3 questions for people pleasers (text with pink, teal, and yellow accents, with a headshot photo of Personal Fulfillment Coach Sagan Morrow)

How do you benefit from people pleasing?

How do you benefit from people pleasing? What is your motive for people pleasing? What is the main cause of people pleasing when you’re engaging in people pleasing behaviours? If you are a people pleaser, these are all really important questions to explore! 

People pleasing is likely currently getting in the way of achieving your goals and living life the way you truly want — and as such, the more that you understand your people pleasing behaviour at a deep level, the more you can work with it or even overcome people pleasing.

When you are a people pleaser, it likely also hinders your progress in self improvement and personal development. So if you are on a personal growth journey, it’s important to be very honest about your people pleasing behaviour!

This article originally appeared as the Feb. 17, 2024 edition of the Solopreneur Diary Entries newsletter.

Earlier this year, I did a mini series on people pleasing: 

  1. 5 signs you are a people pleaser
  2. Why doesn’t people pleasing work?
  3. How to STOP being a people pleaser and START putting yourself first

…So let’s build on that 3-part series for today’s article!

What is your motive for people pleasing? 

As you can see, one of our original blog posts about people pleasing explored the question, “Why doesn’t people pleasing work?”

…And it’s worth taking a step back to look at what we mean by people pleasing “working” vs “not working.” This comes back to what your MOTIVE is for people pleasing, which is the real crux of the issue!

What is your motive for people pleasing? Here are some questions to help you explore this further: 

People Pleasing Question #1: What is the main cause of your people pleasing behaviour, in this situation? 

In other words: What is leading to your people pleasing tendencies? What are the root reasons for your people pleasing behaviours?

This may be situational: for example, the reason why you people please in one type of environment or one scenario may not be the same reason why you people please in a different environment (such as at home vs at work). 

You might also find that if you are a people pleaser, your people pleasing behaviours show up differently when it’s people you already know intimately vs if it’s with people who you don’t have as close of a relationship with. Power dynamics can also play into this.

This is important to assess, because it will help you to pinpoint what’s going on beneath the surface level. And that leads us to question #2…

People pleasing quote: “You can’t overcome people pleasing behaviour until you understand the root seasons for why you do it.” More on the personal development blog at SaganMorrow.com

People Pleasing Question #2: What are you hoping to achieve by being a people pleaser? 

In other words: What do you want to GET from people pleasing? If you want to overcome people pleasing, it’s essential to understand what motivates people pleasers — and that will change from one people pleaser to the next!

For example…

  • If you are conflict-avoidant, you might people please because it helps keep the peace.
  • If you have a transactional perspective on relationships, you might be people pleasing because you want the other person to do things for you in return.
  • If you have been socialized to be rewarded for “good” behaviour, you might do people pleasing for positive reinforcement.

You don’t have to figure out ANY of this on your own, FYI!

We can work through this together and understand how people pleasing affects you — plus what you can do to work through it — in personal fulfillment coaching sessions: 

This then brings us to question #3…

People Pleasing Question #3: How do you benefit from people pleasing?

What is people pleasing doing for you? This isn’t so much about what you *want* to get from people pleasing, but what you *actually* get from the act of people pleasing — these people pleasing benefits are at a more subconscious level. 

Why do we ask this question? Because if you are having these “secondary gain” benefits to people pleasing, then even if you address your root causes for people pleasing and what you hope to achieve from it, you’ll likely STILL be caught in the trap of people pleasing: You’ll believe that people pleasing is the only way to get what you want. 

If you truly want to overcome people pleasing and escape the cycle of being a people pleaser, your best approach is to explore it from all angles. 

You are people pleasing for a REASON. You are people pleasing because you get some kind of benefits from it — and when you KNOW what you are getting from people pleasing (AKA when you know how you, personally, benefit from people pleasing, and the way in which it helps you), then you can determine whether you are willing to do something about it.

Because you can’t effectively deal with your people pleasing behaviours, in a long-lasting and sustainable way, unless you truly understand it.

IMPORTANT: These aren’t always easy questions to answer! They can open a whole can of worms that you might feel a little squeamish about exploring…

…but until you’re willing to explore these questions, “being a people pleaser” is going to continue to hold power over you.

It’s going to continue holding you back and getting in the way of your boundaries, your success, your relationships, your fulfillment, your goals, your communication skills.

In this sense, people pleasing is similar to other “P words” you might be familiar with experiencing:

Perfectionism and procrastination.

By the way: I have an entire series on How to Overcome Perfectionism

...so if perfectionism is something you struggle with, definitely check that out!

How do you benefit from being a people pleaser? Read more in this personal growth blog post!

How is people pleasing similar to perfectionism and procrastination? What do these 3 P’s have in common?

It’s all information:

  • Understanding what is the main cause of people pleasing and the root reasons for why you are people pleasing (or being a perfectionist, or procrastinating) can help you to determine the best course of action to halt it in its tracks.
  • Being honest about what you are hoping to gain by people pleasing (or by being a perfectionist, or procrastinating) can help you to determine alternative courses of action which can still get you what it is that you want.
  • Recognizing how you benefit from people pleasing, and the value that people pleasing (or perfectionism, or procrastination) is bringing to you, can help you understand why you are drawn to it.

IMPORTANT: There might be patterns between your people pleasing, perfectionism, and procrastination tendencies… OR they might have entirely different reasons and values etc!

Plus, when you experience them in different contexts, they might also have different reasons for them — so as you can imagine, there’s A LOT to explore here.

This is exactly what you and I can do work on together in coaching sessions... and in the meantime, here are 3 questions you can explore:

  1. “Am I a people pleaser? What evidence is there that I am — or am not — someone who typically people-pleases?”
  2. “Do I have any idea what typically kickstarts my people pleasing tendencies?”
  3. “Do I already have some guesses as to the ways in which I benefit from being a people pleaser?”

If you’re struggling to answer these questions — and/or you want to take this to the next stage and DO something about it — then let’s hop on a coaching call and get started: 

When you book your coaching sessions, you’ll learn how to do mindset work to overcome people pleasing behaviour — this is a great way to change your behaviour and to elevate your personal development journey! Can’t wait to work with you on this and more.

Did you enjoy this article?

It originally appeared as the Feb. 17, 2024 edition of the Solopreneur Diary Entries weekly newsletter.

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    How to overcome your people pleasing behaviour infographic: 1. What are the root reasons for why you are a people pleaser in this situation - what is leading to it? 2. What are you hoping to achieve by — and what do you want to get from — being a people pleaser? 3. How do you benefit from people pleasing, and what does it do for you at a subconscious level? More on the personal development blog at SaganMorrow.com