solopreneur tip of the day

An important reminder every solopreneur needs to hear

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: No one knows you better than you.

The more that you tap into your "you-ness," the more you'll be able to create the business (and life!) you desire.

That's why, even though there's TONS of value in learning from experts who resonate with you, it's essential to make a point of customizing everything to your unique situation—lifestyle, personality, goals, values, business model, personal capacity, etc.

(Customization does NOT mean constantly creating things from scratch, but that's a topic for another day.)

TAKE ACTION ON THIS — Before you join ANY kind of business program, ALWAYS ask the instructor about how customizable their teachings are. Do you need to conform to fit into their box, or is there a lot of flexibility?

By the way… there is flexibility built into ALL of my programs for solopreneurs. They are fully customizable to meet your unique needs! Learn more about my solopreneur programs: