multipassionate solopreneur

Multipassionate solopreneur framework for maximizing productivity (SNEAK PEEK of a Solopreneur Diary Entry Premium Edition from Productivity Powerhouse)

Multipassionate solopreneur, you can use the Productivity Powerhouse framework to effectively juggle all the moving parts of your life and business (e.g. your business, your household, your self care, etc)!

This is a rare opportunity to PEEK BEHIND THE CURTAIN and access one of our Productivity Powerhouse monthly live group call replays from December 2022: this topic is all about juggling things when you're a multipassionate solopreneur with LOTS going on...

Productivity Powerhouse is an anti-hustle e-course designed especially for overworked solopreneurs to get back your time and energy — so you can ACTUALLY see progress on your business goals WITHOUT sacrificing your personal life.


This group call replay from December 2022 is perfect for you are a solopreneur who feels burned out and overworked.

Topics we discuss on this call:

  • 0:00 Welcome and intro
  • 3:00 Answering the question of "how to navigate many different moving pieces, e.g. business, household, self" — in particular, while working through Productivity Powerhouse (AKA how to use the framework effectively for working through all of that)
  • 5:35 Why ALL of the different things you're working on can be viewed as separate-yet-integrated entities.
  • 6:05 3 different options for best practices with going through Productivity Powerhouse when you have different aspects of life/business that you're thinking of focusing on.
  • 11:00 How YOU are the centre of everything in your life and business (the interconnectedness of that, and why they are not actually competing against one another for your attention) — your identity, values, vision, belief system, goals, etc.
  • 13:25 What I do to bring my values into everything in my life and business (and how this "fits in" to the Productivity Powerhouse framework).
  • 15:00 Examples for how I "plug in" basically everything in life/business to the Productivity Powerhouse framework, e.g. 2023 business planning, sorting through boxes after moving house, volunteer board member commitment, navigating household stuff on a day-to-day basis, moving to a new province last year.
  • 26:15 How you'll start navigating everything at a subconscious level using the framework (and use a simplified version of the framework for doing *anything*)
  • 31:15 What to do if you're struggling to figure out what to focus on first, or if you're feeling too scattered.
  • 31:55 Q&A: "Is there any direction in Productivity Powerhouse for identifying values?" — Refer back to your Step 2 Spotlight Training (Business Plan Breakdown); section #3 shares examples of my own core values and a few quick tips.
  • 36:40 How you can get my personalized feedback on your values, your Productivity Powerhouse workbook, etc

Join Productivity Powerhouse now to access the complete framework — and so you never miss another monthly live group call like this one: 


These monthly group calls — also known as the "Solopreneur Diary Entries: Premium Edition" — are a BONUS you get as a Productivity Powerhouse. They feature real-life, real-time behind-the-scenes examples and insights about what’s going on in my business... and they are EXCLUSIVE to you when you enroll in Productivity Powerhouse!

You get to be a "fly on the wall" to see how I'm using the Productivity Powerhouse framework, concepts, and anti-hustle methods in all different aspects of my own life and business on an ongoing basis (because YEP, as a solopreneur with over 12 years experience in business, I use this framework every single day in my own life and business).

Every month, I share all about the behind-the-scenes of my business — why I made this decision vs. that decision, strategies & systems & processes for each aspect of my business, what I do every single day to embody my signature anti-hustle productivity methodologies in life & business, how I create content & conduct business planning retreats & do self-coaching, and more!

The focus of these topics change every month — and I happily take requests to answer any questions and address your preferred topics! — but here's the catch: When you join Productivity Powerhouse, you ONLY get access to that month's call plus future calls — it does not include access to previous call replays.


Hello and welcome to our December live call!

Today we're gonna be talking all about juggling things as multi passionate, so you have a lot of stuff going on in your life in our business, how to kind of do all of that specifically with Productivity Powerhouse. So it's 2:30, let's just dive right in. And as you're coming in, yeah, just say hello in the chat. And if you have any questions there or you know, comments, discussion, all of that is as always encouraged. Hello, Rita. Hello. Welcome, welcome. Tell me, how are things going for you in Productivity Powerhouse? Let us know. 

Today's topic was a question that came up in an email with one of your fellow Productivity Powerhouses. And I thought that was a great question and something that I think all of us can really relate to. So I figured it would be perfect especially for this time of year when there's so much happening especially on holiday season. So this would be a good time to focus on this.

Good okay, I’m glad that it’s working for you Yeah, yeah. Working on it when you can. Yes, there's also definitely a lot of content! So as we're going through it, like if you find you're getting stuck on anything then just if you're if you're finding that you're getting stuck on any other workbook questions or anything like that, kind of just like going through to the best of your ability and then just like continued on is really the best way to do it. Because sometimes if you're a little bit stuck on any one particular thing, then moving forward can give you that opportunity to then be like, Oh, this is not clicking for me. Right. So kind of like coasting through certain parts is totally okay if you're, if otherwise it's gonna get stuck. Okay, you got to check it. Awesome. Awesome. That's great. I love it. I love it. Perfect. Okay, so today's topic. So 

The question that came up via email was this:

"As I work through Productivity Powerhouse, I’m wondering your advice for focusing when I have more than one business/project and in many ways I look at my household (which includes a small bit of parenting still, caring for a parent, and just being the sole caretaker of a dwelling with all its moving pieces that range from plumbing to shovelling snow, internet, maintenance, etc. and seems to take most of my time) and ‘self’ (physical, mental health, emotional and spiritual health, relationships, passions etc. and seems to get the most short shifted on time) as entities to be envisioned, planned and strategized for.”

So in a nutshell, the question is really asking, “How do I navigate all this — with business, especially when there’s more than one business — and household, and personal self?” 

And then she followed up with this additional clarification on the original question, which was, looking at this in terms of focusing within Productivity Powerhouse. For example, when the questions in the Productivity Powerhouse Workbook are related to business — e.g. “What are the tasks that come most easily to your business?” She says:

“I get confused because I have more than one business, plus projects that perhaps could one day be businesses, along with a household… all of which have their own unique dynamics and are interconnected, and all of which I want to run more efficiently.”

So she was wondering, “Should I just choose one thing to work on?” — and so far, going through the Workbook, she’s been creating different responses for each part of her life — “but that in itself feels scattered and perhaps not productive?”

I think that this is something that's very relatable for a lot of us when you are looking at many different moving parts of your life in your business and trying to connect all the dots! And this is a wonderful opportunity to look at how you, as well, can navigate all of that, when it comes to Productivity Powerhouse… so you can really use Productivity Powerhouse effectively as a framework for navigating all those moving pieces, if you do have a business that maybe has multiple different facets to it; if you're also very busy with your household; if you're also trying to do work on self development, self care, anything with your relationships; and all that type of thing. 

The key here is that you can view each of these as a separate yet integrated entity. You can basically use the framework of Productivity Powerhouse for general longer term, big picture planning to begin with, and then you can start reusing it for each smaller piece if you like. 

Now, you kind of have three options that I would recommend — and these are the three options that I also recommended to this person. And so you can kind of play with this, we can dive into this a little bit. 

The first option here is that if you are feeling like you have a lot of different moving pieces, and you're trying to figure out how you can use the Productivity Powerhouse framework for it, you can answer each question with each of the different components.

E.g. If you have three entities — business, household, and self — you can answer each question in those three parts! And so then you're basically going through… I just have the Workbook right here…. you're basically going through and if you're answering, let's see… Yeah, so in the Self Leadership section, for example (that's the very first section of your Workbook), where it says, “What self leadership and self management means to me,” that's one of the questions in there. 

You can answer that in three separate ways: “What self leadership and self management looks like in terms of my business, in terms of my household, and in terms of myself.” You could do that. If you choose to go that route, then what you can do is go through the entire section of the Workbook with that in mind — each step and each spotlight training — and answer in those three parts, and then go back and look at them and assess: Where are the commonalities between your answers? What are the recurring themes that come up, right? What patterns do you tend to notice? Are you seeing essentially similar things in your three different answers that connects back, and that actually, it's kind of really the same answer, but you're just seeing it in a different way for each of those different entities? 

Does that make sense? So you can kind of look at it for the recurring themes and patterns. That can be really helpful for being able to see how they all come together. So let me know if that makes sense. That's your first option for navigating all these moving parts and using the framework to do so: Answer each question as separate entities and then compare them and look for the patterns and look for the recurring themes. 

Your second option is to answer the different questions under the umbrella of business, right. So if you were in the position where you are — Oh, excellent, wonderful, Kara! So glad it makes sense — If you're in the position where you have a lot of different moving parts of your business, or if you have multiple businesses, or if you are multi passionate so your business just has like a lot of different projects and stuff — then what you can do is answer each question with just ONE answer, but look at it in terms of the entire umbrella. 

For example, bringing it back to that initial example question of your Workbook, you know, “Out of all different types of work tasks, what comes easiest,” you're not looking at it in terms of “this part of my business and this part of my business and this part of my business.” You're not looking in terms of the different businesses that you have. You're not looking at it in terms of maybe the different departments you have in your business. Instead, you're looking at it in terms of the entire thing, what comes easiest to you, and what comes hardest. And so you can look at it in terms of that very, very general sort of perspective. 

And if you are doing that, what I would suggest is that — you might start trying to overthink it. So if you start finding yourself starting to overthink it, then just go with whatever comes to mind before moving on to the next question. 

So this option where you are looking at everything through the big umbrella of your business, this is exactly the same as if you chose to focus on just one small area. It's just on a larger scale. So that's option two. 

Option three is — if option number two just feels a bit too broad and vague for you, and you're like “I can't hold all of the different moving parts of my business in my head at the same time,” then I would suggest choosing one specific area to focus on. 

That can be one specific area of your business; that can be one specific area, if you're looking at it in terms of business, household, and personal, self, personal life, then you can look at it in terms of one of those. Just pick one and then go through it like that. 

Does that make sense? Does that help you kind of look at how you can put the moving pieces together?

I want to note as well, that when you are doing this, when you are doing anything related to Productivity Powerhouse, you're always bringing it back to the centre of it all — and the centre of it all is you! 

So when you look at it in terms of, “I have my business or multiple businesses that don't seem to make sense; I have multiple businesses going on, these aren't related! And then I also have my household and also my personal life sort of stuff; my self to deal with.”

The connection between all those is always going to be you. You are at the centre of it. Your values, your goals, your belief systems, your vision, all of these different pieces. The choices that you make are always going to be a reflection of who you are at your core. 

And so if you have a lot of different things going on in your life in your business, those things tend to be — to some degree — reflections of who we are. So the connection point between everything is always going to come back to you. And as a result, you can really start with that and everything sort of comes up from there. 

I can give you some examples of things in my own life in business, so hopefully this will start to sort of come together when we use these examples. But the really important piece is that these things are not competing against one another. They're not competing for your attention. They're actually supporting one another. 

For example, with my own situation — if we want to keep using these three categories of business stuff, and then household sort of things, right, like household responsibilities, and then sort of like personal self care, that kind of stuff — then here's how I navigate it: I always bring it back to the centre.

As I said, it always comes back to you: you are the centre of everything and everything's like a little, like you're a hub, or spokes on a wheel type of thing. Everything is coming out of where you are, at the core, at the centre. So when I'm looking at anything — anything in my business or in my life — if I'm going to make a choice, if I'm going to move forward on anything, if I'm trying decide what I should do this or that, I'm always bringing it back to my values and my decision making matrix.

My values, my personal values, my values, are Connection, Adaptation and Intention. And you know, these have much, much bigger definitions, but these are my three core values. And so what I'm doing is, if I'm making a decision in my business — e.g. I've just completed a big chunk of business planning and so I've been doing this a lot lately — but when I'm making choices in my business, I will filter everything through those values. So I will be going through the Productivity Powerhouse framework with anything in my business filtered through those values. 

You're almost plugging it in after Step One of the curriculum. So Step One, you're identifying “this is what I want to do.” If you look at it through this lens of “what am I going to do with my business? What ideas do I have?”, you start Step One, “this is the idea that I have, this is the project,” and kind of looking at “this is the fun thing that I'm considering,” identifying that specific thing, and then filtering it immediately after that, in terms of “does this connect back to the values? Is it rooted in those values?”, and then continue on with the framework: This is how I'm going to prioritize it. This is how I'm gonna manage my energy around it and that kind of thing. Does that make sense? 

You're going through the whole framework with basically anything that's already rooted in those values, therefore it supports those values, and therefore it all supports you. It always comes back to you. 

A couple of things… I'm just thinking off my head now.. for my own business, I'm planning for 2023, looking at adding a lifestyle version of Productivity Powerhouse, and identifying. “How does this fit into everything with my business?” because it's something that I had kind of an idea for back in the summer, someone requested it, and it's been something I've been, you know, mulling over for quite some time. And so when I had the idea that it was looking at it through those values, how does it have that sort of connective piece? How is it intentional, how's it adaptive?” So those are the three values and then sort of plugging that into my decision making matrix and then being able to see, “okay, where does it fit in the priorities of my 2023 calendar?” And kind of moving forward with it like that. 

And household is the sort of same sort of thing: it is always automatically supported by those particular values. So everything that I might be doing with my household, all of the choices that I make, and the approach that I take is always going to be filtered through those values and done through the framework. You don't necessarily need to go through the entire workbook every single time. For a lot of them, the steps are going to be moved through much faster than you might think.

An example with household is, you know, I moved to Kamloops about a year ago and then a couple months ago I went and picked up a bunch of things from Winnipeg from the storage closet there.

And now we have them in Kamloops. It's fantastic. We have a whole bunch of boxes. But here's the problem: The problem is that we live in a 700 square foot condo and we don't have any storage unit. And so we need a place to put all these boxes. And at the time, in October, looking at the amount of boxes, the cardboard boxes full of paper files, the Rubbermaid containers full of electronics that we need to go through, bins of clothes, so many different bins of everything. We really didn't want to just start getting into it. My spouse and I, Mr. Science, when we were looking at how we wanted to approach things with unpacking everything, we were really looking at “okay, we don't want to start diving into this and having the entire condo just covered in boxes for a while. We want to be able to set aside a specific few days to go through everything and then deal with it.”

And as a result, the reason — to bring this back — is that when when we were making that decision, I was tying that into those values and identifying, “Okay, when I'm thinking about what I want for my personal life and for my business, it comes back to these different values into my decision making matrix in terms of, I want it to be intentional. I want it to be very strategically done. I don't want to just haphazardly go through all these boxes… I want to be able to be very connected to what we're going through and to be able to make the decisions as we're going through it. And I also want adaptability built into it because some of these boxes might take a lot longer to go through than others. So therefore I need a bit of extra time to be able to really have that time set aside, and that’s why we’re going through it during the holidays.”

You can see that this as a separate example can still be done through that same lens, and we plug it into the Productivity Powerhouse framework by really looking at it in terms of, “this is what we're gonna be doing with it. This is how we're going to prioritize it along with you know, routine household type of things; we're going to put these boxes in this particular corner, where they're not visible. They're out of the way, which really helps with managing energy, so we don't have that stress level of constantly seeing these boxes all the time; creating the strategies and organizing the tasks that we've already divvied up. We know which days we're going to be working on this. We know which one of us is gonna be taking care of which boxes; you can kind of see how you can use the framework, a very simplified sort of version of it, for basically getting anything done in your life and your business. So let me know if that makes sense, if this is helping you, if this is sort of coming together.

productivity powerhouse framework

Another example with self in terms of volunteer work is that I've recently joined the board of directors for the condo building back in Winnipeg. And it was past time for me to do that because that's a very small building. There aren't very many owners in that building. And making that choice could still be done through the framework and through those values — by looking at, “What is everything else going on in my life? How does this particular volunteer commitment fit into it? How does it connect back to my values?” And then looking at it in terms of everything that I have been doing as a volunteer board member, in terms of the positions that I take on various issues, the way that I approach my role… So, how I do things, I'm the secretary, so I take meeting minutes; so how I'm taking those meeting minutes, all of that always comes back to your own identity, vision, values, all of those types of pieces. It's all interrelated! One of the big things that I'm constantly going on about in these meetings is our code of ethics as board members. I'm constantly bringing that up because that's a very important component that's built into my values. 

And then when we're looking at it through that framework lens of Productivity Powerhouse, you can just plug it in in terms of like, “I know that my meeting’s gonna be on this particular day. I need to be able to have my things that I promised that I said that I would do, get them to be done before the next meeting,” right so you’re kind of working backwards with a task list. Gamification has been another big part. You know, I realized that I wanted to definitely write a play about a condo board and write a comedy about it. And so now I get to basically view board meetings as a fun research project for the play that I'm gonna write. 

All of these different pieces, it can come back to how you want to approach it, how it's going to make everything feel really good and connected for you — so that they're not all separate entities. They all come back to your own vision and values. They always come back to how you want to approach things and your belief systems and all of that. Is all of this making sense? I feel like I've gone off on several tangents here! I hope that this is kind of making sense and being a little bit helpful for you all.

You can really go through the framework very quickly like that. You can look at the framework in terms of just kind of jumping through each of the nine steps as an overall sort of piece. And so sometimes you're gonna be staying longer on certain steps than others. Some of these steps you can just cycle through really quick! 

And when it comes to household stuff, on a day to day basis, things like having the gamification built into it and having fun with it — I might spend a lot more time looking at it in terms of Step Three: Manage Your Energy, and Step Eight, having that gamification built into it, and kind of coasting over the other steps because they aren't as important. Although Step Two, right, like it's still, those steps are still built in — you might not spend as much conscious time on them. 

So if I'm looking at my household requirements, for example — Good! Okay, I'm very glad this is helpful! Wonderful. Wonderful — I can't remember if I mentioned this already, or maybe I mentioned it on my Instagram Stories a while back; I don't know if I mentioned on a on a previous call here… but one of the things that I always do with managing household sort of things is that at the end of every weekend, on Mondays, basically, I'm always coming back, I'm like, “Okay, it's time to like clean the house! It's after the weekend.” I don't really take care of the house or do anything all weekend. It's just a nice, fun, relaxing time. 

And what I find is that it's very much a “if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk.” Does anyone remember that book from back in the day? It’s a great kids book. But I'm very much like, “Okay, well it's time to vacuum… But if I'm gonna vacuum then I actually want to wash the dishes because I need to clean the counters… and if I'm going to vacuum, I also need to wash the towels right… and if I’m going to wash the towels then I should wash the bath mat on the bathroom floor as well…” And so then it's like, all of these different pieces need to sort of come together and they all kind of need to happen at the same time. And it's like, “well, if I'm going to be doing all this cleaning, then  I'm going to shower and wash my hair afterwards... If I'm gonna go through the trouble of washing my hair — it's ridiculously long — then I'm also gonna wash the bedding, and if I'm gonna wash the bedding…” — so it’s an ongoing thing! 

All of those thoughts in my head could be very scrambly, but they're not — because again, when we bring it through the Productivity Powerhouse framework, you're basically going through that and looking at “okay, Step One, what do I want — Identify Your Desires: I want a clean house by the end of today, Monday. So what makes sense in terms of the order of operations? What needs to kind of be done first to make the next one makes sense; if I know I’m gonna be doing all of these different things then what's the order of operation for this, what makes the most sense?”

And then tying it into the energy management piece and the gamification of it with playing great music that feels more fun for me… Adding in all of those pieces, so you can really go through this framework on a day to day basis and have it all going through like that. 

And again, as you're doing this, the more and more that you do this, the more that you're applying the framework to all different aspects of your life in your business, the more automatic it’s going to be and the more that you're gonna be doing it at a very subconscious level, so that it'll seem like there's just very specific steps that you're focusing more on because those are like bigger things for you to need to do, but you'll actually be doing the other steps at a slightly more subconscious level. You'll still be sort of skimming through them and just like skating or coasting through them. Okay, that Monday example was helpful! Good, good. I'm glad.

Okay, if that example was helpful for you, then a couple of other examples… 

When I was moving last year — because I first moved to Kamloops back in summer/autumn of 2021 — looking at that, there was the kind of the bigger steps that I was focusing on, still going through the full Productivity Powerhouse framework, but it was really looking at, burnout management and prevention was a really big piece, to really make sure that with moving to a brand new city that I’d only been to once before for basically a day; looking for a place to live, moving to a place where we didn't know anyone, setting up a new office, getting all those types of things. Having that energy management piece and burnout prevention was really, really, really big. 

Steps Four and Five were also really big, because they were very much about mapping out all the different things that we needed to be doing when you're moving, not just to a new city, but also to in your province… e.g. health care and getting a new BC driver's license rather than a Manitoba driver's license, all of those different things, mail forwarding, etc. All of that can feel so overwhelming. 

But again, when you look at it through the Productivity Powerhouse framework, it's all right there! So I will go through it. I literally will just be going through and be like, “Alright, first thing to do; Step One, and Step Two, then Step Three,” anytime that there's a lot of stuff going on. And so it was very straightforward to break down all of those big things happening and break it down to all those tasks. Having those there, Steps Four and Five were pretty big… Step Give, especially, I would say that was a big one that I was spending a lot of time on — organizing tasks and making sure everything was highly strategic.

And then with Step Six, simplifying everything, so after everything's kind of mapped out, you're looking at, “how can I make sure that we're not over complicating thing, that everything makes sense that we're trying to do with moving to a new place without dropping the ball on business?” and that kind of thing. So that was a key aspect.

And then you know, with the 2023 planning that I've done, as you can see, behind me, I have the entire year of 2023 mapped out and up higher I have things for the next three years planned out — but really looking at it in terms of Steps One and Two. I spent a lot more time on those two steps of the framework… really identifying, as a multi passionate, how do all of these different things fit together, how does all of this make sense? And how to make that really good progress on everything that I want to be doing? Particularly because I have experimented and pivoted so much with my business over the years. 

Some aspects have gotten unwieldy! My email marketing, ConvertKit, is a little bit unwieldy. And if you've received three emails a day from me for a number of weeks, you will be aware that it's a little unwieldy. I'm really looking forward to going through all that right. So again, it becomes a kind of process you go through with the framework. That’ll be one of my big projects I'm very much looking forward to working through in the new year.

Those are just a few examples of how this all comes together. What are we feeling and thinking about all of this? Do we have any questions? Do we need clarity on any of those? Does all of this make sense? Can you see how these all might be separate entities, but they all still come together and they all still connect back to you? 

If you're struggling at all with trying to figure out which piece to focus on first, always start with yourself. Always start with what your values and belief systems are and all of that type of thing. Because once you know that, everything else comes from there. Everything. So it can then become much easier to then move forward. And if you've gotten to that point to that part of creating a decision making matrix, then basically at any time that things start feeling too scattered, you can bring it back and funnel it through your decision making matrix. 

“Is there any direction in Productivity Powerhouse for identifying those three values?”

Yes. Oh, actually! This is a good question. Because we have a section on values… We talk about your values and your connected threads, let me see. Okay, so it's in Step One and Step Two where we get into these pieces…

Let me bring up the Workbook. Okay. Let's see. Yeah, so we go into your values and identify them in Step One, and mapping them out. And then in Step Two, you're noting what your core values are and your connective threads.

And then in Step Six, we have the decision making matrix where your values again, get plugged in, but I'm trying to think if we really explained how to identify those three values…

I'm trying to think if I've included that, because if I have not, then that'll probably be a great thing to include! Is that something that you’ve been struggling with, to identify what those values are? Yes. Okay. Okay. All right!

Did you go through — Have you completed the Step One workbook questions? Let's start there. Yeah. All right. Awesome. So what I would then suggest is when you're going through it, when it's asking you in the Lifestyle Goals and Personal Values section about what are the stuff that you care about, all of these different pieces, I would say go through what your answers were and again, start looking for those those recurring themes: What are the patterns that are coming up for you? That can be a good way to sort of start thinking about what these values look like.

The other thing that I will mention, and I think I included this in the lesson, but maybe I didn't (if so, I apologize!) — is that your definition of your values, and the words themselves, they don't need to be set in stone. They're probably going to evolve as you and your business grow and as you change, but the essence of them is still going to remain the same.

So if you really think about, what matters most to you and what your driving forces are, the way that you describe them, and the way that you talk about them will likely change — because as time goes on, we get a deeper understanding of them. But the basic concept of them is always going to remain the same. 

So with my values of Connection, Adaptation and Intention, I had called them something different. I believe in the past, I think I had different words, but I meant essentially the same thing. I’m trying to think of what they were… I'm gonna have to go back and check my previous business plans and bring that because I think that would be really fun! Would it be helpful for you guys, do you want to do a call on that topic about values and everything and how that sort of changes, and what that could look like? Yes. Okay. Wonderful. 

“Start with setting patterns.”


“That's helpful. It's affirming to know they will emerge from the exercises.”

Yeah, yeah. And as with anything, I would say don't overthink it too much. Again, because the essence of it is going to remain the same — who you are is who you are. And your understanding of it is just kind of going to deepen. Yeah.

Of course, we can always — you're welcome! — If you're really stuck with it after you go through it and look at the patterns and that kind of thing, we can always book a one on one call and I can help you directly with it and look through your Workbook and work through identifying the patterns. We can come up with those values together if you like. So that's always an option as well. 

Are there any other questions? I’m going to just check if there's anything else that I wanted to share about this…

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, anything at all! And if that appeals to you, if you all want to do a call on values, we can certainly do that in the future. Let me know as well: Is there anything else that you want me to elaborate on or build on that we talked about today or anything else you want me to be talking about in a future call? Those ones haven't been scheduled yet. Ooh, that would also be good — let me know in the chat or if you're watching the replay, email me, let me know, does this time of day, this day of the week work well for you? Are there other ones that would work best for you? Let me know. I wanna make sure this is useful for as many people as possible and we can always change the times of the days from one call to the next. Let me see. What else do we have here?

Okay, I think that was basically everything I wanted to mention.

Good. Wonderful. Yes, I'm always available for one-on-one calls. Click HERE if you want to book a call.

“Thursday is a tricky day.”

Okay. This is great to know. Perfect. Are there particular days that work best, for those of you who are here right now? Let me know what would be your ideal day or your ideal time of day with the timezone that you're in? Because I'm happy to change these up and do them on different days of the week, different times of day, I’m happy to just sort of make this work for as many people as possible. Keep me posted and if you want to think about it, then email me afterwards. That works too.

To recap, to wrap up what we've been talking about today: When you feel like you have a lot of different moving pieces going on, always start with your personal life. Start with your own core values, belief systems, and move forward from there. 

If you're not really sure what to focus on with Productivity Powerhouse, do it all through that kind of lens, do it through like an umbrella lens of your business, and then start going back through the framework with the different smaller pieces that you can kind of do on a smaller scale. 

And if you are going to do that, I’d definitely suggest that you go through the Scale Up Your Success spotlight training — that’s the spotlight training for Step Nine of Productivity Powerhouse. I think there's six different examples of using the framework for different smaller areas of focus, like growing your business, I think starting a podcast and writing a book, a few options like that. So that might be a really helpful way as well for you to kind of look at different examples for how it all works together. 

All of the different pieces within your life and business are connected. Even if they seem separate, even if they seem like they're very disconnected. Even if they seem like they're separate entities. They are not. They are all connected because they all come from you. They all come from your vision, your values, your beliefs, and/or your choices. 

Yes, of course, lifestyle circumstances and external things absolutely 100% come into play! But at the same time, how we respond to those different external circumstances is an important factor to consider. When you're looking at any of this, it always comes back to YOU. So you can really go through it through that lens. It's all connected. And if it feels like there's a disconnect, then that's a sign to look for the patterns. Look for those recurring themes. And take that sort of step back from it.

“Mondays and Wednesdays are good. This time is generally good.”

Okay, this is good to know. Good to know. Awesome. All right. If there are no other questions then we might just wrap this up.

And again, when there’s any disconnects in your life or your business, when it feels like things are too disjointed, that’s an alarm bell, a little flag for you to figure out what that means. That's information. It's always information, remember, so you can use that as like, what about it feels disconnected? Is this actually disconnected, or is it how you're approaching it that feels disconnected?

You're welcome!  

In that case, I will be sending this replay to you later today. And again, you can absolutely book a one-on-one coaching spot with me so we can go through what you're working through with Productivity Powerhouse, anything in your life or your business that you want support on; I’m happy to support you. 

We also still have a few spots left for Solopreneur CEO! So if you want six months of one-on-one support with me starting in January, absolutely book that. And otherwise a single session would also be lovely.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone. Have a wonderful holiday season. And I will see you in your inbox. Thank you. Thank you. Alright, take care everyone. Thank you so much for joining me today. This has been lovely. Alright, bye!