Why do I need a social media strategist?

After discussing the benefits of hiring a professional editor for your work, now it’s time to talk about how having someone to manage your social media platforms can also be incredibly beneficial to improving and promoting your work!

Find out why you need a social media manager in your life (plus what a social media manager actually does [9 examples], and 6 reasons for why social media really does matter for your brand!)

Why does social media matter?

Social media can include everything from blogging to online newsletters to Twitter to LinkedIn to Facebook and more. By using social media, your business and your work can reach that many more people. Here’s why and how social media can make a difference for you:

  • Social media of all kinds can enable you to build relationships with your target audience and understand how your business can fit into their wants and needs.
  • Platforms like Twitter and Pinterest can enable you to connect with people you might not *know* yet, but who share common interests with you.
  • Online newsletters can serve as a targeted reminder for your audience about your business.
  • Blogs can enable your audience to understand what you do in greater detail, and to gain helpful information about your industry on a regular basis.
  • Social media of all kinds can help you to promote your business and your work to the right people, thus expanding your network and marketing to the larger population.
  • Social media of all kinds can enable you to connect with others in your industry.

Need a social media strategist? Contact me at sagan.morrow@gmail.com to discuss your project!

What does a social media strategist do?

As a social media strategist, I personally specialize in creating social media strategies and content for you to post on your social media platforms, but there are many different types of things that social media strategists can do for you.

After all, even though social media has countless benefits (the above list outlines just a few of the most important!), it can be difficult for you to maintain your social media to really reap the benefits in their entirety. And that’s where a social media strategist can help you out.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@Saganlives”]#Socialmedia can help you reach new audiences & find out what people need & want from your brand[/tweetthis]

Here are some of the things that a social media strategist can do for you:

  • Create a social media strategy, which will outline the types of social media that will best benefit your business, identify your target audiences, and include recommendations for best practices, among other things.
  • Create social media posts (complete with hashtags, links, user handles, images, and dates to post) leading up to an event or as a draft plan for you to post on your social media platforms yourself.
  • Manage your blog editorial team.
  • Put together and send online newsletters on your behalf.
  • Create Twitter lists and use hashtags, images, and links to promote your business and connect with your target audiences and others in your industry on a regular (often daily) basis.
  • Enhance your blog with the use of widgets, images, and other items.
  • Update your blog regularly, including writing and editing content, and marketing the blog posts once they are published.
  • Connect with your target audience and people in your industry across all social media platforms.
  • Facilitate training (workshops, presentations, manuals, etc.) on social media best practices for your team.
  • Research and keep up-to-date on the latest tips, tricks, and news pertaining to social media best practices.

Need a social media strategist?

Visit my editing and writing services webpage, or contact me at sagan.morrow@gmail.com to discuss your project!

Why does social media matter to you? How has social media made a difference for your business? Do you know what your social media needs are? Got questions about social media in general? Share in the comments section below!

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  1. Typo, madame editor…..1st sentence after heading “What does a social media strategist do?” “may” should be “many”
    (hey, it happens to the best of us!)

    1. An EXCELLENT demonstration of why hiring an editor is a great idea 😉 (another set of eyes is always useful!).

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