help for overworked solopreneurs

Help for overworked solopreneurs

Happy Friday! ...or is it?

I'm guessing you usually end your workweek one of two ways:

  1. Exhausted from all the work you did this past week, frustrated with yourself that you didn't complete all the tasks you WANTED to do, wondering if you should cram more work hours into the weekend to "get ahead" on next week's to-do list, and worried about how stressed/busy you'll be on Monday morning. OR...
  2. Fully satisfied with how much progress you made on your goals this past week, impressed with yourself and the way you handled your tasks (Look at that — you're even ahead on your plans!), closing out your office for the weekend without a glance back at your workload, and confident in your capacity and capability to start Monday morning fresh and renewed.

So, which are you: 1 or 2? 

If you identified with that first scenario...

What would happen if you could transform into the second scenario?

Is that something you want for yourself, your business, and your personal life?

If your answer is "YES, I want that! How do I GET that??"

...Then I've got just the thing to help you experience that exact transformation!

I help my clients shift from the first scenario into the second when they join Solopreneur CEO 

Solopreneur CEO is designed especially for busy, overworked solopreneurs (like you!) to help you FINALLY make awesome progress on your business goals — WITHOUT sacrificing your personal life:

  • Overcome mindset blocks and real-world obstacles (e.g. overwhelm, guilt, perfectionism, shame, people-pleasing, imposter syndrome, and procrastination) that are holding you back from your goals.
  • Improve your clarity, focus, motivation, and inspiration, so you can make big moves with confidence and from a safe space.
  • Restructure your business model so it truly supports your personal lifestyle goals and values (and so you can enjoy delightful work/life balance).
  • Use personality-based productivity methods to customize your strategies and actions (so they feel amazing for your brain and your unique wants/needs).
  • Get back your time and energy so you can experience more success, faster and more easily, on your own terms — without burning out along the way.

...and the waitlist for this program is officially OPEN, as of today!

Here's the what, why, and how...

What is Solopreneur CEO?

Solopreneur CEO is a 6-month, 1:1 anti-hustle productivity and business coaching program — layered with educational resources, business consulting/mentorship, AND life/mindset coaching (it is well-rounded and robust!).

It is designed especially for busy, overworked solopreneurs who LOVE the solopreneur business model (AKA you don't want to "hire a team" or build an "empire business"), but do NOT love how your business has *taken over* your life.

Solopreneur CEO is right for YOU if...

  1. You are 100% committed to your business success… but you aren’t currently experiencing the work/life balance that you WANT.
  2. You're willing to put in the work (you care deeply about the work you do and you want to produce the highest-quality work for your clients/customers) — you just don't want to burn out along the way.
  3. You genuinely love the concept of the solopreneur business model (AKA you aren’t interested in hiring employees or building a global “empire” out of your business)... but you do NOT love the way your business has *taken over* your life.
  4. You know your business can do and be MORE for you — you just aren't sure how to make that HAPPEN.
  5. You are overworked, overwhelmed, and frustrated that even though you might have the appearance of success (e.g. you're getting clients/customers and you produce high-quality work that gets you rave testimonials), you don't have the lifestyle you desire.

Plus, there's a good chance that at least one of these (or perhaps all 3!) sound a lot like you:

  1. You have a tough time saying "no" to clients, even when you've got too much on your plate (you're a bit of a people-pleaser!)
  2. You feel guilty about doing this task vs. that task in your business (and it's holding you back from enjoying a healthy work/life balance).
  3. You sometimes get distracted or sidetracked by shiny objects... You often procrastinate on the stuff you *know* you should do, and perfectionism can be a problem for you.

IMPORTANT: I work with solopreneurs at EVERY level of business.

My clients who join Solopreneur CEO include industry leaders and experts in their field, business owners who feel stuck in a rut, brand-new solopreneurs, and multipassionates struggling with burnout.

...No matter what stage of solopreneurship you are at (beginner or 10+ years experience in the business world), this program is ideal for you if you want your business to fully support and complement your personal values and lifestyle.

Some of my clients are brand-new, and others are industry leaders — e.g. one of my Solopreneur CEO clients hadn't even started her business when she hired me; another has been a worldwide expert in her field for years before we started working together.

(Some of my solopreneur client have extensive business experience and others are just starting to dip their toes in the water. All of that is welcome!)

What this means for you:

  • If you are a BEGINNER, I will help you set up powerful foundations and skyrocket your *introduction to business* so you can experience awesome results, FAST.
  • If you are INTERMEDIATE (e.g. 3 - 5 years experience), I will help you overcome your current obstacles or stagnation so you can fall in love with your business again and get on target with your desired goals while maintaining enjoyable work/life balance.
  • If you are ADVANCED (e.g. 10+ years experience), I am here to support you in your "champagne problems" and guide you in your big vision for long-lasting sustainability.

Why a waitlist?

If you've been around here for a while, then you might know that previously Solopreneur CEO has always been open for enrollment *at your discretion* — AKA, you could click the "buy" button at any time. And that's been great! However... help for overworked solopreneurs

My coaching spots are filling up more and more, so I want to make sure that YOU get the spot you want before we get booked out!

Hence, the waitlist 🙂

Something else that's new: You now need to submit an application to join Solopreneur CEO. The reasoning behind this is to save you time ♥

I know that when you're thinking about getting a business coach, A LOT of questions can be circling in your head... You might be wondering whether you're ready for this, or if this program will meet your needs, or whether I can really help you achieve your goals, etc.

That's where the application form comes in: All you need to do is submit your application, and I'll tell you if Solopreneur CEO is the right fit for you. (And if it's not, then I'll let you know! No need for you to try to figure this out on your own.)

How does this process work?

  1. Today: You sign up for the waitlist.
  2. Friday October 20 (one week from today): Applications will be sent ONLY to those people on the waitlist.
  3. Monday, October 23: I will begin reviewing and approving applications as they come in. Applications will be assessed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and there are only 5 spots available. (If your application is NOT approved, I'll let you know about other steps that I think would be a good fit for you. This means that even if you aren't sure if this is the right fit for you, it's still worth your while to submit an application!)
  4. Nov/Dec: You will get access to bonus trainings as a Solopreneur CEO and do the foundational pre-work before our coaching sessions start.
  5. January 2024: Our 6 months together in Solopreneur CEO officially begins!

What happens during our 6 months together...

Solopreneur CEO is a full 6-month program and the curriculum is fully customized to your specific situation, so it looks a little different for everyone and we may spend more time in one area vs another, depending on your unique needs... but here's the gist of what you can expect:

⭐ Month 1: CLARITY

We'll sort through all the muck and get crystal-clear on your personal values, lifestyle ideals, long-term business goals, and present-day business offerings... plus the best ways to turn your ideas into reality!

  • Identity & Intention Setting
  • Productivity Magic Audit
  • Business Planning Retreat

MILESTONE REWARD: Submit your business plan for personal review and feedback from Sagan.

⭐ Month 2: ENERGY

We will end that frustrating cycle of overwhelm you're stuck in, improve your mind/body connection, set everything up to prevent burnout from happening again, and free up 5 - 10 hours/week (EVERY week) — while ensuring you have plenty of energy leftover at the end of the day or week to enjoy that extra time however you please.

  • Energy Advancement Techniques
  • Burnout Prevention Planning
  • Goal Achievement Strategies

MILESTONE REWARD: Submit your burnout management/prevention strategies for personal review and feedback from Sagan.


We will tap into your unique creativity to inspire and motivate yourself (and to be able to connect more deeply with your customers/clients) — and set up your fully-customized business structure in a way that supports your ideal lifestyle.

  • Inspired Customization
  • Creative Consciousness
  • Ideal Business Development

MILESTONE REWARD: Submit your business departmental structure for personal review and feedback from Sagan.


We will work through any fears, imposter syndrome, and internal blocks getting in the way so that you STOP holding yourself back... building your confidence so you can keep making awesome moves with your business and accomplish your goals.

  • Confidence Booster Blueprint
  • Dynamite Rule Breaking
  • Maverick Leadership Embodiment

MILESTONE REWARD: Request a personalized EFT tapping session, designed especially for you by Sagan, to *tap into* your confidence reserves at any time.

⭐ Month 5: PLEASURE

We will assess and adjust all/any aspects of your business so that you LOVE and resonate deeply with all of it — including the systems, processes, and structure that your business exists in (pleasure not just in the tasks themselves, but in how you APPROACH those tasks).

  • Sophisticated Simplicity Methods
  • Ease Analysis
  • Business Structure Blueprint

MILESTONE REWARD: Submit any of your systems and processes for personal review and feedback from Sagan.

⭐ Month 6: COURAGE

You’ll finally feel like a real CEO, your business will be able to run itself without you needing to be at the helm 24/7, you’ll be on your way to achieving the dreamy goals we set together at the beginning of the program, and you’ll have the courage to continue to pursue your dreams... Your business will have the capacity to grow with ease, while supporting both your clients AND yourself.

  • Sustainable Scalability
  • Transformational & Professional Excellence
  • Daring Business Growth

MILESTONE REWARD: Submit your business audit plan for personal review and feedback from Sagan.

Along with that curriculum, you also get access to my entire product suite of solopreneur resources (including Productivity Powerhouse!), and you get UNLIMITED access to me in between our 1:1 coaching sessions.

That's right: UNLIMITED.

(For reference, normally it costs $297 to have me as a "Coach in Your Pocket" for a single day... and you get to have me as a "Coach in Your Pocket" for a full 6 months in Solopreneur CEO!)

Because this program features so much 1:1 access, there is VERY limited availability. Only 5 spots are open for our January start date...

...and you need to be on the waitlist in order to get access to the applications when they open on Friday, Oct. 20:

Solopreneur CEO is a program that I am so proud of, because the results my clients get from it are truly incredible.

And my clients agree: To date, every client who has joined Solopreneur CEO has renewed for an additional 6 months after their first round...

...because they were so impressed with everything they had accomplished due to the program that they were excited to see what they could achieve in the next 6 months of us working together!

"Thanks to Sagan's coaching, I accomplished so much in my first round of Solopreneur CEO. I was truly pleased with the progress I had made in the first six months. But I was also planning several big changes for my business (adding a new service, changing my primary clientele, etc.), and I wanted continued support to navigate through those changes.

Plus, because we had touched on so much mindset work in the first round that was totally unexpected for me at the time, I wanted a chance to delve deeper into some of the issues that still weren't fully resolved, like my hangups around money.

I knew several sessions before our final session that I wanted to renew. I was still working on some mindset hangups, I wanted support during a transitional period in my business, and Sagan was so helpful during the first round that doing a second round was a no-brainer. I honestly didn't even consider not renewing.

In some ways, the second round of Solopreneur CEO was even better than the first! One way in particular is that after six months working together, Sagan had gotten to know me and my personality and business better, so her advice was even MORE tailored and MORE applicable than the first round, when I thought her advice was amazing already.

I would have been perfectly pleased to receive the same quality of advice as the first round, but I really feel like the second round leveled up the experience even more.

For my second round of Solopreneur CEO, I was looking for guidance and support as I transitioned my business, plus more in-depth mindset work to help me unblock some of my sticking points. I got exactly those things from the second round of Solopreneur CEO.

Sagan helped with concrete things like helping me write payment-chasing emails and checking over part of a new service for me, and she also helped with the less tangible things like helping me reframe my thoughts around laziness and taking breaks and my ideas around writing as a career vs as a hobby.

As a result, I got paid by the client, considerably reduced my guilt around taking breaks, and got a lot of clarity about how I want my future writing path to look.

We were able to go a lot deeper into mindset work during the second round. While I was making good progress during the first round, I feel that this added depth the second time around really accelerated my progress with my mental blocks.

Sagan really takes the time to get to know you and your goals thoroughly, then uses her knowledge to ask the right questions and make the suggestions that push you in the direction *you* want to go. One of the best things about her coaching style is that she's completely flexible. While Solopreneur CEO has a structure, Sagan is willing to adjust the structure or ignore it in favour of what you really need at the time.

Sagan is also super knowledgeable! She has great practical advice about business practices and marketing and all sorts of other things, so you're getting not just a coach but also a teacher and mentor. Sagan's combination of anti-hustle guru, life coach, productivity strategist, mentor, and solopreneur herself is the perfect business coaching combination for people with solo or micro businesses.

Solopreneur CEO is great for you if you want a coach who understands the solopreneur business model inside-out. It's also awesome if you want to do some of the deep work that comes up when you're a solopreneur, since our solo businesses are often so intertwined with us as individuals. Best investment ever!"

- Toni, freelance editor

Get this experience for yourself when you become a Solopreneur CEO ♥

But remember, only FIVE spots are available for our January start date...

...And applications open ONLY to the waitlist, on Friday Oct. 20: 

You need to sign up for the waitlist in order to receive the application form.

Once you join the waitlist, you'll receive the application form on Friday, Oct. 20! I'll begin reviewing and approving them as they come in.

(I want to make sure this program is the BEST fit for you — so if it's not, and your application is not approved, then I'll still recommend to you the best course of action to take, based on what you share in your application.

...Which means that even if your application isn't accepted, you'll still get something from this experience. Win win!)

Got questions about solopreneur coaching? Check out my Business Coaching for Solopreneurs video series on YouTube to get ALL your questions answered:

REMINDER: This next round of Solopreneur CEO begins in January 2024, BUT when you join the program, you'll get access to all of the bonus trainings and foundational resources right away.

...Which means we'll be able to dive deep IMMEDIATELY starting in January, and you can expect even BETTER results. (You're getting BONUS time in November/December to work on the program!)

I look forward to reading your application!