Lifestyle Editing: Books I read in April 2011

Books I started a month or two ago and finished this month:

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Great book! It’s completely accessible, even if it seems like it will be daunting. I very much liked this book.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This was another good one, although the writing style itself is very odd. It was also a creepy story without being overtly creepy… the creepiness just sort of sneaks up on you when you’re lying in bed and thinking about the novel. And yeah, okay, this book may have given me a nightmare or two. But still! A good read.

Up in the Air by Walter Kirn. I wanted to read this book because I enjoyed the movie based on the novel. When I first started reading the book, I thought it was good. Then as I continued to read, it just went way over my head (up in the air, as it were. Hehe!). I didn’t like it. I didn’t “get” it. By the end of the book, I was left wondering… what was the point of all of that? Wasn’t too impressed with this one.

Books that I both started and finished reading in April:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. I’d read this novel a few times before, but hadn’t read it in ages and figured I should refresh my memory before seeing the film when it comes out this summer. J. K. Rowling is awesome. I finished this book in 2.5 days 😀

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Love! When I first began to read this novel, I was thinking about The Little Prince (another book that I also have a huge amount of love for). Funny enough, in the media it was proclaimed as being the “new” The Little Prince. Everyone needs to read this book. It is a great adventure story and it is so inspiring! It has a similar philosophy to The Secret without all the hokey-ness.

Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger. I only read the first four stories because I had such horrible nightmares after reading The Laughing Man. And also because Salinger is a terrible author. Really! I don’t understand why his work is celebrated and everything. None of his short stories had any plot, the characters were unlikeable and the stories themselves just gave me the creeps. The writing itself is equally nothing special. I know that I read The Catcher in the Rye in high school but I can’t recall whether or not I enjoyed it… at any rate, I was very disappointed with Salinger.

Books that I started reading in April and have yet to finish:

Don Quixote by Cervantes. Monsignor Quixote is my all-time favourite Graham Greene novel, and it is a “modern-day” version of Don Quixote… sort of a satire on it. Which is especially amusing, since the version by Cervantes is a satire itself. Greene’s book is a satire of a satire! Pure gold. Anyway, I’ve been meaning to read Don Quixote for a few years now because I know that there’s a lot in Greene’s book that I’m missing out on appreciating just because I don’t know the original story well enough. I’m not even a hundred pages into Don Quixote, but I already quite like it – it’s sweet, funny and sad all at the same time. I’m looking forward to reading Monsignor Quixote again once I’m finished this one.

This I Believe: An A to Z of a Life by Carlos Fuentes. I’m less than 30 pages into this book, too, but so far I like it. It’s basically a bunch of short essays; a commentary on life. Great for reading on the treadmill!

I received my courses for the nutrition diploma program that I’m taking, so since I’ll be studying a lot and reading my notes for my distance ed courses, I might not be reading as many books in the coming months… but I’ll try to maintain a good balance of course load and reading for pleasure 🙂 And any textbooks that I read for my courses will, of course, be included here.

What books did you read this month?


  1. I’ve been meaning to read Don Quixote for years, and you’ve edged it further up the waiting list! It is horribly thick but hopefully becomes one of those books you don’t want to end. I’ll look out the Carlos Fuentes one too.

    I finished ‘animal, Vegetable, Miracle’ and still think you would love it. I read it very slowly and have only just finished it. not fair! Want more reading time. Tomorrow we are off to France for a week and hopefully will have some time to read as well as cycling, meeting our French friends and wandering about. I’m taking more than I can possibly read: Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ’, ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and ‘Artists in Crime’ by Ngaio Marsh. Ever read any of them?

    Finally and completely irrelevantly Just to add how lucky you are not to live in Britain right now. The news has been on for 26 minutes so far and every single one of them has been about the royal wedding, and it isn’t even happening until tomorrow! If I wasn’t going to France tomorrow I’d be on the next plane to Canada 🙂

    1. Okay, I am going to the bookstore this month and I’m going to pick up “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” – it sounds too good!

      I haven’t read any of those, although I loved Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy. Can’t count how many times I read those books! Hmmm, I may have to re-read them again…

      Have a fantastic time in France! I loved hiking in the Jura district. I bet it’ll be nice and relaxing and QUIET compared to Britain right now!

  2. How cool are you! Do you read more than one book at a time? I have a hard time with that. After adoring the Hunger Games series last month, I am full bore into yoga, meditation, and spirituality books again for teacher training and personal growth.

    A few on my April list were Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama, Moving into Stillness by Erich Schiffmann, and Moving Inward-The Journey to Meditation by Rolf Sovik.

    Just got an assignment from my marriage counselor though…husband and I are supposed to read Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson.

    I have a sudden yearning to read Jane Eyre again for some reason. Might have to sneak that in the next few months.

    1. I always read a few books at the same time, just because I’m always in different places! I have one book at the vet clinic I work at, one book at my boyfriend’s house, one book for my treadmill and usually another book for reading before bed. So usually at least three books on the go at any given time 🙂

      I haven’t heard of any of those books! Were they good?

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