Showing 36 Result(s)
kill your darlings business tip

Kill Your Darlings Tip for Business Owners

“Kill your darlings” is one of the most well-known pieces of writing advice out there, and — like many things! — it’s easier said than done. I’ve been thinking about that phrase a lot lately because I’m currently in the midst of doing a bunch of rewrites for my next romcom novel (it’s the 8th …

get back 10 hours/week as a solopreneur

Get back 10 hours/week as a solopreneur

What if you could save 10 hours/week as a solopreneur? That’s the dream, isn’t it! Because right now, you’re short on time, you are scrambling to stay on top of your work, and it’s just never enough. You wish you could clone yourself or add three extra days to the workweek, because maybe THEN you’d …

supercharge your solopreneur strengths

Supercharge your solopreneur strengths

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: Supercharge your strengths! What are you naturally good at? What fascinates you, and what do you love doing? What skills do you already have that people rave about? Where are there overlaps in all of those things? At the centre of that is probably where you’ll discover your …

energy management as a solopreneur

Quick solopreneur tip: Manage your energy

SUPER QUICK Solopreneur Tip of the Day: Energy management is the foundation of great time management. That’s why we focus on ANTI-HUSTLE productivity around here!​​​​​​​​ ALSO: “anti-hustle” does NOT mean you don’t enjoy working or you’re not a hard worker. You can be anti-hustle AND a hard worker AND enjoy work AND enjoy time off …

solopreneur roi audit

Solopreneur ROI Audit (simple 6-question assessment)

When you are choosing to spend your time, energy, money, etc on ANY type of task or idea, any goal or plan… Do you know what the ROI (return on investment) is for that thing? Knowing the ROI is important because it can help you determine whether it’s **worth it** to do that thing or …

best resource for solopreneurs

Best resource for solopreneurs

The best resource for solopreneurs (in my opinion, *and also* based on the rave reviews I’ve received) is Productivity Powerhouse: my signature anti-hustle e-course designed especially for solopreneurs to build a lifestyle business, save 10 hours/week (every week), get back your energy, and take major strides on your ambitious business goals while still prioritizing your …

Top 5 things the most successful solopreneurs do

Top 5 things the most successful solopreneurs do

Are you ready to take your solopreneur business to the next level? In this video, we go over the top 5 things the most successful solopreneurs do so that YOU can become an even more successful solopreneur, too. (Psst… if you’re used to other business experts sharing their advice, ten these 5 tips probably aren’t …

How to handle a slow season of business (4 tips)

How to handle a slow season of business (4 tips)

A slow season of business can feel scary, but it is NOT the end of the world! In fact, you can take advantage of this time. Are you in a slow season of solopreneurship? Has business slowed down a bit? Are you feeling at a loss as to what you should do with yourself during …

3 things to do during busy seasons of solopreneurship

3 things to do during busy seasons of solopreneurship

Are in a busy season of solopreneurship and SCRAMBLING to keep on top of it all? In this video, we’re going to quickly address 3 things you can do to manage that. Busy seasons of business can feel like a great “problem” to have on the surface level, but it can definitely lead to burnout …