Showing 641 Result(s)

Tweeting for Engagement

I’m facilitating a workshop called Tweeting for Engagement with the fantastic Volunteer Manitoba on October 17! From their website: You have heard about it and may be using this type of social media, but are your messages generating discussion and feedback useful to your organization’s goals? We’ll look at: Briefly, how to use Twitter What …

Types of Presentations

When giving a presentation, the type of presentation you do depends on your audience, timeframe, topic, and much more. Here’s a breakdown of some common types of presentations and a few examples of what they might be best-suited for: Lecture (with or without handouts). When there’s just one or two people standing at the front …

How to host a brainstorming session

As a rhetorician, you may find yourself in charge of putting together ad campaigns, developing new initiatives and projects, and coming up with creative brands. One of the first things you’ll need to do in any of these situations is to host a brainstorming session. Brainstorming sessions, with anywhere from three to six people, are …

Review of “The Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide”

I love books, and I look getting them in the mail to review! The Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide: Any Budget. Any Camera. Any Time. by Anthony Q. Artis is a really awesome book to take you step by step through the process of shooting videos – from choosing your camera, understanding what …

Books I read in February 2012

The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis. Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis. The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis. The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis. I love his writing style – he was a really brilliant man. I need to read …

Three Things Missing from University

I loved university while I was there, but I also felt like there were a few things lacking. Now that I’ve been in the working world a couple years, I know there were a few things missing from university. These could also be applied to high school, actually, but since an undergraduate degree is the …

Five things NOT to do in a news release

I receive at least a few news releases every single day in my inbox for new! and! exciting! health-type products, services, promotions and books. And to be honest, most of these news releases annoy the hell out of me because there’s just so many things wrong with them. Here is what bothers me the most …

Books I read in January 2012

– The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Such a classic! – Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko. I really love this book. There is so much great information here about the value of leafy greens and of drinking green smoothies. It’s also good inspiration for keeping going with drinking green smoothies daily 🙂 – Nutrition for …

Books I Read in December 2011

How are we in 2012 already? How have I not written a blog post in over a month? Time flies by! I added up all the books that I read in the 2011. They amounted to 61 books that I read all the way through, plus another 11 books that I started reading but never …

Five Tips for Writing a Novel

I’ve been working on my novel a lot the past month or so and in that time I went from about 15,000 words to 30,000. A novel is generally between about 50,000 and 90,000 words, so I still have at least 20,000 more to go! It can be tough to work on a novel consistently, …

Books I read in November 2011

– The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I’ve read this book countless times and every time I read it, it’s still as wonderful as the first time. I love this book. It’s one of my favourites. Kostova is my hero. She writes all about Dracula and incorporates really interesting tidbits of history… it can be a …

Books I read in October 2011

Huh. I’m rather behind on this blog post! I blame it on Internet problems 🙂 I did a very bad job of tracking the books I read in October and I’m afraid I can only remember two of the books that I read, besides my nutrition books. I know I read more books than these …

Occupy Toronto protest

Last week I was in Toronto for a few days, and I visited Occupy Toronto (Toronto’s version of Occupy Wall Street) the first night that it was set up. It was fascinating to witness the rhetoric of an international protest such as this one. Here are some of the signs that I snapped photos of …

In the media: how a conversation plays out

Westwood showed this to me – it’s hilarious. Skip forward to Act 10 (about the 25-minute mark, up to the 28-minute mark). It’s a quick little way to demonstrate how a conversation plays out. Listen and giggle! Listen to the Neo-Futurists at work.