Books I read in November 2011

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I’ve read this book countless times and every time I read it, it’s still as wonderful as the first time. I love this book. It’s one of my favourites. Kostova is my hero. She writes all about Dracula and incorporates really interesting tidbits of history… it can be a creepy book, but it’s just so thrilling! Do read it.

elizabeth kostovaThe Help by Kathryn Stockett. Wow! I was impressed by this book. It was another one that I wasn’t super interested in reading, but others urged me to, and I am so glad they did. On the front cover, there’s a quote saying that “This could be one of the most important pieces of fiction since To Kill a Mockingbird.” I couldn’t put it much better myself. Which reminds me, I need to read To Kill a Mockingbird again. I read it when I was a little kid and loved it, but it’s been years since I last flipped through those pages.

Ella Enchanted by Gail Garson Levine. This used to be one of my favourite books, and it’s another one I’ve read a million times. My copy is tattered to bits. Since it’s for 10-year-olds, I haven’t read it in years. But I still loved it reading it this time around. It’s not complex writing, but the story is very sweet, and the author is an excellent writer. A very good choice for little girls to read, and I think adults can enjoy it too 🙂

– The Twilight saga (all four books) by Stephanie Meyer. I’ve already openly admitted that I read the Shopaholic books, so I guess this is prime time to admit my love for the Twilight series, too. Teenage girl at heart, right here. One day I spent five hours straight reading one of the Twilight books. They’re kind of addictive.

What books did you read this month??