The radical act of time freedom as a solo entrepreneur

Time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is RADICAL

Time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is RADICAL — and yet this is also exactly what many solopreneur struggle with the most. Achieving time freedom can be the most challenging thing to entrepreneurs! Let’s talk about why time freedom as a solo entrepreneur — or, really, time freedom in any aspect of life and business — is truly radical…

Too often, when you don’t have a lot of free time in your solopreneur business, you might blame yourself.

You might think it’s your “fault” that your solopreneur business needs you in it 24/7.

You might feel ashamed or judgmental about the unhealthy relationship between you and your solopreneur business.

You might be frustrated, wondering WHY and HOW you don’t have home-based business owner time freedom — after all, you’re your own boss! You get to work out of your house! Shouldn’t you have figured this out by now? 

Here’s what I want you to know: It is NOT your fault.

Truly ♥

You have been raised in a society that glorifies busy work.

All your life, you have been taught that work is hard, and that working long hours is a badge of honour, and that resting is lazy.

All your life, you have been taught that business systems, processes, and strategies need to be over-complicated; that the more “complex” everything is, the more you’ve “made it” (which also means you struggle to simplify things as a solopreneur business owner… simplification goes against everything you’ve been told to do!).

It’s no wonder that it’s hard for you to achieve time freedom as a solo entrepreneur, in your business OR your life...

...It’s been ingrained in you to fill up every second of every day with *stuff.*

time freedom as a solo entrepreneur quote graphic "Attaining time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is a radical act, enabling you to reclaim your power"

There is a REASON why society does this to us, and why time freedom is so elusive: When you have every minute of your life (and business) planned and spoken for, it prevents you from getting to know yourself. 

It keeps you small. 

It keeps you conformed and contained. 

It ensures you toe the line. 

It prevents you from thinking outside the box.

And that's why I'm so passionate about anti-hustle time management and personality-based productivity methods — because it sets you FREE.

Here is why time freedom as a solo entrepreneur is so incredibly powerful: 

  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can more deeply connect with yourself and the world around you and your personal values.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can take a step back from everyday life and more clearly see the bigger picture.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you have the capacity and bandwidth to stand up for your beliefs.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you get the opportunity to provide that much more support for more clients and customers in your solopreneur business (which paves the way for THEM to get more out of life, too).
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can enjoy this precious life that is yours, and yours alone (you deserve to be personally fulfilled!).
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can design a solopreneur business model that reflects your personal values, philosophy, integrity, and morals.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can be with the people and do the things that matter most to you.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you become the role model, inspiration, and motivation for others to see their own potential, too.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you can see where the world leaders are going wrong, and you can identify what you can do to make a difference in the world, and you can act upon it.
  • When you achieve time freedom and improved energy management, you BECOME the catalyst for change in your community.
  • When you achieve home-based business owner time freedom and improved energy management, YOU are the one with all the power and control in your own life and business.

11 ways that time freedom empowers you as a freelancer | freelancer time management tips

It is so much EASIER for corrupt politicians and billionaires, when you don’t have the time freedom and increased energy to critique them and rebel against them (in whatever way that may be; however overt or subtle; however “big” or “small”).

Don’t make it easy for them.

Don’t let them off easy.

Don’t let them shape the world in a way that benefits only a few and makes it so much worse for the majority.

Don’t let them get away with helping themselves and no one else.

Take back your time and energy. Reclaim your power. Live life and do business in the way that YOU know is right and best for you, because this world needs you and your unique brand of magic.

P.S. The entire purpose of my Productivity Powerhouse e-course is to give you back your own time and energy as a solopreneur business owner…

→ Want to reclaim your time and energy, WITHOUT needing to figure it out on your own? 

→ Want to learn how to achieve time freedom as a solo entrepreneur so you can become that catalyst, that role model, that trailblazing leader who paves the way for others?

Get started today:

How time freedom is your greatest power as a solopreneur — time freedom as a solo entrepreneur infographic. 1) Deeper connection to yourself, your values, and others. 2) Ability to see the bigger picture. 3) Capacity and bandwidth to stand up for your beliefs. 4) More enjoyment and fulfillment with your life and business. 5) More opportunity to best support your community. 6) More control over your business model. 7) Role model the inspiration and motivation for others. 8) You BECOME the catalyst for change. 9) Full control over your choices — in life and business! More on the blog