#1 mistake six-figure business owners make

The #1 Mistake Multi Six Figure Business Owners Make

What are the mistakes to avoid when starting a business? There are many mistakes small business owners make, and some important mistakes to avoid when starting a business OR sustaining your business years later… and the thing is, just because you’re financially successful or outwardly successful, it doesn’t mean you’re not making business mistakes! In fact, the mistakes multi six figure business owners make are even MORE of a problem because there’s more at stake. 

In my 14+ years of experience as a small business owner and watching what's going on in the industry, there's one particular mistake multi six figure business owners make again and again…

Here’s what those multi six figure business owners are doing WRONG — this is the core reason that I’ve seen MANY online business owners (especially over the past 5-ish years), burn their businesses to the ground or drastically pivot or get completely burned out:

…You need to know about this so you can AVOID making this small business owner mistake!

This mistake is essentially that they overwork: They hustle really hard, especially to the point of excess.

The mentality is this: “If I work really hard now, I can get ahead and then things will be easier later on.”

A business built on the foundation of HUSTLE is not set up for sustainable success ~ small business quotes ~ mistakes small business owners make

Why is this a mistake? There’s nothing in place to make the “hustle hard” mentality TEMPORARY.

It’s built into the very fabric of their schedule, business model, strategies, tactics, etc.

This means that the harder they hustle, the more they need to CONTINUE hustling in order to keep up with their success. If they stop hustling, their business can’t maintain itself.

Don't equate their financial "success" with personal fulfillment, professional excellence, work/life balance, or time freedom.

Want to save 10 hours/week as a solopreneur?

Watch the on-demand training:

  • 3-part system for mastering work/life balance.
  • Productivity self-assessment checklist.
  • 9 solopreneur problems holding you back — plus how to FIX each of those issues (with practical action steps!)

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    And as a result of this, their businesses are not sustainable.

    They end up having not-so-great boundaries OR relationships with their clients and community and contractors.

    They get stressed out and burned out.

    They aren’t able to prioritize their personal life without their business crumbling.

    (Curious to learn more about boundaries in business? Click HERE for an article on how to set and uphold boundaries as a solopreneur business owner)

    THAT Is why this is such a giant mistake multi six figure business owners make.

    Just because they're outwardly successful, financially successful... it doesn't mean their businesses are sustainable, or that they have good (or any!) work/life balance, or that they are enjoying their business, or that they have great customer service and relationships with clients, or that they're genuinely living the type of life they desire.

    The thing is, it doesn’t need to be that way!  

    They — and you — do not NEED to make this business mistake.

    Here’s how you can prevent yourself from making this productivity mistake as a small business owner:

    Take the time to create very solid business foundations that do NOT rely on you hustling in order for your business to a) maintain itself, and b) scale.

    → This involves implementing personality-based, anti-hustle productivity methodologies and restructuring your approach to business so that your business model is SUSTAINABLE.

    And that’s EXACTLY what you do inside the Productivity Powerhouse e-course! Productivity Powerhouse features solopreneur success tips and freelancer productivity tips so you can UNLEARN toxic productivity and hustle culture and AVOID the mistakes multi six figure business owners make in your own solopreneur business.

    Curious about what it can look like for YOU and your solopreneur business?

    Check out this (free!) sneak peek of the Productivity Powerhouse e-course: 

    Want to save 10 hours/week as a solopreneur?

    Watch the on-demand training:

    • 3-part system for mastering work/life balance.
    • Productivity self-assessment checklist.
    • 9 solopreneur problems holding you back — plus how to FIX each of those issues (with practical action steps!)

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      Enjoy 🙂

      #1 mistake that kills six-figure businesses ...it's not what you think!