Showing 641 Result(s)
should you have a mailing list

Should you have a mailing list for your freelance business?

Nowadays, EVERYONE talks about the importance of collecting email addresses and building your email list if you have your own business. But there are two things people don’t really discuss when it comes to having a mailing list: WHAT exactly you should include in your mailing list (which you can find out the answer to …

Taking a holiday! Plus, a new direction for

Hey friends!  I am going on holiday next week to spend time with family and explore Montreal. And I’ve decided to take the week off of blogging, too, instead of scheduling posts in advance! If you’re a regular/long-time reader of, you may have noticed a few changes here and there on this website—including a …

Case Study: Full-time Freelancer in Just 6 Months

EDITED TO NOTE: This e-course has since been archived, however the material can still be accessed in new & improved, expanded versions inside more recent freelancer programs I’ve created in the School.  Wondering if the 7-week Set Yourself Up For Freelancing Success e-course is right for you? It is an AWESOME online program that …

Blog Newsletter Welcome Email Template

One of my dear blog friends contacted me a last week to inquire if she could use my blog newsletter welcome email as a template for her own, because she loved it so much. Of course I said yes—and since I see questions ALL THE TIME about what to send your email subscribers, I figured I’d provide …

3 Steps to Boosting Your Confidence

Confidence issues can be killer—especially in the world of business! Something I hear again and again from people is that they haven’t taken the leap to do XYZ (usually things like pitching their services to clients, quitting their day jobs, and asking for a raise) because they don’t feel confident in themselves or their ability. …

My Freelancing Story: The 6-Year Journey to Success

I didn’t always know I wanted to be a small business owner. In fact, 10 years ago I never would have thought that this is where I’d be today.  It’s been an amazing and wonderful experience, and I’ve learned SO MUCH along the way. If you’ve been reading this blog since the beginning, then you’ll …

how to get your first clients

How to Get Your First Clients: Day-by-Day Breakdown

There are so many questions I get from new and struggling freelancers every day, but one of the most common is, “how can I find clients?”  Finding freelance clients—particularly that first client—is a big step. It’s such a challenge to get your first few clients: most clients don’t want to hire you unless you have …

10 Truths About Freelancing That No One Ever Talks About

Freelancing seems awesome and, let’s be honest, it IS awesome. Working whatever hours you want, wherever in the world you want; choosing super fun projects to work on; being your own boss… I love it. But if you want to be a freelancer, there are some VERY important hard truths about freelancing that no one ever …

So you want to work from home full-time… now what?

Working from home is one of my most favorite of things! It’s not for everybody, but if it’s right for YOU, it can be an absolutely amazing experience. After you’ve overcome the challenge of figuring out whether working from home is something that’s a good fit for you, however, you have a whole new challenge …

burnout assessment

The WHY of Burnout: Your Burnout Assessment

Last week during the #CreativeCoffeeHour Twitter chat, one of the questions that came up was around what we can do to manage emotional burnout in creative work. I mentioned the importance of assessing WHY we feel burned out, and instantly had others asking me for tips on how to understand the “why” of burnout. It was …

blog newsletter ideas

What Should You Include In Your Blog’s Newsletter?

*Everyone* tells bloggers that they need to have a newsletter or some kind of email marketing* going on if they want to go pro with their blogs. It makes sense—after all, once you have someone’s email address, you’ve been given access to connecting with them on a one-on-one basis (and if you pay attention to …