develop your intuition training

Intuition Training That Will Strengthen Your Intuition Now

In our previous article here on the blog, you took an intuition test: 5 Questions to Assess Your Intuition today, I want to share with you the next step: Develop and strengthen your intuitive muscle! We'll explore why developing your intuition is so important in the first place... FYI, I've created a (free!) intuition training that will strengthen your intuition NOW — watch the on-demand masterclass HERE:

Activate Your Intuition: the masterclass

Get instant access to the replay so you can understand yourself at a deeper level — and stop holding yourself back from living your best life!

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    This is NOT a webinar — it is an entire MASTERCLASS. Be prepared to take notes!

    What happens when you DON'T develop your intuition:

    Every time you ignore your intuition, every time you decide NOT to listen to yourself, every time you bypass that deep inner knowing, you are missing out on living life as fully as possible. You are holding yourself back from… 

    • Expressing yourself fully, taking up SPACE in the world, and giving VOICE to what matters most to you.
    • Designing the life you WANT to live (not the life that other people tell you to live).
    • Taking ACTION on those ideas and plans you keep dreaming about: 
      • Moving across the country like you’ve always said you want to do…
      • Standing on stage and performing in front of an audience…
      • Writing and publishing the novel that lives in your head.
    • Being COURAGEOUS in the hard things (e.g. ending the relationship that no longer brings either of you fulfillment or joy).
    • Making moves for the RIGHT reasons, rather than expectation for something in return, or obligation, or “If I don’t do XYZ then no one will, so I guess it’s up to me — even though I don’t want to do it.”)

    There is personal power and freedom in listening to yourself — and you intuitively know so much more than you give yourself credit for ♥

    …But it’s not always easy to actually RECOGNIZE that intuition for what it is! It’s also not always easy to FOLLOW your intuition, even when you do recognize it.

    That’s why I recently taught a brand-new — free! — MASTERCLASS all about how to develop your intuition, recognize your intuition, and act upon your intuition!

    The replay is available for your immediate training — You’ll get high-level concepts, situational examples, thought exercises, and more to improve your relationship with yourself, pull back the curtain and reveal the hidden parts of yourself, and strengthen your intuition so you can truly live your best life:

    Activate Your Intuition: the masterclass

    Get instant access to the replay so you can understand yourself at a deeper level — and stop holding yourself back from living your best life!

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      When I’m coaching clients, a crucial part of the work that we do during our coaching sessions (and that they’re working on in between our sessions) is to help them build a better relationship with themselves, to understand themselves on a deeper level… to strengthen their intuition and connect to it fully.

      Here’s what happens when you DO develop your intuition: 

      • You recognize when something is “off” or not quite the right “fit” for you, faster and more clearly, so that you can avoid going too far down the wrong-for-you path.
      • You go after awesome opportunities when they arise (rather than letting them pass you by), because you know they’re *perfect* for you.
      • You are more honest with yourself about what you want from life, *and* you trust yourself to take the action to LIVE that life.
      • You can stay motivated, confident, and inspired, even in the face of uncertainty.
      • You raise the bar for yourself and rise up to the degree of excellence that you’ve aspired to for years.
      • Your personal fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, and joy increase drastically.

      If you’ve ever wanted to make better progress on your goals, if you feel ambitious but fears or perfectionism get in your way, if you’re tired of the negative self talk that runs on repeat inside your brain (but you’re also worried about “turning off” that voice in case you get “lazy” or complacent)...

      …then you — yes, you, my friend! — are in need of connecting more deeply with your intuition.

      You deserve to join the Activated Intuition masterclass: 

      Activate Your Intuition: the masterclass

      Get instant access to the replay so you can understand yourself at a deeper level — and stop holding yourself back from living your best life!

        We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

        intuitive mastery - powerful ways to strengthen your intuition

        What you get in this How to Activate Your Intuition masterclass...

        • 0:00 Intro to the Intuition Activated masterclass and your instructor, Personal Fulfillment Coach Sagan Morrow, plus an overview of what we’re talking about today.
          • 4:20 The concept of “activating your intuition” (and what happens when you activate your intuition).
          • 8:54 The problem many people experience (AKA why you struggle to tune into your intuition).
          • 13:08 A couple quick disclaimers!
        • 14:54 Foundations of intuition activation: Simple tool for activating intuition.
          • 17:45 Activating your intuition through internal balance.
          • 19:10 Personal identity and bringing together your Past, Present, and Future selves (includes 3-step process for reconciling all iterations of yourself in time).
        • 27:00 Activating your intuition through DECISION MAKING (plus 4 powerful thought exercises and scenario examples).
          • 29:19 How to manage the negative voice in your head (plus the value of neutrality).
          • 33:13 External validation and the influence of others in your decisions.
          • 40:06 Attuning exercise for developing intuition in decision-making.
        • 45:30 Activating your intuition through ACTION TAKING (plus 5 transformative thought exercises and scenario examples).
          • 50:05 Learning vs planning vs doing (e.g. to make progress on ANY goal).
          • 53:19 Exercises for acting upon your intuition.
        • 57:12 Activating your intuition through FULL EXPRESSION EMPOWERMENT (plus 4 transformational thought exercises and scenario examples).
          • 1:00:11 Reconnecting with your creativity.
          • 1:07:25 The balance of critique and celebration.
        • 1:09:47 Answering more questions you might have: What happens when you’re worried that your intuition is “wrong.”
          • 1:12:56 Navigating your intuition when you struggle with all-or-nothing thinking (plus a couple useful thought exercises and the "flip the switch" method of changing habits).
          • 1:20:12 The importance of energy management and rest related to activating your intuition (includes the 5 things you MUST do in order to get the most out of resting, plus a 3-step process for HOW to best do this).
          • 1:28:28 Wrap up with final thoughts to inspire and motivate you in strengthening your intuition and improving your relationship with yourself.

        That sounds great, doesn't it? 

        (Remember... You get both the high-level concepts AND thought exercises you can test out for implementing what you learn — this masterclass walks you through the deep inner mindset work alongside the tangible actions to help you improve your relationship with yourself and develop your intuitive muscle!)

        Watch the intuition training to develop and strengthen your intuition — starting NOW:

        Activate Your Intuition: the masterclass

        Get instant access to the replay so you can understand yourself at a deeper level — and stop holding yourself back from living your best life!

          We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.