Evolution of the freelancer productivity program

Productivity Improvement Training for Small Business Owners (the evolution of my productivity for solopreneurs program)

If you’re searching for a productivity improvement training for small business owners, look no further! Productivity Powerhouse is my signature productivity for solopreneurs program — it’s your #1 way to beat toxic productivity hustle culture in your solopreneur business. I created the Productivity Powerhouse e-course for solo entrepreneurs back in 2019, and since then it has undergone several iterations… including another BRAND-NEW feature this year in celebration of our 5-year anniversary!

(Keep reading to the end of this blog post for details about the EPIC brand-new feature we're launching for the first time EVER this month!)

Let’s explore the evolution of this productivity improvement training for small business owners…

2019: Created and launched Productivity Powerhouse (my productivity for solopreneurs program) for the very first time.

I created Productivity Powerhouse with the concept of *getting more done in less time*. The purpose of it was to maximize your time and energy in both business and life — not just freelancer productivity tips and solopreneur success tips, but a complete ESCAPE from toxic productivity hustle culture.

(Wondering what exactly that means? Click HERE for your primer on Anti-Hustle Productivity 101)

This productivity for freelancers program was designed to fully support you in your life and business, using personality-based productivity and anti-hustle methodologies. 

This first version of Productivity Powerhouse was a simple e-course with audio lessons (and transcripts), cheatsheets, worksheets, and specific action steps. It was very quick to go through and extremely action-oriented…

…and the results that people got in that productivity for freelancers program were truly incredible. They were able to save 5 - 10 hours/week right away! It was a huge success right off the bat.

(And it’s not JUST for freelancers, either — it’s designed for solopreneurs of all kinds, AND people have seen success in it outside of their businesses, too!)

Want to save 10 hours/week as a solopreneur?

Watch the on-demand training:

  • 3-part system for mastering work/life balance.
  • Productivity self-assessment checklist.
  • 9 solopreneur problems holding you back — plus how to FIX each of those issues (with practical action steps!)

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Why did I create this anti-hustle productivity improvement training for small business owners?

    Because anti-hustle productivity SAVED my business 6 years ago, when I was transitioning back into being a solopreneur again after a failed attempt at a business partnership (that's a story for another day!)

    During all of that upheaval, I absolutely needed to prioritize my energy and wellbeing.

    …but I also had a business to run!

    My energy levels were all over the place, and I had my usual workload to do plus the emotional stress plus the worst anxiety attacks of my life plus the process of switching everything from the business partnership *back* into my solopreneur business (the business partnership had been an entire year in the making, so it was a LOT of work to undo all of it)...

    Whew. It was heavy!

    And you know what saved my business during all of that?

    Anti-hustle productivity ♥

    I’ve been an online business owner since 2010 (and I was deep into the blogging scene for 2 years prior to that). That’s a full 14 - 16 years of being in this space… and I’ve seen a lot of business owners experience similar dramatic upheavals during that time.

    Because life HAPPENS. Sometimes things beyond our control creates ripple effects into our businesses…

    …The question is always this: How are you going to handle it?

    A lot of small business owners aren't prepared to handle it in a constructive way — which is why I've seen so many of them unfortunately burn their businesses to the ground or experience extreme burnout.

    When we come to that question of "How are you going to handle it?", I’m NOT talking about it in the context of “Be disciplined” or “Put your nose to the grind” or any of that 😉

    What I’m talking about is:
    • What are the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing during this upheaval?
    • How are you honouring and acknowledging those thoughts and feelings (rather than shoving them down, which likely just means they’ll erupt later on down the line)?
    • How are you unpacking and processing those thoughts and feelings so they don’t derail you?
    • What types of systems and processes have you set up in your solopreneur business to ensure things keep running smoothly regardless of what happens?
    • How will your systems and processes sustain your business even when you need a break from it?
    • What are your options for taking a step back from your business when you need it? (Do you have any options for that?)
    • How adaptable is your business for quick pivots when it feels like the floor has disappeared beneath your feet?
    • What is your creative capacity for being able to solve problems and explore new options?
    • What is your energetic bandwidth for balancing big-picture thinking without dropping the ball on everyday tasks?
    • How are your intrapersonal skills for navigating overwhelm, imposter syndrome, procrastination, and perfectionism — and for being honest with yourself and trusting yourself throughout this journey?
    • …etc

    Your responses to these types of questions can give you some insight into how you are going to handle unexpected upheaval.

    Your responses to these types of questions can indicate your ability to handle unexpected upheaval, WITHOUT needing to burn your business to the ground.

    When you go back through that list, you might be thinking, “I don’t have answers to some of these questions,” or, “I’m not satisfied with my answers to these questions” — and that’s okay! The important thing is that you’re thinking about it NOW.

    Your ~ability~ to handle unexpected upheaval is a skill that can be developed; it is the strategies that can be put in place and the mindset that can be shifted.

    You have power in being able to improve and build upon all of those questions listed above ♥

    And at some point, if that upheaval DOES come along… It will very likely save your business.

    When I say that anti-hustle productivity saved my business, I am not being hyperbolic. It was the foundation for how I got through that REALLY rough year between 2018 - 2019 when I was transitioning back into solopreneurship. It was the hardest year ever for my business. And fully embracing anti-hustle methodologies and personality-based productivity — which became the foundation for my Productivity Powerhouse framework — saved my business.

    Becoming an anti-hustle Productivity Powerhouse can save your business, too — whether you're in a season of upheaval, or want to preemptively prepare for unexpected derailments and create a long-lasting, sustainable business, or simply want to decrease the everyday stressors and overwhelm and task list frazzle that comes with being a solo entrepreneur.

    THAT is why I created Productivity Powerhouse for you, back in 2019.

    (And by the way, YES, you'll learn how to improve at every one of those bullet point listed above and build all those skills inside Productivity Powerhouse!)

    Behind the scenes — productivity improvement training for small business owners

    2021: Overhauled the Productivity Powerhouse e-course with a brand-new “2.0” curriculum.

    As more and more solopreneur business owners went through Productivity Powerhouse, I took all of their feedback and insights into account. One of the things I discovered from reading between the lines was that the flow of the curriculum could be reworked to make it more of an A - Z lesson plan.

    Previously, solopreneurs could jump in and out and grab whatever they needed from the program, which was really helpful for quick wins BUT I wanted to make sure they weren’t overlooking other aspects that would be a gamechanger for their solopreneur success. It was time to turn this program into a TRUE curriculum! I reorganized the lessons into a more cohesive pathway.

    2022: Upgraded the Productivity Powerhouse framework to be incredibly robust.

    The reason I did this was because I felt like the previous iteration of Productivity Powerhouse really just *scratched the surface* of anti-hustle productivity for solopreneurs. It was fantastic to see how much freelancers and other solopreneurs got out of this productivity program… and I knew that it could be even MORE.

    This is where I added in supplementary resources for each lesson, sample plug n’ play templates for your solopreneur business, fillable checklists to implement the freelancer productivity tips, flowcharts to stay on track with your solopreneur success, and more! It became VERY comprehensive with a clear roadmap of what to do at every step along the way, plus which aspects are optional so you don’t get sidetracked.

    Small business owners continue to get amazing results from Productivity Powerhouse, and it’s been so beautiful to see how *people are getting their LIVES back* as a result of this productivity improvement training for small business owners.

    It’s not “just” about saving time and energy…

    → It’s about relieving themselves of the burden of unnecessary stress and pressure.

    → It’s about reconnecting with what matters most to them, and building the courage and taking the action to DO and BE that.

    → It’s about living their best lives, being their best selves, improving boundaries and communication with their clients and family, enjoying healthy work/life balance, and accomplishing the goals that they’ve been dreaming about for years.

    Every iteration of Productivity Powerhouse has supported solo business owners even more, every step along the way:

    NOW — 2024: Launch of the NEW live Immersive Experience as a complete support and accountability system while you go through this productivity improvement training for small business owners.

    The only drawback of Productivity Powerhouse being such a robust curriculum — and people getting so many fantastic results so quickly in the program — is that not everyone gets around to COMPLETING this productivity for solopreneurs program.

    Seriously: People are so impressed and delighted with their results from just the first few lessons that they sometimes stop at that point! They get what they want from it, are extremely happy and satisfied, so they don’t see a need to continue the curriculum.

    On the one hand, I LOVE that they are so thrilled with their results, so quickly!

    …and on the other hand, I also know that there’s so much MORE they can do and be when they complete the program:

    They can be more successful with their solopreneur business.

    They can unlearn toxic productivity hustle culture even more.

    They can take their productivity to a whole other level.

    They can make even more tweaks to their business so it supports their lifestyle even more.

    They can achieve their goals even faster and even more enjoyably and even easier.

    Becoming a Productivity Powerhouse isn't JUST about saving time and energy... it's about getting your life back.

    That’s where the Immersive Experience comes in:

    Rather than you going through Productivity Powerhouse at your own pace, we’ll release a new pre-recorded lesson each week — and then, a week later, we’ll do a live group call to stay accountable, chat about progress, answer any questions, and make plans for the upcoming week.

    For example, here’s what those accountability calls will look like…

    • We will all share our progress from the previous week (I’ll be going through the Productivity Powerhouse framework alongside you — so you’ll get insider access to what I’m working on in real time!)
    • You’ll have a chance to connect with fellow Productivity Powerhouses in the chatbox (a nice way to connect with other solopreneurs).
    • I’ll answer any questions you have related to that week’s lesson (and provide you with recommendations and support if you’re struggling at any point along the way).
    • You’ll prep and plan for the upcoming week to stay on track (so you walk away from the call feeling confident and prepared for the week ahead).
    • Shortly after we log off the call, you’ll get access to the next pre-recorded lesson (so you’ll get a full week to watch the lesson and start implementing what you learn before our NEXT live accountability call).
    • We’ll have a few built-in “buffer weeks” where we’ll take breaks from doing accountability calls and you won’t get access to any new pre-recorded lessons (this gives you extra time to work on anything — or just take a break! — so you don’t have to worry about “falling behind”).


    • The first official round of the Productivity Powerhouse Immersive Experience kicks off Sunday, September 1st, 2024! Since we are going through this program TOGETHER as a group, your absolute last chance to sign up is midnight PT on Saturday, August 31st.
      • If you're reading this after the fact and you missed out, you can still join the regular version of Productivity Powerhouse and get access to the NEXT live round of the Immersive Experience for $0!
    • We’ll choose the schedule of days/times based on when the most people are available for the live calls.
    • You get access to all the replays if you can’t make it live for whatever reason.
    • We’ll build in a few “catchup” weeks for added buffer in case you’re on holiday or get sick or need a mini break from the program.

    I’m truly so eager to do this with you. I put my heart and soul into the Productivity Powerhouse e-course at every iteration, and I’m always listening to hear what you want and need — and how I can best support you in this program.

    The Productivity Powerhouse ***Immersive Experience*** is the next evolution of that… and it’s going to be as successful and rave-worthy as each iteration we’ve gone through of this program!

    Are you ready to experience this productivity improvement training for small business owners?

    Productivity improvement training for small business owners... Freelancer time management tips and solopreneur success tips to escape toxic productivity hustle culture. How to build a lifestyle business that supports your personality and values. Stay on track and motivated while maintaining your high standards and strong boundaries. Reconnect with what matters most, enjoy healthy work life balance, accomplish your goals!