Helpful habit: use an agenda

One of the best ways to ensure you stay well-organized and communicate efficiently is to make use of an agenda or day planner religiously. Use it to mark down your to-do lists, addresses and phone numbers for important contacts, meeting times and locations, project deadlines, and social events. You’ll never be late or miss a deadline again!

Agendas and day planners can vary widely, and you need to choose the one that works best for you. Shop around a bit for yours; don’t just grab the first one you see.

day planner

A few things to consider when choosing your agenda:

  • Is it the right size to fit in your bag? Do you need to carry it around with you everywhere?
  • Does it have enough space for each day?
  • Do you like the “feel” of it?
  • Is there a space for notes?
  • Does it have times listed for each day?
  • Can you make use of the calendar feature on your smart phone effectively enough for it to act as your day planner?

These are some of the main questions you should ask yourself. For myself, I find that I can get along fairly comfortably with all kinds of day planners, and have a different style every year. But my favourite has to be my newest one, which is very big (letter size) and lists times for each day. There’s plenty of space to write important information, with additional space for notes along the side.

Do you use agendas / day planners? Do you find that they help you to communicate more effectively and reduce stress? What style do you prefer? Share in the comments section below!