Forms of Rhetoric: Handwriting Analysis

When I was younger, I received a book as a gift entitled The Handwriting Analyst’s Toolkit: character and personality revealed through graphology. This book is fantastic in that it has beautiful pictures and it examines just about every part of handwriting imaginable, deciphering your personality and mood at the time of writing based on how you slant your writing, how you dot your “i,” the type of punctuation you use and so much more. Obviously even at the time I took it all with a grain of salt, and it’s fun just to flip through it once in a while. I really enjoy these types of books that analyze the type of person you are based on things like your handwriting or when you’re born or if you’re the youngest or eldest child and so on.

analyzing handwriting

I had rather forgotten about the book until recently when I was perusing my bookshelves and came across it. I started skimming through it and thought that some of you might enjoy hearing a couple parts of it. Here are some of the things you can analyze about your own handwriting or another person’s (again, with a grain of salt, of course ;)):

How to tell if someone is sincere (page 90):

– Closed tops to “a” and “o” letters.

– A fairly fast speed with a distinct slant to the right.

– An even baseline.

– Signature should be the same size as the rest of the missive.

How to tell if someone is really happy (page 76):

– Rounded loops in the upper or lower zones.

– Steady or regular rhythm within the script.

– Defined extensions on the end strokes – but not too long.

The meaning of doodles (page 83):

– Arrows: an ambitious nature.

– Ladders: a social climber.

– Stars: a determination to succeed.

– Patterns: organizational abilities and power.

Size of script (page 18 – 19):

– Average script: practical, realistic, largely conventional, down-to-earth.

– Large script: inner need to be recognized, expansive nature, inability to concentrate, selfish, lack discipline, restless, optimistic.

– Small script: careful, shy, attention to detail, reliable, loyal, independent, strong and calculating inner drive.

– Variable size script: careless, indecision, moody, wear emotions on their sleeves.

What do you think? Is there any truth to this handwriting analysis? Have you ever analyzed handwriting before? Do you think that what handwriting looks like says something about the person?