Qui docet discit

I recently came across this line in a handy little book I have, A Dictionary of Latin Words and Phrases:

qui docet discit

he who teaches learns.

It stuck with me. One of my current jobs involves note-taking for education classes, and it is heartening that some of the professors teaching these courses are so passionate and enthusiastic for their subjects, and so encouraging of these soon-to-be-teachers to broaden their minds and be open to learning from their own students.

qui docet discit
Learn by teaching.

There is so much knowledge and information out there, and so many differing perspectives and opinions. Through teaching, we have this wonderful opportunity to brush up on our own skills and learn from our students (and their unique perspectives) as well.

Teaching isn't a one-way street. There is always so much more for us to learn from one another.

qui docet discit.

What do you feel about the phrase qui docet discit? What is your favorite Latin phrase? What are your thoughts on teaching and learning? Share in the comments section below!

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