Can I achieve my solopreneur goals if I'm NOT a morning person?

Can I achieve my solopreneur goals if I’m NOT a morning person?

Solopreneurs often ask me THIS question: “I know I should wake up at 5am to start working (either before the kids get up, or just because some guru said that's what I should do, or society tells me it's the "right" thing to do)… but I HATE getting up early. Can I still achieve my goals if I start my workday later?”

YES! Consider this your permission slip to stop forcing yourself into being a morning person...

If you are not a morning person, why are you trying to be a morning person? 

What will “being a morning person” do for you? 

If you are NOT a morning person, then that probably means you feel tired or sluggish or lack energy and creativity first thing in the morning. So, here’s what happens when you try to force yourself to do work at that time of day…

…Your quality of work ends up suffering. It takes you a lot longer to DO your work, because you’re not at your peak energy. And you feel frustrated, tired, annoyed with yourself, resentful of your work that it’s forcing you into attempting to be a morning person.

What if, instead, you were to start your workday later?

What if you worked WITH your internal energy, rather than against it?

There is no need to force yourself to be something you're not. Instead, make USE of your personal energy! Adjust your solopreneur schedule to accommodate for your wants and needs:

  1. How much better work can you do when you work at your peak energy?
  2. How much faster can you complete tasks when you work at your peak energy?
  3. How much more progress can you make on your goals when you work at your peak energy?

This is the magic of energy management! Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about being a successful solopreneur on your own terms — and how to use energy management to the best of your ability, with practical strategies, real-life examples, and customizable templates — in my Productivity Powerhouse e-course

It’s designed for YOU, the solopreneur who wants to get back your time and energy, and achieve your business goals while having FUN in the work you do — and without sacrificing your personal life: