NEW Online Course for Freelancers

Edited to note: This e-course has since been archived, HOWEVER all of the material is still accessible (and greatly expanded upon!) in the other programs more recently created in the School

A couple weeks ago, I released a free social media tips e-book. And then a couple days after that, my business book for freelance writers and editors was published.

And now I have ANOTHER special announcement… a new online course for freelancers!

Set Yourself Up For Freelancing Success: How to ROCK Your Freelance Business is a brand-new course that I am currently creating for freelancers of all kinds who want to take their business to the next level. 

Grab your worksheet to create your freelance services webpage >>

new course for freelancers

After freelancing both part-time and full-time for years, learning a ton about what to do (and what NOT to do) and literally writing the book on it, I’m so excited to be able to share the different things I’ve learned in a curriculum format with worksheets and actionable steps so that other freelancers can implement these learnings into their specific business, too.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated that your freelancing business isn’t taking off the way you’d like it to, or if you struggle to find (and keep!) clients, or if it’s a challenge to make enough money to pay the bills, or if you feel totally overwhelmed with all of the tasks you have to keep up with in your freelancing business, Set Yourself Up For Freelancing Success can help.

Are you just starting your freelancing business… or have you been a freelancer for a while but are having trouble getting on your feet? Do you struggle to find clients & pay your bills? Do you WISH you had more hours in the day? Do you sometimes feel so overwhelmed with everything you have to keep track of that you *almost* want to throw in the towel (but you don’t do it, because you truly love being a freelancer)? Click over to get this free course for freelancers now!Launching in early May 2016, this course is for beginner freelancers just getting started, for people who haven’t become freelancers yet but are seriously thinking about it, and for established freelancers who are struggling in their business.

Set Yourself Up For Success: How to ROCK Your Freelancing Business will teach you…

  • The 3 pillars of succeeding at your freelancing business
  • How to define, price, and pitch your services (with real-life examples)
  • How to gain experience and position yourself as an expert in your field
  • How to develop healthy work habits and build strong character traits
  • What you need to do to secure long-term, sustainable clients
  • How to identify and learn from your weaknesses
  • How to manage your time in the most productive way possible—WITHOUT burning out
  • Why you need to take planned breaks (plus how to do it)
  • The secret weapon that all successful freelancers use
  • …and so much more!

Are you just starting your freelancing business… or have you been a freelancer for a while but are having trouble getting on your feet? Do you struggle to find clients & pay your bills? Do you WISH you had more hours in the day? Do you sometimes feel so overwhelmed with everything you have to keep track of that you *almost* want to throw in the towel (but you don’t do it, because you truly love being a freelancer)? Click over to get this free course for freelancers now!The very first feedback I received on the free version of this course was: “Wait… this is the FREE version? Wow!” ♥

The 7-week course includes:

  • Module 1: Foundations of Freelancing (4 lessons + 5 actions items + 4 bonuses)
  • Module 2: Branding Your Business (3 lessons + 4 action items + 2 bonuses)
  • Module 3: Defining + Pricing Your Services (3 lessons + 5 actions items + 3 bonuses)
  • Module 4: Create Your Marketing Strategy (3 lessons + 3 action items + 5 bonuses)
  • Module 5: Pitching Services + Working with Clients (4 lessons + 4 action items + 2 bonuses)
  • Module 6: Managing Your Business Effectively (4 lessons + 3 action items + 2 bonuses)
  • Module 7: Taking Your Freelance Business to the Next Level (4 lessons + 2 action items + 2 bonuses)

This is a companion course to my freelance business book, so all course participants will receive a free e-copy of the book as one of the bonuses!

What questions do you have about freelancing? What kinds of things would you want to see in this online course for freelancers? Share in the comments section below!