The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: creepy as hell

I read this book in less than a week. And for a week I kept asking myself the same question, over and over:

Why do people love this book so much?

I’ll do my best to refrain from using profanity on the blog, but this book is going to give me *@$%ing nightmares. The content is disturbing and creepy and disgusting.

stieg larsson book

After all of the media attention the book received, and how much people have been raving about it, I was incredibly disappointed. I would have stopped reading the book after the first couple chapters because it was boring and I wasn’t impressed with the writing style at all, but I heard so many good things about it that I decided to continue.

And then I couldn’t stop. It was like when some major disaster happens in front of you and you just can’t tear your eyes away.

With the pedophilia, the murder, the rape, the incest and the horrific violence, I don’t honestly get what everyone sees in the story itself.* It’s all rather sad and definitely gruesome.

Have you read this book? Did you enjoy it? Will someone please tell me what I’m missing about what makes this book so amazing? I’m thoroughly perplexed.

*Granted, I have to admit that I’ve never read much in the way of crime fiction. So maybe this is typical crime fiction and it’s just not my thing? That is definitely a possibility. I suppose I should give it the benefit of the doubt in that case…