Sometimes rules you learn in school aren’t useful when applied to the real world

This article investigates six ways your schoolteacher sabotage your business writing. Definitely worth a read! Number 6 really resounded with me. I recall being frustrated in grade school one time when a teacher crossed out the “And” at the beginning of a sentence I’d written, because it wasn’t “correct.” My response was that I knew it wasn’t correct, but I was deliberately breaking the rules because it sounded better and fit my story well and I’m a good writer, dammit, so I’m allowed to make my own rules!* Cheeky little monkey, I was.

Do you follow all the rules? Or have you discovered that the rules you learned in school are not to be applied to business writing?

*Okay, I didn’t say it in those words. But I was thinking it 😉

1 Comment

  1. This is why I love blogging, because I can do it how I want. That really frustrated me at school and then going to college and writing psychology papers that had to be a certain. Drove me bonkers! Ah, but now things are so much more pleasant.

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