On taking breaks in your business... What happens if I take a break in my business?

Is it okay to take a break from your business? (If I take a break from my business, will my business break?)

What happens if I take a break from my freelance business? If I take a break from my business, will my business break? Is it okay to take a break from your business?

These are all GREAT questions… 

Here’s a quick overview of the answers: 

What happens if I take a break from my freelance business? 

That ENTIRELY depends on how your business is set up 😉 

I’ve worked with many business owners over the years, and the difference is very noticeable in what happens to your business when you take a break from it — it truly depends on how you’ve set up your business in the first place.

For instance, the mistake many multi six figure business owners make is that they focus too much on the hustle and not enough time on SUSTAINABLE business foundations. As a result? They get burned out and/or burn their businesses down.

You don’t want to turn into one of those people!

A great “test” to check for how long-lasting and sustainable your business is — and whether it can legitimately serve your personality, lifestyle wants and needs, personal values, etc — is to ask yourself, “Theoretically, what would my business look like next week if I took a couple unplanned days off work?”

→ Think about this in terms of your customer service, communications, marketing, admin, etc.

Another great “test” is to think back to the last time you took a break: How much extra work did you need to do in order to PREPARE for taking a break from your business? 

If you had to do a TON of extra work (especially lots of hustling to get ahead), then that likely indicates your business is not particularly sustainable or well-suited to supporting your lifestyle.

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    If I take a break from my business, will my business break?

    “If I take a break from my business, my BUSINESS will break” → This is a foundations and systems issue. 

    Your business should NOT break if *you* take a break.

    Instead, you can set up your business structure, systems and processes, strategies, etc to ensure that you can take evenings and weekends off, impromptu time during the middle of the week, vacations, sick time, etc.

    (That last point is important — you probably can’t plan ahead for sick days! So in that case, you want to make sure your business is almost self-sustainable… If you wake up one morning and realize you can’t get to work, it shouldn’t cause your business to break.)

    “Your business should not break when you take a break” — is it okay to take a break from your business quote graphic

    Is it okay to take a break from your business?

    YES. Unequivocally, YES it is okay to take a break from your business. In fact, it is MORE THAN okay to take a break from your business.

    Your professional life AND your personal life will both benefit from you taking a break from your business. You are human! You need to rest and recharge. Just like an athlete takes recovery days, you, too, need recovery time from your business — especially if you’re a high-achiever and committed to excellence, like so many of my clients.

    The trick is to take breaks the RIGHT way. Yes, there’s a “right” way to take breaks! For instance, if you are worried about your work during your break from your business, if you feel shame or guilt or self-judgment for taking a break from your business, if you are unable to properly get the rest you so desperately need…

    …Then it’s not going to be an effective break from your business. 

    It’s just going to stress you out that much MORE — and it’s also going to drain your energy, creativity, critical thinking skills, decision-making skills, and problem-solving skills.

    If you’re taking breaks the “wrong” way, it’ll be hugely detrimental to both your personal life and your professional life. 

    So it’s very important to learn the art and skill of taking breaks the RIGHT way!

    How to put all of this together…

    Now you know that you need to: 

    1. Create a genuine lifestyle business model (so your business supports your personal life wants and needs).
    2. Clean up your business foundations and systems (so your business doesn’t break when you take a break).
    3. Learn how to take breaks the RIGHT way (so you reap the benefits, personally and professionally, of taking the break).

    How do you make it happen? 

    We do ALL of this inside Productivity Powerhouse!

    You’ll get the inside scoop on how to restructure your business so it suits your unique wants/needs AND so that it can maintain itself. 

    You’ll design a business model that fully supports your lifestyle — and you’ll NEVER need to work evenings and weekends again. 

    You’ll learn the skill of taking breaks the RIGHT way, you’ll clean up your business foundations and systems, you’ll enjoy home based business owner time freedom, and you’ll upgrade your productivity skills on a whole new level.

    Includes sample templates, step-by-step guides, real-life examples, and more.

    There’s one more VERY important question in this whole conversation of “What happens if I take a break from my business? If I take a break from my business, will my business break? Is it okay to take a break from your business?”

    …That question is THIS: How's your relationship with your business?

    If you're like most solopreneurs, the status might be something like "It's Complicated" or "On-and-Off Again" or "Love/Hate" or "Hot-and-Cold."

    ...None of those are exactly ideal!

    It's time to improve your relationship with your business — and that's also exactly what my Productivity Powerhouse e-course does for you.

    What to know: When you take time off from your business, will your business break?

    Here’s what will happen with Productivity Powerhouse…

    • You will have better communication, boundaries, kindness, respect, and compassion with all things related to your business.
    • You will get clear and focused on your goals and priorities, AND take awesome action on them.
    • You will never need to work evenings or weekends again (you’ll finally have home based business owner time freedom!).
    • You will have the opportunity to adjust your schedule as you want and need (AKA when you take breaks from your business, your business won’t break!).
    • You will feel more confident and comfortable juggling everything, and all of your many priorities will start to SUPPORT and feed into one another (rather than compete against each other).
    • You will drastically increase your energy (so that you’re able to do MORE than tread water — you’ll be doing all kinds of cool, fancy moves and have fun while you’re at it!).
    • You will be in awe of your own progress and amazed at how efficiently you can get stuff done (the solopreneur success tips and freelancer productivity tips will help you achieve your goals faster and more enjoyably than ever before!).
    • You will become lifelong friends with your business and your task list (because you deserve to actually ENJOY every aspect of your business).
    • You will be THE active participant in your own business and life… and you’ll have the capacity and capability to make positive change when you want and need it.
    • You will transform your approach to business so you genuinely enjoy all aspects of what you do (and release the things that are currently holding you back!).

    Sound good?

    Yeah it does!

    And it can be all yours…

    All you need to do in THIS moment is join Productivity Powerhouse:

    I believe in you and your business — and it's time for you to believe in yourself and your business, too! Productivity Powerhouse will help you do that.

    Will your business break if YOU take a break? 1. What would your business look like NEXT WEEK if you took a couple unplanned days off work? 2. How much extra work do you need to do in order to PREPARE for taking a break from your business? 3. How much stress, shame, guilt, and self-judgment do you experience around taking a break from your business? — If I take a break from my business, will my business break infographic