Join the FREE productivity training and discover how to be a successful solopreneur.
Let me ask you… When was the last time you felt overwhelmed?
Last week? Yesterday? Maybe 30 minutes ago?
That’s pretty common. And unfortunately, that overwhelm is really harming your business.
In fact, people are almost 70% less productive when they feel overwhelmed*.
Yikes. That’s a lot of wasted time and energy!
Here’s another interesting stat for you: Trying to do too many things all at once can lead to a 40% drop in productivity**.
Raise your hand if you’re a multi-tasker!
This information can sometimes get twisted, however—you might think that this means that you can’t be multi-passionate and productive at the same time.
I get that. It’s hard to connect those dots together! How can you hold space for being multi-passionate AND improving productivity? Aren’t those things at odds?
NOPE. I am super multi-passionate, and it always frustrated me to no end when business gurus tried to force me to “pick a niche.” So instead of forcing myself into a prescribed box… I coloured outside the lines. I made my own rules. And I threw the whole “stick to one niche” concept out the window.
Nowadays, I enjoy a highly multi-passionate business! I balance my work as a productivity strategist, romantic comedy novelist, and freelance writer with other cool tasks such as sending weekly productivity stories to my email list, releasing weekly podcast episodes on Indie Author Weekly, frequently appearing as a guest speaker on podcasts or at conferences and summits…
...I like to do #allthethings 🙂
And THAT is why I decided to structure my business to empower myself as a multi-passionate creative. My multi-faceted interests are my strength—not my weakness. And they might just be yours, too.
The key is to be strategic about it. I’ve found a foolproof system for navigating any kind of multi-passionate business, so you can get more done in less time as a solopreneur, without the burnout or overwhelm!
Being productive is usually correlated to “frantic” energy—the kind of busy work that leads to overwhelm. I’m not a fan of that. I decided that, in addition to building a successful multi-passionate business, I ALSO wanted it to be free of overwhelm.
Overwhelm is something that so many people have just accepted as their everyday norm, but what I’ve discovered through years of research & experience is this: it REALLY doesn’t need to be that way.
The time has come for me to share my secrets with you, so that you can do the same! In fact, I’m sharing my EXACT framework for how to 10x your productivity—without the overwhelm.
It’s all in my (free) brand-new, 3 Steps to 10x Your Productivity webinar!
At this webinar, you will learn… 
- How to be a successful solopreneur and take back control of your time & energy—so you can build a business that supports your lifestyle—using my signature 9-part framework.
- The secret to finally gaining momentum around your big-picture goals—so that you can stop waiting for “someday” and start living your dreams right now!
- The easiest way to get ahead of your busy schedule, enjoy 3-day weekends every week, and get more done in fewer hours—so that you can spend more time with your kids, cuddle your pet, or go on lunch dates... WITHOUT feeling guilty about it!
- How my solopreneur clients are gaining confidence & becoming more focused than ever before—by following a simple roadmap to maximize productivity based on their personality.
- What you can do to free up 10+ hours on your calendar every single week (without hurting your productivity)—and how you can get started with it right NOW!
- PLUS, we'll do a quick & easy self-assessment together to figure out exactly which areas of productivity YOU can get the best results focusing on!
By the way… It’s not JUST about having extra time. It’s about being able to ENJOY that extra time... any way you please!
For example, here’s what I’ve been doing with my extra time…
- Kayaking on the lake in my backyard (because of the pandemic, I’m staying in the small lake town in BC where Mr Science works)
- Co-writing a weekly substack with my sister where we re-watch Xena: Warrior Princess and write our commentary of it (it’s called the GabStack, and it’s silly and delightful)
- Participating in the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenges (these are very quick turnaround from the time you get the parameters of your story, to the time that it’s due)
- Reading a TON of books (I’m averaging about 1/week for this year—thanks, online library!)
Maybe, for you, you’d love to enjoy your extra time in other ways…
- Write that book you’ve been dreaming about
- Finally launch that podcast you keep talking about
- Watch an entire season of Netflix in one week
- Take dance classes or singing lessons
- Hang out with your kids, spouse, or pets
- Get around to learning how to put together a fancy dessert recipe
- Or anything else you want to do!
At the end of the day, I KNOW you want to get back your time. And you can do it—even as a busy solopreneur.
Learn my insider secrets for how to be a successful solopreneur at our free productivity webinar!
See you on the inside!