143. How to reconcile different identities within yourself_infographic

How to reconcile different identities within yourself infographic 1) Who are all the identities you hold? What are the important parts that make you, YOU? 2) What do you NOT identify with, or what do you push back against? 3) How do different parts of your identity support vs conflict and compete against each other? 4) What outdated parts of yourself that you’ve outgrown are you ready to release? 5) Who is the person you want to become?

Not sure how to reconcile different identities within yourself? This blog post will help! Learn about some of the reasons WHY it’s challenging for you to begin reconciling different identities in your life, what to do when you feel scattered and why you feel so scattered, how to bring balance back to your identities personally and professionally, how to change mindset and behaviour, and more…