What is energy management? As an anti-hustle Productivity Strategist, one of the first things I teach my clients is about the importance of energy management as the foundation for good time management. It is essential for overcoming toxic hustle culture!
…But what exactly IS energy management? What does “energy management” mean?
Put simply, energy management is the act of **managing your own energy levels**.
Good energy management means that you are protecting your own energy, without neglecting the world around you (including but not limited to your community, customers and clients, people in your personal life, your personal goals, professional commitments, etc).
Energy management, as the root of great time management, is foundational for TRUE productivity (NOT toxic productivity).
Why does energy management matter?
Too often, we focus on working for the sake of work — or we struggle with guilt if we take time off work — or we end up getting stuck in the trap of burnout — or we’re simply workaholics!
…and what ends up happening is that we don’t get the opportunity to truly enjoy life. We start to resent our work (or you might start to resent your personal life for “getting in the way” of your work).
When you manage your energy well, it ensures that you are able to produce high quality work in a timely fashion (no need to worry about missed deadlines), keep your clients and customers happy, enjoy the work that you’re doing, show up fully for the people in your personal life, have a great handle on your time management, increase your clarity and focus, make room for your hobbies and lifestyle goals/values, and have an overall really joyful balance of your personal life and professional life.
(This relates to hustle culture and toxic productivity)
Here are a few examples that indicate you have LOW energy levels…
- You wake up feeling tired (or even dreading going to work)
- You’re having a tough time focusing or concentrating (and suspect you might be on the road to burnout—or you might already be in the midst of burnout!)
- You have no idea how you can possibly do all the things on your to-do list
- You’re feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and frustrated
- You feel sluggish and would like to take a break (but maybe you even feel guilty about the idea of taking breaks)
How many of those sound familiar?
Here are a few examples that indicate you have HIGH energy levels…
- You are excited and eager to start your workday
- You feel great and energized at the end of your workday
- You have the capacity and bandwidth to be fully present for your loved ones and/or to spend time on your hobbies
- You enjoy a delightful work/life balance
- You know how to take breaks the “right” way, and you’re able to do it without the guilt
Are you experiencing more LOW energy or HIGH energy levels right now?
The good news is, when you incorporate energy management, you can actively increase your own energy levels! 
Energy management involves prioritizing and engaging with your personal energy boosters (AKA the things, activities, thoughts, etc that fill your cup), and reducing your personal energy detractors (AKA the things, activities, thoughts, etc that drain your cup).
What increases your energy, and what drains it? You want to capitalize on your energy boosters as a way to improve energy management.
Learn all about exactly how energy management works, what you need to do to improve energy, and how you can apply energy management effectively to your own life and business (yes, even if you’re burned out or exhausted, and yes, even if you don’t think anything could possibly boost your energy right now), when you join Productivity Powerhouse.
We have an entire module in the program specifically built around managing your energy inside that program! Include lessons and concepts, formula for good energy management, step-by-step guide for taking breaks the “right” way (guilt-free), real-life examples of energy boosters, step-by-step guide for burnout management, sample burnout prevention plan, energy tracker template, guided questions to gain powerful insights on your own energy management, and more!