Showing 6 Result(s)
solopreneur tip

It’s not enough to logically “know” a thing…

If you know what your goal is, but taking action on it feels like pulling teeth — or if you’re stuck in a rut or any kind of habit that you don’t want to be doing, but escaping it feels impossible — then **there is a reason for it.**​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ There are REASONS for why …

solopreneur tip of the day

An important reminder every solopreneur needs to hear

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: No one knows you better than you. The more that you tap into your “you-ness,” the more you’ll be able to create the business (and life!) you desire. That’s why, even though there’s TONS of value in learning from experts who resonate with you, it’s essential to make …

solopreneur tip of the day

Attention, solopreneur: You are not behind

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: You are not “behind.” …Instead of focusing on what other people in your industry are doing, and instead of focusing on where you are NOT, try exploring the benefits & value of where YOU are*, right now, at *this point in time. TAKE ACTION ON THIS — Write …

guilt-free time off work for solopreneurs

How to take time off work, guilt-free, as a solopreneur

Are you a solopreneur who feels GUILTY when you take time off work? In this video, we’re going to talk about 2 key factors that can help you take time off work EFFECTIVELY — guilt free, AND so it doesn’t harm your business. Includes a 3-part thought exercise you can use to begin identifying your …

self kindness thought exercise for high achieving solopreneurs

Self-kindness thought exercise for high-achieving solopreneurs

Here’s a 3-part self-kindness thought exercise for how you, the high-achieving solopreneur, can STOP being mean to yourself and START being much kinder to yourself… plus how this will help you at an internal level AND at an external level! (Spoiler alert: It is BETTER FOR YOUR BUSINESS when you do this inner work and …