* money.
Saving time gives you the capacity to earn more money!
...and when you become a Productivity Powerhouse, you can start saving 10 hours/week, EVERY week, as a solopreneur.
Let's do some quick math: If you charge $100/hour, you could easily use 5 of those extra hours every week to do more client work—and suddenly, you're making an extra $2,000/month, which means you can get back your entire investment in the program within that month, and continue to make that much extra in each month to come ( you'll still have at least 5 more extra hours/week to play with. Woohoo!)
→ How many new client projects could you take on (AKA how much more money could you make) with 10 extra hours each week?
→ How much extra marketing could you do (AKA how many more products/services could you sell) with 10 extra hours each week?
→ How much more continuing education & professional development could you do (and how much could you raise your rates with your additional expertise), with 10 extra hours each week?
Your earning potential dramatically increases when you have extra time in your day.
Want more money? You need to make more time.
Becoming a Productivity Powerhouse is your ticket to saving time *and* making money.
We have a no-refunds policy. Instead, we have a HAPPINESS guarantee.
If you do the work, put in your best effort, and still aren’t satisfied with this program, reach out to
We’ll have a conversation to discuss the problems you're facing, and what steps you need to take to ensure you're on the pathway to success. When you join Productivity Powerhouse, it's a commitment on both of our parts—yours and mine—for you to succeed.
"What excites me about Productivity Powerhouse is that it is not saying that one size fits all. It looks at me as a person and considers my learning style, personality traits, lifestyle, and allows me to create a program that will work just for me.
[Now that I've started Productivity Powerhouse] I feel that my business is really coming together... I have never before had as much clarity as I do now. I feel so much more confident in what I need to do. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction!
What I am really impressed with is that I am using the process that I am learning in this e-course not only for my own business but also for a temporary day job that I have. That is real progress!"
- Vicki, CPR/First Aid trainer
Which tier should I get?
We recommend the Diamond Package (core curriculum plus the Solopreneur Diary Entries Premium Edition) for the vast majority of solopreneurs! It is an incredible value and provides you with everything you need to design your anti-hustle lifestyle business and become a productive boss.
(ALSO: You can start with the Gold or Diamond Package and then upgrade to the next tier later on.)
How much time will this take me?
That depends on you and your goal! The way I teach productivity is that you can make progress whether you have only 15 minutes/day, or if you have 5 hours/week to work on this program.
...Plus, you’ll learn strategies to boost your energy & make such incredible use of your time that you’ll be able to make more progress in 30 hours/week than you used to at 50 hours/week.
By the way! The video lessons are all around 10 - 20 minutes long (and you can speed them up) so that you spend your time taking ACTION on what you learn—this program is streamlined & fluff-free.
How fast can I expect to see results?
Clients in Productivity Powerhouse typically save at least 5 hours/week within their first week of joining the program, after implementing just a few concepts (because a few small, strategic tweaks to your current processes can go a LONG way)… and the more you implement, the more hours you’ll save.
Plus, the framework roadmap is designed so that you’re always making progress! That means you can expect to see results pretty much immediately. Cool, right?
How long can I keep it for?
You get lifetime access to all materials in this program—PLUS priority access to all future bonuses.
I don’t want to use XYZ time-saving technique. Will this still work for me?
I HEAR you when you say that you’ve tried Trello, or time-blocking, or waking up at 5am… and it just didn’t work for you.
Productivity Powerhouse is completely customizable, from start to finish! I’m not going to force you to use ANY particular technique or system, because I don’t believe in cookie cutter business models. You’ll learn how to choose the BEST systems & techniques for your unique situation — this is productivity based on your personality!
I’m SUPER busy! What if I don’t have any time to work on Productivity Powerhouse?
I mean this in the most loving and supportive way possible: You, my dear, have the capabilities to be creative with your time, just like everyone else. You have the power to do that. I believe in you! You just need the tools to get you there… which is what you’ll find in Productivity Powerhouse.
Guess what? Everyone’s busy! If you think you’re too busy, or that you have ZERO hours in your week to work on Productivity Powerhouse, then you are EXACTLY the person who needs to join Productivity Powerhouse. (Other solopreneurs have successfully gone through Productivity Powerhouse—and LOVED it—while they were recovering from burnout, raising little kids, juggling a side hustle with 9 to 5 jobs, recently diagnosed with ADHD, and more)
Productivity Powerhouse is all about maximizing your time and energy, so that you can get more done in less time without the overwhelm and without sacrificing quality. How’s that sound?
I’m NOT a solopreneur. Will this program work for me?
This program is specially designed with solopreneurs & multi-passionates in mind.
However, if you have ANY kind of goal that you want to take action on, the framework is replicable and can be applied to that. (E.g. write a book, launch a podcast, move across the country, create an e-course… etc)
You will get the most from Productivity Powerhouse if you are a solopreneur or multi-passionate creative, but you can still reap benefits if you are happy as a 9 to 5 employee (some of the lessons just won't be as applicable for you).
Will you be releasing more in the future?
If the past is any indication, YES 😉 I love creating content for you based on your needs! So if there’s something you’d LOVE to see added to Productivity Powerhouse, then I just might create extra bonuses… All you need to do is ask.
We completed some MAJOR swoon-worthy upgrades in 2022, at which point we also added NEW monthly live calls (Diamond & Platinum Packages only) so you can see all the behind-the-scenes of Sagan's business!
What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?
I’m rooting for you! If you’re stuck, please email with your issue. I respond to all emails directly—and I’m committed to your success! You also have the opportunity to upgrade to one-on-one coaching sessions at any time.
Is there a community with this program?
I want you to stay in your own lane and focus on taking strategic ACTION—without getting distracted by what other people are doing.
That’s why, instead of a community group, you’ll get accountability built into this program with 4 months’ worth of weekly support pep talks, delivered directly to your inbox... plus ongoing monthly live group calls EVERY month (Diamond & Platinum Packages only).
I don’t have a business yet. Do I need this?
The short answer: YES.
The longer answer: You'll save yourself SO MUCH time & energy by implementing the teachings in this program *now,* rather than waiting until things get out of control with your business.
Set yourself up for success by enrolling in Productivity Powerhouse right now! You don’t need to wait until you’ve launched your business to reap the benefits (In fact, Productivity Powerhouse will be able to help you with starting your business!)
Can I use this for a non-business project?
You sure can! I’ve used this same method for writing romantic comedy novels, starting a non-business podcast, etc. The beauty of the Productivity Powerhouse framework is that it can be applied to ANY dreamy goal/idea that you want to take action on.
(But, again, keep in mind that it is designed for solopreneurs and the examples provided in this program are relevant to business. The bonus spotlight training features 6 other examples for how you can apply the framework)
Which is the best option for you?
Here's the difference between each of our tiered options...
PLATINUM PACKAGE: Perfect for YOU if you want EVERYTHING necessary for your solopreneur business.
Are you new to solopreneurship, or do you simply love learning new skills?
The Platinum Package includes a backstage pass to our entire product suite of 12 e-courses on topics such as business planning, pitching clients, creating irresistible product offers, quitting your day job within 90 days, and more — PLUS the Solopreneur Diary Entries Premium monthly live group calls.
DIAMOND PACKAGE: Perfect for YOU if you want ongoing accountability and behind-the-scenes, real-life real-time examples of this work in action.
Do you get inspired by seeing what others are doing in their own businesses? Are you the kind of person who loves a little extra accountability, motivation, and support?
The Diamond Package includes monthly live group calls (AKA the Premium Edition of Solopreneur Diary Entries), in which Sagan shares behind-the-scenes real-life, real-time examples of using Productivity Powerhouse anti-hustle methods in all aspects of her own life and business — an additional $1,200 value!
GOLD PACKAGE: Perfect for YOU if you want the basics — the robust core curriculum of Productivity Powerhouse.
Do you prefer to do things on your own? Are you a self-led, self-paced, DIY kind of solopreneur?
The Gold Package includes the core curriculum of Productivity Powerhouse so you can keep your head down and focus on taking action on the core promise of our program: save 10 hours/week while increasing your energy and designing a true lifestyle business.
I’ve studied productivity hacks before. Is this the same thing?
NOPE. Most “productivity hacks” are based on the concept of “hustle & grind” or “toxic productivity” or “THIS ONE HACK works for everyone.”
What you will learn in Productivity Powerhouse is unlike any other productivity training out there, because it is designed to work WITH and FOR you. There is no one-size fits-all, cookie cutter model here. Instead, you’ll customize everything for your unique situation.
(And you WILL learn about different productivity techniques you can try—that’s just not the *main* focus of this program)
What’s the program schedule? Is everything available immediately?
Productivity Powerhouse is self-paced, so you can go through it at your own speed. Everything is available immediately when you sign up.
We have monthly live calls (where you get behind-the-scenes insights about Sagan's business, and you can see real-time, real-life examples of how Sagan applies Productivity Powerhouse concepts to life & business—and you can help us plan out the schedule in the future (just let us know about your preferred times/days and we'll do our best to accommodate). Plus, you get access to recordings of every monthly call, starting the month you join & all future calls.
Do I need to use a special program to access the materials?
Nope! Productivity Powerhouse “lives” on Teachable, so once you sign up for the Teachable School, you’ll be able to access everything, on all devices, with a wifi connection.
Can I share this with a friend?
Productivity Powerhouse is the intellectual property of Sagan Morrow, and is not to be copied or distributed in any way. It is also a single-user program, which means that sharing your log-in information with a friend is theft.
Instead, send THIS page to a friend and encourage them to join Productivity Powerhouse, too, so you can go through the framework together!
What if it’s not what I expect?
If you have any questions or concerns about what’s in this program, email so we can discuss it. I want you to be fully satisfied! You get the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback throughout the program, and I welcome ALL of your input (rave reviews and constructive criticism alike!). Your input helps me make the program better suited to your wants/needs.
Is there a guarantee?
We have a no-refunds policy. Instead, we have a HAPPINESS guarantee. If you do the work, put in your best effort, and aren’t satisfied with this program, reach out to, and we’ll have a conversation to discuss what steps you need to take to ensure your satisfaction.
This is a commitment on both of our parts—yours and mine—for you to succeed.
How much time can I save?
Every person is different, however **typical results** is that most people who implement this program easily free up 5 - 10 hours/week… EVERY week.
What you do with that time is up to you! (And remember, time is money. The more time you save, the more money you can earn—for example, by getting more clients.)
...Not to mention, you’ll save a TON of energy!
I’m deaf or hard of hearing. Is this material accessible for me?
Absolutely. The lessons are available in video format and as audio recordings, plus you'll receive the Companion Guide (AKA the "book version" of the program, which features word-for-word transcripts of the videos) so you can watch, listen, and/or read the program, depending on your accessibility requirements.
If you have any other accessibility needs, please reach out to so we can explore accommodation options.
Do you have people who’ve used this with success?
YES! Clients have been using Productivity Powerhouse successfully since 2019 to save 10 hours/week without the burnout, achieve real work/life balance, and make amazing progress with their dreamy goals… all on their own terms.
Check out the testimonials on this page, and/or let us know if you have any specific questions about experiences that people have had in the program.
What are your values?
Black lives matter. Indigenous lives matter. Trans lives matter. I am personally & professionally committed to inclusion, anti-racism, diversity, equity, and the protection of human rights, and I am an alumnus of the Anti-Racism Leadership School to ensure that I can best support & serve all of my clients. I am also sex-positive, polyamorous, believe in a woman's right to choose, support mask mandates, and my pronouns are she/her.
"Any time I sign up for an e-course, I worry it'll be the same basic advice you can get for free anywhere—that wasn't the case here. Productivity Powerhouse dives deep into meaningful topics and provides actual, useful information for making real change. I 100% recommend it!
Before this program, I was spending way too much time stuck in indecision about how I wanted to run my business, what I wanted to focus on, and what my goals should be. I was losing time that I could have spent securing more clients, improving my skills, and completing projects for my existing clients.
Now, I have a better sense of what my business goals are—and all the goals I'm working towards are clearly defined and within my control. That means any time a new opportunity arises, it's easy for me to see whether or not it fits with my long-term plans (and whether or not I should jump on it or pass it on to another writer or editor in my network—something I'm doing frequently these days as my client list grows!).
Going through the program got me to clarify my business values and desires in a way that is helping me make more focused decisions for both the short- and long-term. This is saving me a ton of time (and headaches). I'm more confident in how I help my clients and I'm doing better work even faster than before.
Sagan is accessible, encouraging, and effective—the videos feel like a conversation with a business friend (rather than a lecture). I really enjoyed Productivity Powerhouse and look forward to using and revisiting the strategies I learned over the long-term!"
- Bailey, writer & editor
Self-assessment check-in feedback from a business owner in the medical field, upon completing Step 6 of the Productivity Powerhouse framework (within the first 3 weeks of joining the program)...
Key points to note here: In just a few weeks (and before finishing the program), she...
Increased her confidence.
Made awesome progress (and FEELS like it, too, which is important for staying motivated & on track).
Feels READY to keep moving forward (this is someone who was stuck for years and started her business 9 years before joining Productivity Powerhouse).
Finally excited about what she's doing in their business.
Has DIRECTION and a clear path (no longer feels lost!)
...This can be YOU, too, when you join Productivity Powerhouse!
Hey there, I'm Sagan!
...and I want you to know you're not alone...
I started out like you, as a scattered, burned out solopreneur.
I was constantly putting out fires and feeling like I was always 3 steps behind in my business tasks—and I knew I needed to take back control of my time, get more organized & focused, and learn how to be more consistent.
I tried everything I could think of:
Waking up at 5am
Copying & pasting every “productivity hack” I could find
Working on evenings & weekends (in a futile attempt to “get ahead of schedule")
Putting together elaborate, intricate plans—except I didn’t really want to take action on those plans I was creating *facepalm*
Setting aside my other dreams & goals so they wouldn’t distract me (which just made me unhappy)
….but nothing worked!
I felt let down, frustrated, and disappointed with myself—because I felt like I wasted so much time and energy, and still ended up spinning my wheels, more burned out and overwhelmed than ever.
Finally, I decided I needed to make a change.
I started to “play” in my business… I began to learn more about how my personality affects my productivity style… and I prioritized self-care, rest, and favourite hobbies as a creative way to increase my productivity.
After that, I continued to learn about time/energy management and productivity as a tool to enhance our personal goals, and I experimented with fine-tuning my methods—and started helping clients get the same results, too!
In this process of going deeper with customizing strategies and using personality-based productivity techniques—and helping clients do the same—what I have realized is that:
You don’t need to force yourself to do things you don’t enjoy, in order to achieve your goals.
You don’t need to work yourself to exhaustion or be glued to your desk 24/7 to be a successful solopreneur or multi-passionate creative.
You CAN break free of the mold & create your own rules!
Unfortunately for me (and for you too, probably)... we’ve been looking for answers through working harder and following “productivity hacks” that don’t necessarily WORK for our unique situations.
Working harder and using productivity hacks aren’t inherently wrong—but there’s a better way!
If you’re ready to take charge of your own time and energy, I’d be honoured to support you through Productivity Powerhouse.
"Before joining Productivity Powerhouse, I had too much to do with not a lot of time to do it. I was also regularly exhausted and wasn't taking care of myself well or giving myself the space I needed to be effective in my two businesses. I had burned out severely, requiring a 3-day hospital stay in the intensive care unit. So I wanted to be more productive and have better time management and energy management skills before I burned out again, thus leading me to find Productivity Powerhouse.
I joined Productivity Powerhouse because I wanted to be able to cut down on my to-do list and give myself the systems I needed to manage my energy, get my tasks done, and have the time I need to do everything and then have time left for a life that I love.
Productivity Powerhouse was very helpful! I now have a few key systems and strategies in place that I regularly use from this system, and I’ve saved about 5 - 8 hours/week thanks to Productivity Powerhouse. Now I have more energy and free time to spend more time on my hobbies and interests, while knowing that my business is constantly evolving and getting better. It also has given me what I need to know exactly what to do each week, month, and year. Productivity Powerhouse is a great course that helped me put the systems I needed in place.
Productivity Powerhouse helped give me the confidence to know I won't burn out again—or I'll at least catch it before it happens. I can now be the CEO I want to be and know that my business is growing and that it will last because I'm making the right decisions at the right time and with the right guidance."
- CJ, pet photographer and freelance writer/editor
Join us inside Productivity Powerhouse now:
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by-step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
Solopreneur Diary Entries PREMIUM EDITION — monthly live calls featuring behind-the-scenes real-time, real-life examples of how Sagan uses Productivity Powerhouse methodologies in her own life and business (you get access to *this* month's live call & recording, plus ALL FUTURE live calls & replays — does not include access to past calls from any months prior to you joining the program) — $1,200 value
Meditations & EFT Tapping Sessions: You'll get access to meditations and Emotional Freedom Techniques (AKA tapping sessions) that accompany each of the core lessons inside Productivity Powerhouse — $99 value
⭐️ Backstage pass to the legacy programs: You'll get lifetime access to our entire product suite of 12 e-courses (organized into Anti-Hustle Mindset, Business Planning Package, and Business Strategy Bundle) to take advantage of even more learning opportunities — $1,196 value
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by-step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
Solopreneur Diary Entries PREMIUM EDITION — monthly live calls featuring behind-the-scenes real-time, real-life examples of how Sagan uses Productivity Powerhouse methodologies in her own life and business (you get access to *this* month's live call & recording, plus ALL FUTURE live calls & replays — does not include access to past calls from any months prior to you joining the program) — $1,200 value
9 powerful core lessons to teach you anti-hustle methodologies & transformative mindset work
Step-by step guides & practical action steps to make it simple & straightforward for you to IMPLEMENT what you learn
9 spotlight trainings accompanying each lesson, featuring tactics & strategy to enable you to easily take action
Framework roadmap, flow charts, curriculum overview, and comprehensive checklist so you never have to wonder what to do next
116-page fillable workbook featuring guided questions to make it easy to take action
328-page Companion Guide to read through all the lessons, guides, and trainings at your leisure (this is the "book version" of the program, so you can take it with you anywhere you go!)
Accessible learning options available: Video trainings, audio recordings, word-for-word transcripts, and physical copies of the program available to accommodate for all learning needs
4 months of weekly support & pep talks, delivered to your inbox
BONUS: Quick Wins resource (30 ways to save 17 hours/week)
BONUS: Supplementary resources to help you implement everything you learn
BONUS: 2 extra spotlight trainings to prepare you for the program & keep you making great progress afterward
Lifetime access to all materials (including any future upgrades to the program)
Productivity Mastery certificate program & exam to test your comprehension of concepts you learn in this e-course (optional)
Affiliate opportunity available
All the bells & whistles
Only $1,997
(payment plans available!)
Build your powerful business
Only $1,197
(payment plans available!)
Get back your time & energy
Only $997
(payment plans available!)
Not sure which package to choose?
You can always start with Gold or Diamond and then upgrade your experience to get the add-ons in the future!
Or, feel free to contact for our recommendation on your unique situation.
By enrolling in Productivity Powerhouse, you will also get access to solopreneurship stories in the Newsletter. You can opt-out at any time.
Got questions about Productivity Powerhouse? Email